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2024-04-02 16:02:31 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<toc label="Network scenarios" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzamu/rzamu.xml" topic="rzamudynamic2.htm">
<topic href="rzamudynamic2.htm" label="Network scenarios">
<topic href="rzamuprint.htm" label="Printable PDFs"/>
<topic href="rzamunetplan.htm" label="Network planning work sheet"/>
<topic href="rzamulan.htm" label="Scenario: Set up iSeries to communicate with LAN">
<topic href="rzamurvplanning.htm" label="Review planning work sheet"/>
<topic href="rzamuinstalltcpip.htm" label="Install the TCP/IP Connectivity and Utilities licensed program"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfiguretcpip.htm" label="Configure TCP/IP"/>
<topic href="rzamutesttcpip.htm" label="Test TCP/IP"/>
<topic href="rzamuinstalliseriesaccess.htm" label="Install and configure iSeries Access for Windows on your workstation"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfigprinters.htm" label="Configure printers on the LAN"/>
<topic href="rzamutestconnections.htm" label="Test network connections"/>
<topic href="rzamusecplanrecs.htm" label="Secure your iSeries server"/>
<topic href="rzamusecrecommendations.htm" label="Implement system security recommendations"/>
<topic href="rzamutcpipservices.htm" label="Explore TCP/IP services, applications, and protocols"/>
<topic href="rzamuconremote.htm" label="Scenario: Enable remote connections">
<topic href="rzamudcmsteps.htm" label="Set up Certificate Authority with Digital Certificate Manager">
<topic href="rzamuplanningws.htm" label="Complete planning work sheets for Digital Certificate Manager"/>
<topic href="rzamustartibmhttpserver.htm" label="Start IBM HTTP Server for iSeries on iSeries A"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfigiseries.htm" label="Configure iSeries A as a Certificate Authority"/>
<topic href="rzamucreateserver.htm" label="Create server certificate for iSeries B"/>
<topic href="rzamurename.htm" label="Rename .KDB and .RDB files on iSeries B"/>
<topic href="rzamuchangecertificate.htm" label="Change Certificate Store password on iSeries B"/>
<topic href="rzamudefinecatrust.htm" label="Define CA trust for i5/OS VPN Key Manager on iSeries B"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfigurevpn.htm" label="Configure VPN connection between the branch sales office and the corporate office">
<topic href="rzamucompleteplanning.htm" label="Complete planning work sheets for VPN connection from the branch office to remote sales employees"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfigurevpnsa.htm" label="Configure VPN on iSeries A"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfigurevpnsb.htm" label="Configure VPN on iSeries B"/>
<topic href="rzamuactivatefilter.htm" label="Activate filter rules on both servers"/>
<topic href="rzamustartthevpn.htm" label="Start the VPN connection"/>
<topic href="rzamutestvpn.htm" label="Test VPN connection between endpoints"/>
<topic href="rzamumobilesteps.htm" label="Configure VPN connection to remote users">
<topic href="rzamucomplete.htm" label="Complete planning work sheets for VPN connection from the branch office to remote sales people"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfigurel2tp.htm" label="Configure L2TP terminator profile for iSeries A"/>
<topic href="rzamustartreceiver.htm" label="Start receiver connection profile"/>
<topic href="rzamuconfigureclients.htm" label="Configure a VPN connection on iSeries A for remote clients"/>
<topic href="rzamuupdatevpn.htm" label="Update VPN policies for remote connections from Windows XP clients"/>
<topic href="rzamuactivatefilterrules.htm" label="Activate filter rules"/>
<topic href="rzamuclassspecial.htm" label="Configure VPN on Windows XP client"/>
<topic href="rzamutestendpoints.htm" label="Test VPN connection between endpoints"/>
<topic href="rzamuscensingle.htm" label="Scenario: Create a virtual Ethernet for interpartition communications">
<topic href="rzamuenablepartitions.htm" label="Enable the logical partitions to participate in a virtual Ethernet"/>
<topic href="rzamucreateethernet.htm" label="Create the Ethernet line descriptions"/>
<topic href="rzamuonipdatagram.htm" label="Turn on IP datagram forwarding"/>
<topic href="rzamuinterfacearp.htm" label="Create the interface to enable proxy ARP"/>
<topic href="rzamuvirtualethernet.htm" label="Create the virtual Ethernet interface on partition A"/>
<topic href="rzamuvitualethernetpb.htm" label="Create the virtual Ethernet interface on partition B"/>
<topic href="rzamuvirtualethernetpc.htm" label="Create the virtual Ethernet interface on partition C"/>
<topic href="rzamuethernetpartitionpd.htm" label="Create the virtual Ethernet interface on partition D"/>
<topic href="rzamucreatetheroutes.htm" label="Create the routes"/>
<topic href="rzamuverifynetwork.htm" label="Verify network communications"/>
<topic href="rzaiysharedmodem.htm" label="Scenario: Share a modem between logical partitions using L2TP">
<topic href="rzaiyscenariodetails.htm" label="Scenario details: Share a modem between logical partitions using L2TP">
<topic href="rzaiyscenariodetailsterminator.htm" label="Step 1: Configure L2TP terminator profile for any interface on the partition, which owns the modems"/>
<topic href="rzaiyscenariodetailsremote.htm" label="Step 2: Configure a L2TP originator profile on"/>
<topic href="rzaiyscenariodetailsremote2.htm" label="Step 3: Configure a L2TP remote dial profile for"/>
<topic href="rzaiyscenariodetails4.htm" label="Step 4: Test connection"/>