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2024-04-02 16:02:31 +02:00
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<toc label="DDS for physical and logical files" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzakb/rzakbmst.xml" topic="kickoff.htm">
<topic href="kickoff.htm" label="DDS for physical and logical files">
<topic href="whatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rzakbprint.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="phlogf1.htm" label="Define physical and logical files using DDS">
<topic href="dphydds.htm" label="Define a physical file using DDS"/>
<topic href="ldef.htm" label="Define a logical file using DDS">
<topic href="simpmult.htm" label="Simple and multiple format logical files in DDS"/>
<topic href="joins.htm" label="Join logical files in DDS"/>
<topic href="specrecs.htm" label="Specify record formats in a logical file in DDS"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlfpos.htm" label="Positional entries for physical and logical files (positions 1 through 44)">
<topic href="lfseq.htm" label="Sequence number for physical and logical files (positions 1 through 5)"/>
<topic href="lfform.htm" label="Form type for physical and logical files (position 6)"/>
<topic href="lfcmmt.htm" label="Comment for physical and logical files (position 7)"/>
<topic href="lfcond.htm" label="Conditioning for physical and logical files (positions 8 through 16)"/>
<topic href="lftype.htm" label="Type of name or specification for physical and logical files (position 17)"/>
<topic href="lftrsrvd.htm" label="Reserved for physical and logical files (position 18)"/>
<topic href="lfname.htm" label="Name for physical and logical files (positions 19 through 28)">
<topic href="recordformat.htm" label="Record format"/>
<topic href="fieldname.htm" label="Field name"/>
<topic href="lkeynm.htm" label="Key field name">
<topic href="accpathkwds.htm" label="DDS access path keywords"/>
<topic href="logmultrecfmts.htm" label="DDS logical files with more than one record format"/>
<topic href="nonekeyfield.htm" label="Use *NONE in the key field when creating a DDS file"/>
<topic href="logfileviewex.htm" label="Specify the key field (example 1)"/>
<topic href="logfileviewex2.htm" label="Specify the key field (example 2)"/>
<topic href="logfileviewex3.htm" label="Specify the key field (example 3)"/>
<topic href="logfileviewex4.htm" label="Specify the key field (example 4)"/>
<topic href="selectomit.htm" label="Select or omit field name"/>
<topic href="pfrefer.htm" label="Reference for physical and logical files (position 29)"/>
<topic href="lleng.htm" label="Length for physical and logical files (positions 30 through 34)"/>
<topic href="ldata.htm" label="Data type for physical and logical files (position 35)">
<topic href="convdatatype.htm" label="Conversion of one numeric data type to another in a DDS file"/>
<topic href="convzdec.htm" label="Conversion between zoned decimal and character or hexadecimal in a DDS file"/>
<topic href="convfltpt.htm" label="Conversion of a field from floating point to packed decimal, zoned decimal, or binary in DDS"/>
<topic href="convdatatypesconcat.htm" label="Conversion of data types when concatenating fields in DDS"/>
<topic href="convdatatypessubstring.htm" label="Conversion of data types when substringing fields in DDS"/>
<topic href="ldec.htm" label="Decimal positions for physical and logical files (positions 36 and 37)"/>
<topic href="lfusg.htm" label="Usage for physical and logical files (position 38)"/>
<topic href="lfloc.htm" label="Location for physical and logical files (positions 39 through 44)"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlfkeyw.htm" label="Keyword entries for physical and logical files (positions 45 through 80)">
<topic href="rzakbmsttdabsva.htm" label="ABSVAL (Absolute Value) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdalias.htm" label="ALIAS (Alternative Name) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlall.htm" label="ALL (All) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdaltse.htm" label="ALTSEQ (Alternative Collating Sequence) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdalwnu.htm" label="ALWNULL (Allow Null Value) keyword—physical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdccsid.htm" label="CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdcheck.htm" label="CHECK (Check) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdchkms.htm" label="CHKMSGID (Check Message Identifier) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdcmp.htm" label="CMP (Comparison) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdcolhd.htm" label="COLHDG (Column Heading) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlcomp.htm" label="COMP (Comparison) keyword for physical and logical files">
