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<toc label="iSeries Access for Windows Operations Console" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzajr/rzajr1.xml" topic="rzajropconoverview.htm">
<topic href="rzajropconoverview.htm" label="Operations Console">
<topic href="rzajrwhatnew.htm" label="What's new"/>
<topic href="rzajrprint.htm" label="Printable PDFs"/>
<topic href="rzajrplanning.htm" label="Plan for Operations Console">
<topic href="rzajrplanconfig.htm" label="Plan for your configuration">
<topic href="rzajrconsoleplanningconsiderations.htm" label="Console planning considerations"/>
<topic href="rzajrbackupconsole.htm" label="Plan for your backup console"/>
<topic href="rzajrscenarios.htm" label="Scenarios: Select your configuration">
<topic href="rzajrscenarioone.htm" label="Scenario: A single console directly attached to the server without remote support"/>
<topic href="rzajrscenariotwo.htm" label="Scenario: A single console directly attached to the server with remote support"/>
<topic href="rzajrscenariothree.htm" label="Scenario: Consoles for multiple servers or partitions"/>
<topic href="rzajrminnetwork.htm" label="Prepare for your network environment"/>
<topic href="rzajrsecurity.htm" label="Secure your Operations Console configuration"/>
<topic href="rzajropsnav.htm" label="Prepare for your Operations Console and iSeries Navigator configuration"/>
<topic href="rzajrverifyrequirements.htm" label="Verify Operations Console requirements">
<topic href="rzajrhardwarereq.htm" label="Meet Operations Console hardware requirements"/>
<topic href="rzajrsoftwarereq.htm" label="Meet Operations Console software requirements"/>
<topic href="rzajrcables.htm" label="Meet Operations Console cable requirements"/>
<topic href="rzajrverifycommport.htm" label="Verify available communications port"/>
<topic href="rzajrplanupgrade.htm" label="Plan for your Operations Console install or upgrade"/>
<topic href="rzajrcontrolpanel.htm" label="Plan for your control panel">
<topic href="rzajrremotecontrolpanel.htm" label="Remote control panel (RCP)"/>
<topic href="rzajrvirtualcontrolpanel.htm" label="Virtual control panel (VCP)">
<topic href="rzajrlimitationsvcp.htm" label="Limitations of the virtual control panel (VCP)"/>
<topic href="rzajrinstallvcp.htm" label="Installing the virtual control panel"/>
<topic href="rzajrsetup.htm" label="Prepare the PC for Operations Console">
<topic href="rzajrcompletesetup.htm" label="Complete the setup prerequisite checklist">
<topic href="rzajrlcdirectlyattachedsu.htm" label="Set up a local console directly attached to the server">
<topic href="rzajrck2000lcda.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows 2000: Local console directly attached to the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrckxpcda.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows XP: Local console directly attached to the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrlcremoteaccesssu.htm" label="Set up a local console directly attached to the server with remote access allowed">
<topic href="rzajrck2000lcdara.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows 2000: Local console directly attached to the server with remote access allowed"/>
<topic href="rzajrckxplcdara.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows XP: Local console directly attached to the server with remote access allowed"/>
<topic href="rzajrlcnetworksu.htm" label="Set up a local console on a network">
<topic href="rzajrck2000lcn.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows 2000: Local console on a network"/>
<topic href="rzajrckxplcn.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows XP: Local console on a network"/>
<topic href="rzajrrcdialupsu.htm" label="Set up a remote console through dial-up support">
<topic href="rzajrck2000rcdu.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows 2000: Remote console through dial-up support"/>
<topic href="rzajrckxprcdu.htm" label="Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows XP: Remote console through dial-up support"/>
<topic href="rzajrprereqtasks.htm" label="Complete required prerequisite tasks">
<topic href="rzajrinstallca.htm" label="Install iSeries Access for Windows">
<topic href="rzajrapplyservicepacks.htm" label="Apply iSeries Access for Windows service packs"/>
<topic href="rzajrconmodem.htm" label="Install Operations Console Connection Modem">
<topic href="rzajrconmodem2000.htm" label="Install Operations Console Connection Modem for Windows 2000"/>
<topic href="rzajrconmodemxp.htm" label="Install Operations Console Connection Modem for Windows XP"/>
