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2024-04-02 16:02:31 +02:00
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<toc label="Time Management" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzati/rzati.xml" topic="rzatikickoff.htm">
<topic href="rzatikickoff.htm" label="Time management">
<topic href="rzatiwhatnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rzatiprintthis.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rzaticoncepts.htm" label="Concepts">
<topic href="rzatitime.htm" label="Time"/>
<topic href="rzatiutc.htm" label="Coordinated universal time"/>
<topic href="rzatitimemainapp.htm" label="Time maintenance application"/>
<topic href="rzatitimeadj.htm" label="Time adjustment"/>
<topic href="rzatitimezone.htm" label="Time zone">
<topic href="rzatidefaulttimezone.htm" label="Initial time zone setting"/>
<topic href="rzatidst.htm" label="Daylight saving time"/>
<topic href="rzatiscenarios.htm" label="Scenarios">
<topic href="rzaticreatetzmessage.htm" label="Scenario: Create a time zone using a message file for abbreviated and full names">
<topic href="step1createamessagefile.htm" label="Create a message file"/>
<topic href="rzaticreatetz.htm" label="Create a new time zone that specifies the message file to use"/>
<topic href="rzatidelaydst.htm" label="Scenario: Change DST start or end due to time-sensitive programs">
<topic href="delaydstcurrenttimezone.htm" label="Method 1: Delay DST for the current time zone"/>
<topic href="option2createnewtimezone.htm" label="Method 2: Create a new time zone with the proper DST values"/>
<topic href="rzati3minuteadj.htm" label="Scenario: Adjust the system time 3 minutes"/>
<topic href="rzatisettinguptm.htm" label="Set up time management">
<topic href="rzatiexaminesystems.htm" label="Examine your network of systems"/>
<topic href="rzatisetuptimezone.htm" label="Set the time zone (QTIMZON) system value">
<topic href="rzaticreatetzprop.htm" label="Set the time zone before upgrading"/>
<topic href="rzatisettzduringipl.htm" label="Set the time zone during an attended IPL"/>
<topic href="rzatisettzafteripl.htm" label="Set the time zone after an IPL"/>
<topic href="rzatisetuptimemain.htm" label="Set up time maintenance">
<topic href="rzaticonfiguretimemain.htm" label="Time maintenance application programming tips"/>
<topic href="rzaticonfiguresntp.htm" label="Configure your server to use SNTP as the time maintenance application"/>
<topic href="rzatimanage.htm" label="Manage system time">
<topic href="rzatiadjustsystime.htm" label="Update system time">
<topic href="rzatiustimeadjustfunc.htm" label="Use the time adjustment function"/>
<topic href="rzatimanchgtimedaysysval.htm" label="Manually change the time of day system value"/>
<topic href="rzatitrackjobtime.htm" label="View a job's time"/>
<topic href="rzatidetailstimesysval.htm" label="Verify the system values related to time"/>
<topic href="rzatimanagetz.htm" label="Manage time zones">
<topic href="rzaticreatetimezone.htm" label="Create a time zone"/>
<topic href="rzatiedittimezone.htm" label="Edit a time zone"/>
<topic href="rzatideletetimezone.htm" label="Delete a time zone"/>
<topic href="rzatidetailstimezone.htm" label="Verify the time zone properties"/>
<topic href="rzatidetailsnames.htm" label="Verify the time zone message properties"/>
<topic href="rzatitroubleshooting.htm" label="Troubleshooting">
<topic href="rzatisetoffset.htm" label="Offset from UTC was incorrectly set during the installation of the i5/OS operating system"/>
<topic href="rzatiwrongtime.htm" label="System time is incorrect and jobs are not running with the proper time"/>
<topic href="rzatitimeoff.htm" label="System time is off more than 2 hours"/>
<topic href="rzatidst2hours.htm" label="System time adjusted 2 hours for DST rather than 1 hour"/>
<topic href="rzatistoptimeadj.htm" label="Time adjustment is incorrect"/>
<topic href="rzaticannotedit.htm" label="I cannot edit my time zone"/>
<topic href="rzatinonames.htm" label="My time zone is not displaying the Standard Time and DST names correctly"/>
<topic href="rzatistoptimemain.htm" label="I want to stop Simple Network Time Protocol">
<topic href="rzatimethod1.htm" label="Method 1: Stop the current SNTP session"/>
<topic href="rzatimethod2.htm" label="Method 2: Stop SNTP"/>
<topic href="rzatiadditional.htm" label="Additional recovery steps"/>