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<toc label="DB2 UDB SQL call level interface" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#cli/rzadp.xml" topic="rzadpkickoff.htm">
<topic href="rzadpkickoff.htm" label="SQL call level interface">
<topic href="rzadpwhatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rzadpprintthis.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rzadpbackground.htm" label="Get started with DB2 UDB CLI">
<topic href="rzadpdifferences.htm" label="Differences between DB2 UDB CLI and embedded SQL"/>
<topic href="rzadpcliadvantages.htm" label="Advantages of using DB2 UDB CLI instead of embedded SQL"/>
<topic href="rzadpinterfacetouse.htm" label="Decide between DB2 UDB CLI, dynamic SQL, and static SQL"/>
<topic href="rzadphdovv.htm" label="Write a DB2 UDB CLI application">
<topic href="rzadphditerm.htm" label="Initialization and termination tasks in a DB2 UDB CLI application">
<topic href="rzadpexiniterm.htm" label="Example: Initialization and connection in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadphdptran.htm" label="Transaction processing task in a DB2 UDB CLI application">
<topic href="rzadpallocate.htm" label="Allocate statement handle(s) in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpprepexec.htm" label="Preparation and processing tasks in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpprocessresults.htm" label="Processing results in a DB2 UDB CLI application">
<topic href="rzadpprocsel.htm" label="Process SELECT statements in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpprocupd.htm" label="Process UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT statements in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpprocosql.htm" label="Process other SQL statements in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpfreestatementhandles.htm" label="Free statement handles in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpcommitrollback.htm" label="Commit or roll back in a DB2 UDB CLI application">
<topic href="rzadpwhentrans.htm" label="When to call SQLTransact() in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpefftrans.htm" label="Effects of calling SQLTransact() in a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadphddiag.htm" label="Diagnostics in a DB2 UDB CLI application">
<topic href="rzadpreturncodes.htm" label="Return codes from a DB2 UDB CLI application"/>
<topic href="rzadpsqlstates.htm" label="DB2 UDB CLI SQLSTATEs"/>
<topic href="rzadphddtdcn.htm" label="Data types and data conversion in DB2 UDB CLI functions">
<topic href="rzadpdatatypes.htm" label="Other C data types in DB2 UDB CLI functions"/>
<topic href="rzadpdataconversion.htm" label="Data conversion in DB2 UDB CLI functions"/>
<topic href="rzadpstringarguments.htm" label="Work with string arguments in DB2 UDB CLI functions">
<topic href="rzadpstringlength.htm" label="Length of string arguments in DB2 UDB CLI functions"/>
<topic href="rzadpstringtruncation.htm" label="String truncation in DB2 UDB CLI functions"/>
<topic href="rzadpstringinterpretation.htm" label="Interpretation of strings in DB2 UDB CLI functions"/>
<topic href="rzadphdapi.htm" label="DB2 UDB CLI functions">
<topic href="rzadpclilist.htm" label="Categories of DB2 UDB CLIs"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnacon.htm" label="SQLAllocConnect - Allocate connection handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnaenv.htm" label="SQLAllocEnv - Allocate environment handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnahdl.htm" label="SQLAllocHandle - Allocate handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnastmt.htm" label="SQLAllocStmt - Allocate a statement handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnbindc.htm" label="SQLBindCol - Bind a column to an application variable"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnbndfc.htm" label="SQLBindFileToCol - Bind LOB file reference to LOB column"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnbndfp.htm" label="SQLBindFileToParam - Bind LOB file reference to LOB parameter"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnbndpa.htm" label="SQLBindParam - Bind a buffer to a parameter marker"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnbndpm.htm" label="SQLBindParameter - Bind a parameter marker to a buffer"/>
<topic href="rzadpfncan.htm" label="SQLCancel - Cancel statement"/>
<topic href="rzadpclscur.htm" label="SQLCloseCursor - Close cursor statement"/>
<topic href="rzadpfncolat.htm" label="SQLColAttributes - Obtain column attributes"/>
<topic href="rzadpfncolnpriv.htm" label="SQLColumnPrivileges - Get privileges associated with the columns of a table"/>
<topic href="rzadpfncoln.htm" label="SQLColumns - Get column information for a table"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnconn.htm" label="SQLConnect - Connect to a data source"/>
<topic href="rzadpcpydesc.htm" label="SQLCopyDesc - Copy description statement"/>
<topic href="rzadpfndatas.htm" label="SQLDataSources - Get list of data sources"/>
<topic href="rzadpfndecol.htm" label="SQLDescribeCol - Describe column attributes"/>
<topic href="rzadpfndescprm.htm" label="SQLDescribeParam - Return description of a parameter marker"/>
<topic href="rzadpfndconn.htm" label="SQLDisconnect - Disconnect from a data source"/>
<topic href="rzadpfndvcon.htm" label="SQLDriverConnect - (Expanded) Connect to a data source"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnendtr.htm" label="SQLEndTran - Commit or roll back a transaction"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnerror.htm" label="SQLError - Retrieve error information"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnexecd.htm" label="SQLExecDirect - Execute a statement directly"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnexec.htm" label="SQLExecute - Execute a statement"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnexfet.htm" label="SQLExtendedFetch - Fetch array of rows"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnfetch.htm" label="SQLFetch - Fetch next row"/>
