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<title>Change CICS FCT Entry (CHGCICSFCT)</title>
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<a name="CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page"></a>
<h2>Change CICS FCT Entry (CHGCICSFCT)</h2>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="left"><b>Where allowed to run: </b>
<ul><li>Batch job (*BATCH)</li>
<li>Interactive job (*INTERACT)</li>
<li>Batch program (*BPGM)</li>
<li>Interactive program (*IPGM)</li>
<li>Batch REXX procedure (*BREXX)</li>
<li>Interactive REXX procedure (*IREXX)</li>
</ul><b>Threadsafe: </b>No
<td valign="top" align="right">
<a href="#CHGCICSFCT.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a><br>
<a href="#CHGCICSFCT.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a><br>
<a href="#CHGCICSFCT.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a></td>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT"></a>
<p>Use the Change CICS File Control Table (CHGCICSFCT) command to change an entry in the FCT.
<p>The File Control Table (FCT) defines all the files, both local and remote, that are used either by CICS or by application programs. All files must conform to one of the VSAM file types:
<li>Key-sequence data set, that is each record is accessed by predefined keys
<li>Entry-sequence data set, that is reach record is accessed by its relative byte address
<li>Relative-record data set, that is each record is accessed by its record number.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<hr size="2" width="100%">
<h3><a name="CHGCICSFCT.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a></h3>
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<!-- col1="10" col2="15" col3="30" col4="10" -->
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Keyword</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Description</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Choices</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Notes</th>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.LIB"><b>LIB</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Library</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Communications name</i>, *LIBL, *CURLIB</td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 1</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.GROUP"><b>GROUP</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Group</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Communications name</i></td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 2</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.FILEID"><b>FILEID</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">CICS file</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Communications name</i></td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 3</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.SYSID"><b>SYSID</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Remote CICS system</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Communications name</i>, <b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NONE</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 4</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.RMTFILE"><b>RMTFILE</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Remote CICS file</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Communications name</i>, <b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *FILEID</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 5</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.RMTKEYLEN"><b>RMTKEYLEN</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Remote maximum key length</td>
<td valign="top">0-32767, <b><u>*SAME</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 6</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.RMTLENGTH"><b>RMTLENGTH</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Remote maximum record length</td>
<td valign="top">1-32767, <b><u>*SAME</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 7</td>
<td valign="top" rowspan="3"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.FILE"><b>FILE</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">File</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Qualified object name</i></td>
<td valign="top" rowspan="3">Optional, Positional 8</td>
<td valign="top">Qualifier 1: File</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, <b><u>*SAME</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Qualifier 2: Library</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, <b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *LIBL, *CURLIB</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.MBR"><b>MBR</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Member</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, <b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *FIRST</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 9</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.RCDFMT"><b>RCDFMT</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Record format</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *FIXED, *VARIABLE</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 10</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.FILESTS"><b>FILESTS</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Status</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *ENABLED, *DISABLED, *CLOSED</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 11</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.ACCMTH"><b>ACCMTH</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Access method</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *KEY, *ENTRY, *REL</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 12</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.RECOVER"><b>RECOVER</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Recoverable</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *YES, *NO</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 13</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.CLRFILE"><b>CLRFILE</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Clear file</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NO, *YES</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 14</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.ACCPTH"><b>ACCPTH</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Access path</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *FILE, *ARRIVAL</td>
<td valign="top">Optional, Positional 15</td>
<td valign="top" rowspan="6"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.RCDACT"><b>RCDACT</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">File processing</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Element list</i></td>
<td valign="top" rowspan="6">Optional, Positional 16</td>
<td valign="top">Element 1: Add allowed</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NOADD, *ADD</td>
<td valign="top">Element 2: Browse allowed</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NOBROWSE, *BROWSE</td>
<td valign="top">Element 3: Delete allowed</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NODLT, *DLT</td>
<td valign="top">Element 4: Read allowed</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NOREAD, *READ</td>
<td valign="top">Element 5: Update allowed</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NOUPD, *UPD</td>
<td valign="top" rowspan="6"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.JRNCTL"><b>JRNCTL</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Journal processing</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Element list</i></td>
<td valign="top" rowspan="6">Optional, Positional 17</td>
<td valign="top">Element 1: Number</td>
<td valign="top">
0-99, <b><u>*SAME</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Element 2: READ ONLY operations</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NOREADONLY, *READONLY</td>
<td valign="top">Element 3: READ UPDATE operations</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *NOREADUPD, *READUPD</td>
<td valign="top">Element 4: WRITE NEW operations</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *WRTNEW, *NOWRTNEW</td>
<td valign="top">Element 5: WRITE UPDATE operations</td>
<td valign="top">
<b><u>*SAME</u></b>, *WRTUPD, *NOWRTUPD</td>
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.LIB"></a>
<h3>Library (LIB)</h3>
<p>Enter the name of the OS/400 library that contains the group. Possible values are:
<li><b>*LIBL:</b> The library list is used to locate the first OS/400 library that contains the group.
