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<h2>grep - Search a file for a pattern</h2>
<p><strong>grep [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [ -R [-H | -L | -P] ] [-ihnsvwxy]</strong> <strong>
[-e</strong> <em>pattern_list</em><strong>] [-f</strong> <em>
pattern_file</em><strong>]</strong> [<em>pattern</em>] [<em>file
<p>The <strong>grep</strong> utility searches the given input <em>
files</em> selecting lines which match one or more <em>
patterns</em>. The type of patterns is controlled by the options
specified. By default, a pattern matches an input line if any
regular expression (RE) in the pattern matches the input line
without its trailing newline. A null RE matches every line. Each
input line that matches at least one of the patterns is written to
the standard output.</p>
<p>If <strong>-E</strong> and <strong>-F</strong> options are both
specified, the last one specified is used.</p>
<dd>Use Extended Regular Expressions (ERE).</dd>
<dd>Do not recognize regular expressions.</dd>
<dd>If the <strong>-R</strong> option is specified, symbolic links
on the command line are followed. Symbolic links encountered in the
tree traversal are not followed.</dd>
<dd>If the <strong>-R</strong> option is specified, both symbolic
links on the command line and symbolic links encountered in the
tree traversal are followed.</dd>
<dd>If the <strong>-R</strong> option is specified, no symbolic
links are followed.</dd>
<dd>If <em>file</em> designates a directory, <strong>grep</strong>
searches each file in the entire subtree connected at
that point.</dd>
<dd>Only a count of selected lines is written to standard
<dd><em>pattern_list</em> specifies one or more search patterns.
Each pattern should be separated by a newline character.</dd>
<dd><em>pattern_file</em> specifies a file containing search
patterns. Each pattern should be separated by a newline
<dd>Do not print filename headers.</dd>
<dd>The case of letters is ignored in making comparisons. That is,
upper and lower case are considered identical.</dd>
<dd>Only the names of files containing selected lines are written
to standard output. Pathnames are listed once per file searched. If
the standard input is searched, the pathname "-" is written.</dd>
<dd>Each output line is preceded by its relative line number in the
file; each file starting at line 1. The line number counter is
reset for each file processed. This option is ignored if the
<strong>-c</strong>, <strong>-l</strong>, or <strong>-s</strong>
options are specified.</dd>
<dd>Quiet mode where no messages are printed. Only the exit status
is returned.</dd>
<dd>Suppress the error messages ordinarily written for nonexistent
or unreadable files. Other messages are not suppressed.</dd>
<dd>Selected lines are those not matching the specified
<dd>The expression is searched for as a whole word (as if
surrounded by "[[:&lt;:]]" and "[[:&gt;:]]").</dd>
<dd>Match line if pattern is the <strong>only</strong> thing on the
line. This option takes precedence over the <strong>-w</strong>
option. If both are specified, the <strong>-w</strong> option is
<dd>Ignore case (same as <strong>-i</strong>).</dd>
<p>Each <em>file</em> specifies the path to a text file. If no <em>file</em>
operandss are specified, the standard input is used.</p>
<p><strong>Exit Status</strong></p>
<li>0 when one or more lines were selected.</li>
<li>1 when no lines were selected.</li>
<li>&gt;1 when an error occurred.</li>
<p><strong>Extended Regular Expressions (ERE)</strong></p>
<p>The following characters are interpreted by grep:</p>
<dd>Align the match from the end of the line.</dd>
<dd>Align the match from the beginning of the line. (NOTE: This
character may not work correctly from a 5250 terminal
<dd>Add another pattern (see example below).</dd>
<dd>Match one or less sequential repetitions of the pattern.</dd>
<dd>Match one or more sequential repetitions of the pattern.</dd>
<dd>Match zero or more sequential repetitions of the pattern.</dd>
<dd>Match any single character.</dd>
<dt><strong>[ ]</strong></dt>
<dd>Match any single character or range of characters enclosed in
the brackets.</dd>
<p>Escape special characters which have meaning to <strong>
grep</strong>, that is, the set of {$,.,^,[,],|,?,+,*,(,)}.</p>
<p><strong>Related information</strong></p>
<li><a href="cut.htm">cut - Cut out selected fields of each line of
a file</a></li>
<li><a href="egrep.htm">egrep - Search a file for an extended
regular expression pattern</a></li>
<li><a href="fgrep.htm">fgrep - Search a file for a fixed string
<li><a href="tr.htm">tr - translate characters</a></li>
<li><a href="wc.htm">wc - Word, line and byte/character
<li>Find all occurrences of the word patricia in a file.
grep patricia myfile
<li>Find all occurrences of the pattern ".Pp" at the beginning of a
line. The single quotation marks assure the entire expression is evaluated
by <strong>grep</strong> instead of by the shell. The carat (^)
means from the beginning of a line.
grep '^.Pp' myfile
<li>Find either 19, 20 or 25 in the file calendar.
grep '19|20|25' calendar
<li>Find the total number of lines that matches a character in the
range of "a" to "z".
grep -c '[a-z]' reference/alphabet.text
<li>Display all lines that have a dollar sign ($) character in
them. You must escape the dollar sign character so <strong>
grep</strong> will not interpret the character. Also, display the
line number as well as the line that contains the match.
grep -n '\$' valid.file
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