<topic href="rzadpfetchsc.htm" label="SQLFetchScroll - Fetch from a scrollable cursor"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnfkey.htm" label="SQLForeignKeys - Get the list of foreign key columns"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnfconn.htm" label="SQLFreeConnect - Free connection handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnfenv.htm" label="SQLFreeEnv - Free environment handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnfhdl.htm" label="SQLFreeHandle - Free a handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnfstmt.htm" label="SQLFreeStmt - Free (or reset) a statement handle"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngcol.htm" label="SQLGetCol - Retrieve one column of a row of the result set"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngcona.htm" label="SQLGetConnectAttr - Get the value of a connection attribute"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngcono.htm" label="SQLGetConnectOption - Return current setting of a connect Option"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngcurn.htm" label="SQLGetCursorName - Get cursor name"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngdata.htm" label="SQLGetData - Get data from a column"/>
<topic href="rzadpgdesfld.htm" label="SQLGetDescField - Get descriptor field"/>
<topic href="rzadpgdesrec.htm" label="SQLGetDescRec - Get descriptor record"/>
<topic href="rzadpfndfld.htm" label="SQLGetDiagField - Return diagnostic information (extensible)"/>
<topic href="rzadpfndrec.htm" label="SQLGetDiagRec - Return diagnostic information (concise)"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngenva.htm" label="SQLGetEnvAttr - Return current setting of an environment Attribute"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngfunc.htm" label="SQLGetFunctions - Get functions"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnginfo.htm" label="SQLGetInfo - Get general information"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngtlen.htm" label="SQLGetLength - Retrieve length of a string value"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngtpos.htm" label="SQLGetPosition - Return starting position of string"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngstma.htm" label="SQLGetStmtAttr - Get the value of a statement attribute"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngstmo.htm" label="SQLGetStmtOption - Return current setting of a statement option"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngtsbs.htm" label="SQLGetSubString - Retrieve portion of a string value"/>
<topic href="rzadpfngtype.htm" label="SQLGetTypeInfo - Get data type information"/>
<topic href="rzadpfncolx.htm" label="SQLLanguages - Get SQL dialect or conformance information"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnmrset.htm" label="SQLMoreResults - Determine whether there are more result sets"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnnsql.htm" label="SQLNativeSql - Get native SQL text"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnnxtres.htm" label="SQLNextResult - Process the next result set"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnnump.htm" label="SQLNumParams - Get number of parameters in an SQL statement"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnnrcol.htm" label="SQLNumResultCols - Get number of result columns"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnparad.htm" label="SQLParamData - Get next parameter for which a data value is needed"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnpopt.htm" label="SQLParamOptions - Specify an input array for a parameter"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnprep.htm" label="SQLPrepare - Prepare a statement"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnpkey.htm" label="SQLPrimaryKeys - Get primary key columns of a table"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnprcco.htm" label="SQLProcedureColumns - Get input/output parameter information for a procedure"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnprcs.htm" label="SQLProcedures - Get list of procedure names"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnpdata.htm" label="SQLPutData - Pass data value for a parameter"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnrelv.htm" label="SQLReleaseEnv - Release all environment resources"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnrowc.htm" label="SQLRowCount - Get row count"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnsconx.htm" label="SQLSetConnectAttr - Set a connection attribute"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnscono.htm" label="SQLSetConnectOption - Set connection option"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnscurn.htm" label="SQLSetCursorName - Set cursor name"/>
<topic href="rzadpsetdesc.htm" label="SQLSetDescField - Set a descriptor field"/>
<topic href="rzadpsetrec.htm" label="SQLSetDescRec - Set a descriptor record"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnsenva.htm" label="SQLSetEnvAttr - Set environment attribute"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnspara.htm" label="SQLSetParam - Set parameter"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnsstma.htm" label="SQLSetStmtAttr - Set a statement attribute"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnsstmo.htm" label="SQLSetStmtOption - Set statement option"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnspcol.htm" label="SQLSpecialColumns - Get special (row identifier) columns"/>
<topic href="rzadpfnstats.htm" label="SQLStatistics - Get index and statistics information for a base table"/>
<topic href="rzadpfntablpriv.htm" label="SQLTablePrivileges – Get privileges associated with a table"/>
<topic href="rzadpfntabls.htm" label="SQLTables - Get table information"/>
<topic href="rzadpfntrans.htm" label="SQLTransact - Commit or roll back transaction"/>
<topic href="rzadphdhed.htm" label="DB2 UDB CLI include file"/>
<topic href="rzadpsqlapd.htm" label="Run DB2 UDB CLI in server mode">
<topic href="rzadpstartingservermode.htm" label="Start DB2 UDB CLI in SQL server mode"/>
<topic href="rzadprestrictions.htm" label="Restrictions for running DB2 UDB CLI in server mode"/>
<topic href="rzadphdxmp.htm" label="Examples: DB2 UDB CLI applications">
<topic href="rzadpexembeddedsql.htm" label="Example: Embedded SQL and the equivalent DB2 UDB CLI function calls"/>
<topic href="rzadpexusing.htm" label="Example: Use the CLI XA transaction connection attributes"/>
<topic href="rzadpxminter.htm" label="Example: Interactive SQL and the equivalent DB2 UDB CLI function calls"/>