<topic href="rzakbmstcompfield.htm" label="Specify COMP at the field level"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstcompselom.htm" label="Specify COMP at the select- or omit-field level"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlconcat.htm" label="CONCAT (Concatenate) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttddatfm.htm" label="DATFMT (Date Format) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttddatse.htm" label="DATSEP (Date Separator) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttddexce.htm" label="DESCEND (Descend) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstpdft.htm" label="DFT (Default) keyword—physical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttddigit.htm" label="DIGIT (Digit) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstdtdynsl.htm" label="DYNSLT (Dynamic Select) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdedtcd.htm" label="EDTCDE (Edit Code) and EDTWRD (Edit Word) keywords for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdfcfo.htm" label="FCFO (First-Changed First-Out) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdfifo.htm" label="FIFO (First-In First-Out) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdfltpc.htm" label="FLTPCN (Floating-Point Precision) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlformat.htm" label="FORMAT (Format) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdjdftv.htm" label="JDFTVAL (Join Default Values) keyword—join logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdjdups.htm" label="JDUPSEQ (Join Duplicate Sequence) keyword—join logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstljfile.htm" label="JFILE (Joined Files) keyword—join logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdjfld.htm" label="JFLD (Joined Fields) keyword—join logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlgjoin.htm" label="JOIN (Join) keyword—join logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdjref.htm" label="JREF (Join Reference) keyword—join logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdlifo.htm" label="LIFO (Last-In First-Out) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdnoalt.htm" label="NOALTSEQ (No Alternative Collating Sequence) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstlpfile.htm" label="PFILE (Physical File) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdrange.htm" label="RANGE (Range) keyword for physical and logical files">
<topic href="rzakbmstrangefield.htm" label="Specify RANGE at the field level"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstrangeselom.htm" label="Specify RANGE at the select or omit-field level"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstpref.htm" label="REF (Reference) keyword—physical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdrefac.htm" label="REFACCPTH (Reference Access Path Definition) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstpreffld.htm" label="REFFLD (Referenced Field) keyword—physical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdrefsh.htm" label="REFSHIFT (Reference Shift) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdrenam.htm" label="RENAME (Rename) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstsign.htm" label="SIGNED (Signed) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdsst.htm" label="SST (Substring) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdtext.htm" label="TEXT (Text) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdtimfm.htm" label="TIMFMT (Time Format) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdtimse.htm" label="TIMSEP (Time Separator) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdtrntb.htm" label="TRNTBL (Translation Table) keyword—logical files only"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttduniqu.htm" label="UNIQUE (Unique) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdunsig.htm" label="UNSIGNED (Unsigned) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdvalue.htm" label="VALUES (Values) keyword for physical and logical files">
<topic href="rzakbmstvaluefield.htm" label="Specify VALUES at the field level"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstvaluesselom.htm" label="Specify VALUES at the select or omit-field level"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdvarle.htm" label="VARLEN (Variable-Length Field) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="rzakbmsttdzone.htm" label="ZONE (Zone) keyword for physical and logical files"/>
<topic href="ucs2ap.htm" label="Unicode considerations for database files">
<topic href="ucs2length.htm" label="Length (positions 30 through 34)"/>
<topic href="ucs2dtype.htm" label="Data type (position 35)"/>
<topic href="ucs2dec.htm" label="Decimal positions (positions 36 and 37)"/>
<topic href="ucs2kwd.htm" label="Keyword considerations (positions 45 through 80)"/>
<topic href="rzakbmstzdbcs.htm" label="DBCS considerations for database files">
<topic href="dbpos.htm" label="Positional entry considerations for database files that use DBCS">
<topic href="dbclen.htm" label="Length (positions 30 through 34)"/>
<topic href="dbcdtype.htm" label="Data type (position 35)"/>
<topic href="dbcdec.htm" label="Decimal (positions 36 and 37)"/>
<topic href="dbkwd.htm" label="Keyword considerations for database files that use DBCS">
<topic href="dbcconcat.htm" label="CONCAT (Concatenate) keyword"/>
<topic href="daddcon.htm" label="Additional considerations for describing database files that contain DBCS data"/>