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<h1 class="topictitle1">Example: Thread-specific data in Pthread programs</h1>
<div><p>This example shows a Pthread program creating thread-specific data.</p>
<div class="section"><div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> By using the code examples, you agree to the terms
of the <a href="codedisclaimer.htm">Code license and disclaimer information</a>.</div>
<div class="example"> <pre>/*
Filename: ATEST22.QCSRC
The output of this example is as follows:
Enter Testcase - LIBRARY/ATEST22
Create/start threads
Wait for the threads to complete, and release their resources
Thread 00000000 00000036: Entered
Thread 00000000 00000036: foo(), threadSpecific data=0 2
Thread 00000000 00000036: bar(), threadSpecific data=0 2
Thread 00000000 00000036: Free data
Thread 00000000 00000037: Entered
Thread 00000000 00000037: foo(), threadSpecific data=1 4
Thread 00000000 00000037: bar(), threadSpecific data=1 4
Thread 00000000 00000037: Free data
Main completed
#include &lt;pthread.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;
void foo(void); /* Functions that use the threadSpecific data */
void bar(void);
void dataDestructor(void *data);
#define checkResults(string, val) { \
if (val) { \
printf("Failed with %d at %s", val, string); \
exit(1); \
} \
typedef struct {
int threadSpecific1;
int threadSpecific2;
} threadSpecific_data_t;
#define NUMTHREADS 2
pthread_key_t threadSpecificKey;
void *theThread(void *parm)
int rc;
threadSpecific_data_t *gData;
printf("Thread %.8x %.8x: Entered\n", pthread_getthreadid_np());
gData = (threadSpecific_data_t *)parm;
rc = pthread_setspecific(threadSpecificKey, gData);
checkResults("pthread_setspecific()\n", rc);
return NULL;
void foo() {
threadSpecific_data_t *gData = pthread_getspecific(threadSpecificKey);
printf("Thread %.8x %.8x: foo(), threadSpecific data=%d %d\n",
pthread_getthreadid_np(), gData-&gt;threadSpecific1, gData-&gt;threadSpecific2);
void bar() {
threadSpecific_data_t *gData = pthread_getspecific(threadSpecificKey);
printf("Thread %.8x %.8x: bar(), threadSpecific data=%d %d\n",
pthread_getthreadid_np(), gData-&gt;threadSpecific1, gData-&gt;threadSpecific2);
void dataDestructor(void *data) {
printf("Thread %.8x %.8x: Free data\n", pthread_getthreadid_np());
pthread_setspecific(threadSpecificKey, NULL);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pthread_t thread[NUMTHREADS];
int rc=0;
int i;
threadSpecific_data_t *gData;
printf("Enter Testcase - %s\n", argv[0]);
rc = pthread_key_create(&amp;threadSpecificKey, dataDestructor);
checkResults("pthread_key_create()\n", rc);
printf("Create/start threads\n");
for (i=0; i &lt;NUMTHREADS; ++i) {
/* Create per-thread threadSpecific data and pass it to the thread */
gData = (threadSpecific_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(threadSpecific_data_t));
gData-&gt;threadSpecific1 = i;
gData-&gt;threadSpecific2 = (i+1)*2;
rc = pthread_create(&amp;thread[i], NULL, theThread, gData);
checkResults("pthread_create()\n", rc);
printf("Wait for the threads to complete, and release their resources\n");
for (i=0; i &lt;NUMTHREADS; ++i) {
rc = pthread_join(thread[i], NULL);
checkResults("pthread_join()\n", rc);
printf("Main completed\n");
return 0;
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzahwdatco.htm" title="Typical applications that are not threaded use global storage.">Thread-specific data</a></div>