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<toc label="Database programming" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#dbp/rbafo.xml" topic="rbafokickoff.htm">
<topic href="rbafokickoff.htm" label="Database programming">
<topic href="rbafowhatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rbafoprintthis.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rbafodbfcon.htm" label="Database file concepts">
<topic href="rbafodb2.htm" label="DB2 Universal Database for iSeries"/>
<topic href="rbafodbint.htm" label="Interfaces to DB2 Universal Database for iSeries">
<topic href="rbafotsi.htm" label="Traditional system interface"/>
<topic href="rbafosql.htm" label="SQL"/>
<topic href="rbafoopnav.htm" label="iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbafoqry400.htm" label="IBM Query for iSeries"/>
<topic href="rbafodbf.htm" label="Database files"/>
<topic href="rbafodeffi.htm" label="How database files are described">
<topic href="rbafoxpdd.htm" label="Externally and program-described data"/>
<topic href="rbafodictdta.htm" label="Dictionary-described data"/>
<topic href="rbaforecft.htm" label="Record format description"/>
<topic href="rbafoapd.htm" label="Access path description"/>
<topic href="rbafonamer.htm" label="Naming conventions used in a database file"/>
<topic href="rbaforitgint.htm" label="Database data protection and monitoring"/>
<topic href="rbafoappmax.htm" label="Database file sizes">
<topic href="rbafoappmaxex1.htm" label="Examples: Database file sizes"/>
<topic href="rbafosetup.htm" label="Set up database files">
<topic href="rbafocrtdbf.htm" label="Create and describe database files">
<topic href="rbafocrtlib.htm" label="Create a library"/>
<topic href="rbafosetsrc.htm" label="Set up source files">
<topic href="rbafosrcc.htm" label="Why source files are used"/>
<topic href="rbafocsrce.htm" label="Create a source file"/>
<topic href="rbafosetcom.htm" label="Describe database files">
<topic href="rbafodescdds.htm" label="Describe database files using DDS"/>
<topic href="rbafocrtatt.htm" label="Specify database file and member attributes"/>
<topic href="rbafophysf.htm" label="Set up physical files">
<topic href="rbafocrepf.htm" label="Create a physical file"/>
<topic href="rbafophyfm.htm" label="Specify physical file and member attributes when creating a physical file"/>
<topic href="rbafoimplicitjournal.htm" label="Implicit journaling when creating a physical file"/>
<topic href="rbafologif.htm" label="Set up logical files">
<topic href="rbafocrlof.htm" label="Create a logical file">
<topic href="rbafocrlff.htm" label="Create a logical file with more than one record format"/>
<topic href="rbafologfm.htm" label="Define logical file members"/>
<topic href="rbafodrflf.htm" label="Describe logical file record formats">
<topic href="rbafodeffd.htm" label="Describe field use for logical files"/>
<topic href="rbafodescdrv.htm" label="Derive new fields from existing fields"/>
<topic href="rbafofpdbc.htm" label="Describe floating-point fields in logical files"/>
<topic href="rbafodaplf.htm" label="Describe access paths for logical files">
<topic href="rbafosorec.htm" label="Select and omit records using logical files"/>
<topic href="rbafoshrap.htm" label="Use existing access paths"/>
<topic href="rbafojnlof.htm" label="Set up a join logical file">
<topic href="rbafox2phyf.htm" label="Basic concepts of joining two physical files (example 1)"/>
<topic href="rbafosetlf.htm" label="Set up a join logical file"/>
<topic href="rbafoljoin.htm" label="Use more than one field to join files (example 2)"/>
<topic href="rbafoduprc.htm" label="Read duplicate records in secondary files (example 3)"/>
<topic href="rbafomisjf.htm" label="Use join fields whose attributes are different (example 4)"/>
<topic href="rbafonflds.htm" label="Describe fields that never appear in the record format (example 5)"/>
<topic href="rbafokfjlf.htm" label="Specify key fields in join logical files (example 6)"/>
<topic href="rbafosojlf.htm" label="Specify select/omit statements in join logical files"/>
<topic href="rbafoj3mpf.htm" label="Join three or more physical files (example 7)"/>
<topic href="rbafojpfit.htm" label="Join a physical file to itself (example 8)"/>
<topic href="rbafojdftv.htm" label="Use default data for missing records from secondary files (example 9)"/>
<topic href="rbafoacjlf.htm" label="A complex join logical file (example 10)"/>
<topic href="rbafojoincons.htm" label="Join logical file considerations"/>
<topic href="rbafoapath.htm" label="Describe access paths for database files">
<topic href="rbafoasapa.htm" label="Use arrival sequence access path for database files"/>
<topic href="rbafoksapa.htm" label="Use a keyed sequence access path for database files">
<topic href="rbafoacolsq.htm" label="Arrange key fields using an alternative collating sequence"/>
<topic href="rbafoakfssq.htm" label="Arrange key fields using the SRTSEQ parameter"/>
<topic href="rbafoascdes.htm" label="Arrange key fields in ascending or descending sequence"/>
<topic href="rbafokfield.htm" label="Use more than one key field"/>
<topic href="rbafoprvdupk.htm" label="Prevent duplicate key values"/>
<topic href="rbafofifoo.htm" label="Arrange duplicate keys"/>
<topic href="rbafoeaccp.htm" label="Use existing access path specifications"/>
<topic href="rbafofpaccp.htm" label="Use floating-point fields in database file access paths"/>
<topic href="rbafosecuc.htm" label="Secure a database">
<topic href="rbafosecfs.htm" label="Grant file and data authority">
<topic href="rbafoautuon.htm" label="Authorize a user or group using iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbafoautho.htm" label="Types of object authority"/>
<topic href="rbafoauthd.htm" label="Types of data authority"/>
<topic href="rbafosecpub.htm" label="Specify public authority">
<topic href="rbafopubaon.htm" label="Define public authority for a file using iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbafosetdpaon.htm" label="Set a default public authority for new files using iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbafoseccap.htm" label="Use database file capabilities to control I/O operations"/>