<topic href="rzajrpcmodem.htm" label="Install PC modem">
<topic href="rzajrpcmodem2000.htm" label="Install PC modem for Windows 2000"/>
<topic href="rzajrpcmodemxp.htm" label="Install PC modem for Windows XP"/>
<topic href="rzajrgrantingremote.htm" label="Grant remote access">
<topic href="rzajrgrantingremote2000.htm" label="Grant remote access for Windows 2000"/>
<topic href="rzajrgrantingremotexp.htm" label="Grant remote access for Windows XP"/>
<topic href="rzajrincoming.htm" label="Create and configure incoming connections">
<topic href="rzajrincoming2000.htm" label="Create and configure incoming connections for Windows 2000"/>
<topic href="rzajrincomingxp.htm" label="Create and configure incoming connections for Windows XP"/>
<topic href="rzajrinstallcable.htm" label="Install an Operations Console cable">
<topic href="rzajrcable830.htm" label="Cable a Model 830 or a Model 840 Operations Console"/>
<topic href="rzajrinstallopscon.htm" label="Configure Operations Console on the PC"/>
<topic href="rzajrmanageopscons.htm" label="Manage Operations Console">
<topic href="rzajrmanagelocal.htm" label="Manage your console configuration">
<topic href="rzajrchngelr.htm" label="Change a console configuration"/>
<topic href="rzajrdellr.htm" label="Delete a console configuration"/>
<topic href="rzajrconnectingserver.htm" label="Connect a local console to a server">
<topic href="rzajrconnectlanlcs.htm" label="Connect a local console on a network to a server"/>
<topic href="rzajrconnectanother.htm" label="Connect to another server"/>
<topic href="rzajrconnectattend.htm" label="Connect a local console directly attached to the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrconnectrcs.htm" label="Connect a remote console to a local console by modem"/>
<topic href="rzajrcontroltasks.htm" label="Control tasks between users">
<topic href="rzajrgrantrefusercs.htm" label="Grant or refuse control to a remote console">
<topic href="rzajrcontrol.htm" label="iSeries control"/>
<topic href="rzajrserveras.htm" label="Default user (SERVER)"/>
<topic href="rzajridentifyuser.htm" label="Identify user in control of a server"/>
<topic href="rzajrdisplayrcpro.htm" label="Display the remote control panel in read-only mode"/>
<topic href="rzajrreqandrelatlcs.htm" label="Request and release control at the local console"/>
<topic href="rzajrsendmesstorcs.htm" label="Send a message to a controlling remote console"/>
<topic href="rzajrrequestatrcs.htm" label="Request control at the remote console"/>
<topic href="rzajrreleaseatrcs.htm" label="Release control at the remote console"/>
<topic href="rzajrsendmesstolcs.htm" label="Send a message to a controlling local console or remote console"/>
<topic href="rzajrinteractions.htm" label="Transfer control between users"/>
<topic href="rzajrproperties.htm" label="Using the Properties page"/>
<topic href="rzajrcustomizing.htm" label="Customizing the Operations Console window"/>
<topic href="rzajrmanageshared.htm" label="Manage your multiple consoles">
<topic href="rzajrmultiplelocalconsoles.htm" label="Multiple local PC consoles on a network"/>
<topic href="rzajrmultipleremoteconsoles.htm" label="Multiple remote consoles through dial-up support connecting to the same local console directly attached to the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrswitchconsoleavailable.htm" label="Switching from one console type to another when a console is currently available"/>
<topic href="rzajrswitchconsolenotoperational.htm" label="Switching from one console type to another when the current console is not operational"/>
<topic href="rzajrconsoletakeoverandrecover.htm" label="Take over or recover an Operations Console connection">
<topic href="rzajrtakeoverdetails.htm" label="Take over details"/>
<topic href="rzajrrecoverydetails.htm" label="Recovery details"/>
<topic href="rzajrenableconsoletakeover.htm" label="Enable console take over"/>
<topic href="rzajrconsolescenarios.htm" label="Scenarios">
<topic href="rzajrscenariotakeover1.htm" label="Scenario: LAN connected devices only with take over enabled"/>
<topic href="rzajrscenariotakeover2.htm" label="Scenario: A normal IPL and dual-connectivity configurations with take over enabled"/>
<topic href="rzajrscenariotakeover3.htm" label="Scenario: Recovery of a console requiring a new console mode setting"/>
<topic href="rzajrscenariotakeover4.htm" label="Scenario: How to recover the console during a D-mode IPL with take over enabled"/>
<topic href="rzajrchangeconsoletype.htm" label="Change from one console type to another">