<li><b>*CURLIB:</b> The current library contains the group. If no current library is specified, the QGPL library is used.
<li><b>library-name:</b> The name of the OS/400 library that contains the group.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.GROUP"></a>
<h3>Group (GROUP)</h3>
<p>Enter the name of the group containing the FCT entry to be changed.
<li><b>group-name:</b> The group name may have a maximum length of 10 characters. The first character must be alphabetic, or one of the special characters, $, @, or #. The remaining characters can be alphanumeric or one of the special characters, $, @, or #.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.FILEID"></a>
<h3>CICS file (FILEID)</h3>
<p>Enter the name by which this file is known. This is the name that will be used in EXEC CICS file control commands. This name is also used to identify this FCT entry.
<li><b>file-identifier:</b> The file identifier may have a maximum length of 8 characters. The first character must be alphabetic, or one of the special characters, $, @, or #. The remaining characters can be alphanumeric or one of the special characters, $, @, or #.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.SYSID"></a>
<h3>Remote CICS system (SYSID)</h3>
<p>Enter the identifier of the system where the file is located. The system identifier must have a local terminal control system table entry. If this field contains the identifier of the local system, this entry will be treated as if *NONE had been entered.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the system id currently specified in the FCT entry.
<li>*NONE: The file is held on the local system.
<li><b>system-identifier:</b> The system identifier may have a maximum length of 4 characters. The first character must be alphabetic, or one of the special characters, $, @, or #. The remaining characters can be alphanumeric or one of the special characters, $, @, or #.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.RMTFILE"></a>
<h3>Remote CICS file (RMTFILE)</h3>
<p>Enter the identifier by which the file is known on the remote system. This field is not valid for local files, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*FILEID: The name entered in the file identifier field will be used as the remote file name.
<li><b>remote-file:</b> A file identifier up to 8 characters in length. The first character must be alphabetic, or one of the special characters, $, @, or #. The remaining characters can be alphanumeric or one of the special characters, $, @, or #.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.RMTKEYLEN"></a>
<h3>Remote maximum key length (RMTKEYLEN)</h3>
<p>Enter the length in bytes of the key field for the file. This field is valid for key-sequenced data sets only. The value must be the same as that specified in the FCT entry in the remote system.
<p>This field is not valid for local files, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep to value currently specified in the FCT entry.
<li><b>remote-key-length:</b> A number in the range 0 through 32767. Zero (0) should be specified for entry-sequenced and relative-record data sets.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.RMTLENGTH"></a>
<h3>Remote maximum record length (RMTLENGTH)</h3>
<p>Enter the length in bytes of the maximum record size for the file. The value specified must correspond to the size of the record associated with the file in the remote system. This field is not valid for local files, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li><b>remote-record-length</b> A number in the range 1 through 32767.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.FILE"></a>
<h3>File (FILE)</h3>
<p>Enter the library and file name of the file that will be utilized by this file identifier. This field is valid only for a local file, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<li>Specify one of the following library values:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*LIBL: The library list for the job that is associated to the CICS control region is used to locate the file.
<li>*CURLIB: The current library for the job that is associated to the CICS control region is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library, the QGPL library is used.
<li><b>library-name:</b> Specify the name of the library where the file is located.
<li>Specify one of the following name values:
<li>*SAME: Keep the name currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li><b>file-name:</b> Specify the name of the file.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.MBR"></a>
<h3>Member (MBR)</h3>
<p>Enter the name of the member in the file that will be utilized by this file identifier. This field is valid only for a local file, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*FIRST: No file member is specified. The first member in the file is used.
<li><b>member-name:</b> Specify the name of the file member.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.RCDFMT"></a>
<h3>Record format (RCDFMT)</h3>
<p>Indicates whether the record format of the file is fixed length or variable length. This field is valid only for local files, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li><b>*FIXED:</b> All records in the file have the same length.
<li><b>*VARIABLE:</b> The records in the file are of variable lengths.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.FILESTS"></a>
<h3>Status (FILESTS)</h3>
<p>Indicates whether or not the file identifier can be used. This field is valid only for a local file, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*ENABLED: The file can be used.
<li>*DISABLED: The file cannot be used until it has been enabled.
<li>*CLOSED: The file cannot be used until it has been opened.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.ACCMTH"></a>
<h3>Access method (ACCMTH)</h3>
<p>Enter the method that is to be used to access the file. This field is valid only for local files, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*KEY: The records in the file will be accessed by key. The file must be a KSDS.
<li>*ENTRY: The records in the file will be accessed by entry-sequence number. The file must be an ESDS.
<li>*REL: The records in the file will be accessed by relative-record number. The file must be an RRDS.
<b>Note: </b>This field is ignored if you enter *ARRIVAL in the access path field.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.RECOVER"></a>
<h3>Recoverable (RECOVER)</h3>
<p>Indicates whether or not the file associated with the CICS file identifier is recoverable or not recoverable. This parameter is valid only for a local file, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*YES: The file is recoverable.
<li>*NO: The file is not recoverable.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.CLRFILE"></a>
<h3>Clear file (CLRFILE)</h3>
<p>Indicates whether or not the file is to be cleared when this file identifier is first opened. This field is valid only for a local file, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NO: Do not clear the file when opened.
<li>*YES: Clear the file when opened.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.ACCPTH"></a>
<h3>Access path (ACCPTH)</h3>
<p>Indicates whether the file associated with the file identifier should be processed in arrival sequence (sequential) or in accordance with the value in the access method field (that is by key, entry-sequence number, or relative-record number). This field is valid only for a local file, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<b>Note: </b>ACCPTH(*ARRIVAL) is not valid when ACCMTH(*KEY) is specified.
<p>Possible values are:
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*FILE: The file will be processed in accordance with the value in the access method field.
<li>*ARRIVAL: The file will be processed in the arrival sequence (sequentially), regardless of the value in the access method field.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.RCDACT"></a>
<h3>File processing (RCDACT)</h3>
<p>Indicates whether or not records in the file can be added, browsed, deleted, read or updated. This field is valid only for local files, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>There are 5 elements to this field. Possible values are:
<li><b>Element 1: Add allowed</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not records can be added to the file.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NOADD: Records cannot be added.
<li>*ADD: Records can be added.
<li><b>Element 2: Browse allowed</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not records can be browsed in the file.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NOBROWSE: Records cannot be browsed.
<li>*BROWSE: Records can be browsed.
<li><b>Element 3: Delete allowed</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not records can be deleted in the file.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NODLT: Records cannot be deleted.
<li>*DLT: Records can be deleted.
<li><b>Element 4: Read allowed</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not records can be read in the file.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NOREAD: Records cannot be read. (This is the default, unless either the browse or update ability is specified.)
<li>*READ: Records can be read.
<li><b>Element 5: Update allowed</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not records can be updated in the file.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li><b>*NOUPD:</b> Records cannot be updated.
<li><b>*UPD:</b> Records can be updated.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGCICSFCT.JRNCTL"></a>
<h3>Journal processing (JRNCTL)</h3>
<p>Specifies the number of the journal file to be used with this file and which READ and WRITE operations are to be journaled. This field is valid only for a local file, that is when the system identifier field contains *NONE.
<p>Possible values are:
<li><b>Element 1: Journal number</b>
<p>The journal number to be used for recording READ and WRITE activity on this file. The journal number must be associated with a file through a journal control table entry.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li><b>journal:</b> A journal number in the range 1 through 99. If the value specified is a 0, then no journaling is to occur for this file identifier.
<li><b>Element 2: READ ONLY operations</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not READ ONLY operations will be journaled.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NOREADONLY: READ ONLY operations will not be journaled.
<li><b>*READONLY:</b> READ ONLY operations will be journaled.
<li><b>Element 3: READ UPDATE operations</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not READ UPDATE operations will be journaled.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NOREADUPD: READ UPDATE operations will not be journaled.
<li>*READUPD: READ UPDATE operations will be journaled.
<li><b>Element 4: WRITE NEW operations</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not WRITE NEW operations will be journaled.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NOWRTNEW: WRITE NEW operations will not be journaled.
<li>*WRTNEW: WRITE NEW operations will be journaled.
<li><b>Element 5: WRITE UPDATE operations</b>
<p>Indicates whether or not WRITE UPDATE operations will be journaled.
<li>*SAME: Keep the value currently specified in this FCT entry.
<li>*NOWRTUPD: WRITE UPDATE operations will not be journaled.
<li>*WRTUPD: WRITE UPDATE operations will be journaled.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<hr size="2" width="100%">
<h3><a name="CHGCICSFCT.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a></h3>None
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<hr size="2" width="100%">
<h3><a name="CHGCICSFCT.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a></h3>Unknown
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGCICSFCT.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>