<topic href="rzajrmigratingda.htm" label="Change from a local console directly attached to a local console on a network (LAN)">
<topic href="rzajrmigrateiseries.htm" label="Change the console from a local console directly attached to a local console on a network (LAN) in a non-partitioned or primary partitioned server"/>
<topic href="rzajrmigrateiseries2.htm" label="Change the console from a local console directly attached to a local console on a network in a logical partition"/>
<topic href="rzajrmigratepc.htm" label="Configure the PC to use the new console type when changing from a local console directly attached to a local console on a network"/>
<topic href="rzajrlantodirect.htm" label="Change from a local console on a network (LAN) to a local console directly attached">
<topic href="rzajrlantodirectprimary.htm" label="Change the console from local console on a network (LAN) to a local console directly attached for a non-partitioned server or a primary partition"/>
<topic href="rzajrlantodirectpartition.htm" label="Change the console from local console on a network (LAN) to a local console directly attached for a logical partition"/>
<topic href="rzajrlantodirectconfigurepc.htm" label="Configure the PC to use the new console type"/>
<topic href="rzajrmigratingtwinax.htm" label="Change from a twinaxial console to Operations Console">
<topic href="rzajrmigratingserver3.htm" label="Change the console from a twinaxial console to an Operations Console in a non-partitioned or primary partitioned server"/>
<topic href="rzajrmigserver3.htm" label="Change the console from a twinaxial console to an Operations Console in a logical partition"/>
<topic href="rzajrmigratepc2.htm" label="Configure the PC to use the new console type after changing from a twinaxial console to an Operations Console"/>
<topic href="rzajrmigratingopscon.htm" label="Changing from an Operations Console to a twinaxial console">
<topic href="rzajrmigrateserver2.htm" label="Change the console from an Operations Console to a twinaxial console in a non-partitioned or primary partitioned server"/>
<topic href="rzajrmigserver4.htm" label="Change the console from an Operations Console to a twinaxial console in a logical partition"/>
<topic href="rzajroptionspc.htm" label="Perform optional steps on the PC when changing from an Operations Console to a twinaxial console"/>
<topic href="rzajrmanagepasswords.htm" label="Manage your local console on a network">
<topic href="rzajrconsidsdw.htm" label="Considerations for changing the service tools device ID passwords"/>
<topic href="rzajrapforwind.htm" label="Changing the service tools device ID password on the PC and server"/>
<topic href="rzajrchpssuacc.htm" label="Change the access password"/>
<topic href="rzajrresynchrpa.htm" label="Resynchronize the PC and service tools device ID password">
<topic href="rzajrrecoveriseries.htm" label="Reset the service tools device ID password on the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrrecoverpc.htm" label="Reset the service tools device ID password on the PC"/>
<topic href="rzajrsetupid.htm" label="Create service tools device IDs on the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrsetuphostname.htm" label="Configure a service host name (interface name)"/>
<topic href="rzajrlancard.htm" label="Deallocate or move the LAN adapter card from use by Operations Console"/>
<topic href="rzajrchgnetvals.htm" label="Changing network values for Operations Console (LAN)">
<topic href="rzajrcompleteclientchanges.htm" label="Completing the PC changes"/>
<topic href="rzajrcommonservertasks.htm" label="Common tasks">
<topic href="rzajrchangekeyboard.htm" label="Change keyboard definitions"/>
<topic href="rzajrmanualipl.htm" label="Start the system using a manual IPL"/>
<topic href="rzajractivating.htm" label="Activate the asynchronous communications line on the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrdeactivating.htm" label="Deactivate the asynchronous communications line on the server"/>
<topic href="rzajrfunctions6521.htm" label="Using the console service functions (65+21)"/>
<topic href="rzajrnativemacro.htm" label="Troubleshooting using the OPSCONSOLE macro"/>
<topic href="rzajrunlockoption8.htm" label="Using Service Tools Device IDs in System Service Tools (SST)"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleshooting.htm" label="Troubleshoot Operations Console connections">
<topic href="rzajrtroublestatus.htm" label="Troubleshoot status messages">
<topic href="rzajrtroublestatusnormal.htm" label="Status messages when configuration is running normally"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublestatuswrong.htm" label="Status messages when you have connection problems"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleconnection.htm" label="Troubleshoot connection problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroublelocalconnection.htm" label="Local console connection problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroubleconsolefails.htm" label="Console fails to connect"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublenetwork.htm" label="Network connection errors"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublesecureconnection.htm" label="Error message: The connection to the system is not a secure connection"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublestatusremains.htm" label="Local or remote console status remains Connecting"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleportfails.htm" label="Console fails to connect and port detection fails"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleperformance.htm" label="Performance degradation on local console"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleinfrared.htm" label="Unable to make a connection when infrared devices are installed"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleunexpected.htm" label="Unexpected disconnections"/>
<topic href="rzajrhyperterm.htm" label="Use HyperTerminal to validate connectivity between client and the server">
<topic href="rzajrinstallhyperterm.htm" label="Install HyperTerminal"/>
<topic href="rzajrusehyperterm.htm" label="Use HyperTerminal"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleremoteconnection.htm" label="Remote console connection problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroubleremotedu.htm" label="Remote console through dial-up fails to connect to local console"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublenamemismatch.htm" label="Local console name mismatch when remote console connects to the local console"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleauth.htm" label="Troubleshoot authentication problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroubleauthentication.htm" label="Authentication errors"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleemulator.htm" label="Troubleshoot emulator problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroublepc5250.htm" label="PC5250 window does not display user data"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublesrc.htm" label="Troubleshoot system reference code (SRC) data">
<topic href="rzajra600500a.htm" label="SRCs A6nn500x"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublesrccodes.htm" label="SRCs A6005001, A6005004, and A6005007"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublesrccoded.htm" label="System reference code A6005008"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublesrccodea.htm" label="System reference code A9002000"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubledisappear.htm" label="System reference code A6005082"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublepost.htm" label="Failure to display D1008065 and D1008066 automatically after calling the function"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleiplstep.htm" label="IPL step C6004031 takes longer than expected"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublecontrolpanels.htm" label="Troubleshoot remote control panel and virtual control panel problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroublercp.htm" label="Remote control panel fails to start"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublemodefunction.htm" label="Unable to use the mode function"/>
<topic href="rzajrauthenticationprob.htm" label="Authentication problems"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublewizard.htm" label="Troubleshoot configuration wizard problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroubledetectcable.htm" label="Local console does not detect console cable"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublereconfig.htm" label="Old network data interfering with reconfiguration of network connectivity"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroubleother.htm" label="Troubleshoot other Operations Console problems">
<topic href="rzajrtroubleqctl.htm" label="Operations Console remains in QCTL"/>
<topic href="rzajrtroublesysreq.htm" label="System requests will not work"/>
<topic href="rzajrunabletosignon.htm" label="Unable to sign on because of a lost or expired password or disabled user ID"/>