<topic href="rbafolmtfield.htm" label="Limit access to specific fields of a database file"/>
<topic href="rbafoseclf.htm" label="Use logical files to secure data"/>
<topic href="rbafoprocess.htm" label="Process database files">
<topic href="rbafopreopn.htm" label="Database file processing: Runtime considerations">
<topic href="rbafofileid.htm" label="File and member name"/>
<topic href="rbafoprocop.htm" label="File processing options">
<topic href="rbafopretyp.htm" label="Specify the type of processing"/>
<topic href="rbafoprepos.htm" label="Specify the initial file position"/>
<topic href="rbaforsdlt.htm" label="Reuse deleted records"/>
<topic href="rbafopreign.htm" label="Ignore the keyed sequence access path"/>
<topic href="rbafopreeof.htm" label="Delay end-of-file processing"/>
<topic href="rbafoprerl.htm" label="Specify the record length"/>
<topic href="rbafoprefmt.htm" label="Ignore record formats"/>
<topic href="rbafodupkey.htm" label="Determine if duplicate keys exist"/>
<topic href="rbafoprercv.htm" label="Data recovery and integrity">
<topic href="rbafoprecmt.htm" label="Protect your file with journaling and commitment control"/>
<topic href="rbafoprefrc.htm" label="Write data and access paths to auxiliary storage"/>
<topic href="rbafoprelvl.htm" label="Check changes to the record format description"/>
<topic href="rbafopreexp.htm" label="Check for the expiration date of the file"/>
<topic href="rbafopreinh.htm" label="Prevent the job from changing data in the file"/>
<topic href="rbafoconcc.htm" label="Lock shared data">
<topic href="rbafoconcrec.htm" label="Lock records"/>
<topic href="rbafoconcfl.htm" label="Lock files"/>
<topic href="rbafoconcmbr.htm" label="Lock members"/>
<topic href="rbafoconcfmt.htm" label="Lock record format data"/>
<topic href="rbafoapplck.htm" label="Database lock considerations"/>
<topic href="rbafodsplckrowon.htm" label="Display locked rows using iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbafodsprcdlck.htm" label="Display locked records using the Display Record Locks (DSPRCDLCK) command"/>
<topic href="rbafosfile.htm" label="Share database files in the same job or activation group">
<topic href="rbafoopenc.htm" label="Open considerations for files shared in a job or activation group"/>
<topic href="rbafoiocon.htm" label="Input/output considerations for files shared in a job or activation group"/>
<topic href="rbafoclose.htm" label="Close considerations for files shared in a job or activation group"/>
<topic href="rbafoseqop.htm" label="Sequential-only processing of database files">
<topic href="rbafoocons.htm" label="Open considerations for sequential-only processing"/>
<topic href="rbafoicons.htm" label="Input/output considerations for sequential-only processing"/>
<topic href="rbafoclosc.htm" label="Close considerations for sequential-only processing"/>
<topic href="rbafopresum.htm" label="Summary of runtime considerations for processing database files"/>
<topic href="rbafostrplpg.htm" label="Storage pool paging option effect on database performance"/>
<topic href="rbafoopen.htm" label="Open a database file">
<topic href="rbafoodbfm.htm" label="Open a database file member"/>
<topic href="rbafoopndbf.htm" label="Use Open Database File (OPNDBF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafoopnqf.htm" label="Use Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command">
<topic href="rbafocrtqry.htm" label="Create a query with the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafoufinf.htm" label="Use an existing record format in the file"/>
<topic href="rbafoufdrf.htm" label="Use a file with a different record format"/>
<topic href="rbafoopncl.htm" label="CL program coding with the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafozlt.htm" label="The zero-length literal and the contains (*CT) function"/>
<topic href="rbafoopnex.htm" label="Usage notes for Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafodynrs.htm" label="Select records without using DDS"/>
<topic href="rbafoccfufmt.htm" label="Considerations for creating a file and using the FORMAT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbafocarr.htm" label="Considerations for arranging records"/>
<topic href="rbafocddm.htm" label="Considerations for distributed data management files"/>
<topic href="rbafochllp.htm" label="Considerations for writing a high-level language program"/>
<topic href="rbafomsgopn.htm" label="Messages sent when the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command is run"/>
<topic href="rbafoopenm.htm" label="Use the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command for more than just input"/>
<topic href="rbafodttc.htm" label="Compare date, time, and timestamp using the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafodttaopq.htm" label="Perform date, time, and timestamp arithmetic using the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafoqryrp.htm" label="Use the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command for random processing"/>
<topic href="rbafoqryprf.htm" label="Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command: Performance considerations"/>
<topic href="rbafooqfsst.htm" label="Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command: Performance considerations for sort sequence tables"/>
<topic href="rbafooqfpcoth.htm" label="Performance comparisons with other database functions"/>
<topic href="rbafooqfpcfld.htm" label="Field use"/>
<topic href="rbafocosof.htm" label="Files shared in a job"/>
<topic href="rbafoconchkrcd.htm" label="Checking if the record format description changed"/>
<topic href="rbafoothrtcons.htm" label="Other runtime considerations for the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafoopnerr.htm" label="Typical errors when using the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafoodpc.htm" label="Open data path considerations"/>
<topic href="rbafofn.htm" label="Field names"/>
<topic href="rbafoexpressions.htm" label="Expressions"/>
<topic href="rbafobif.htm" label="Built-in functions"/>
<topic href="rbaforbif.htm" label="Restricted built-in functions"/>
<topic href="rbafobasicop.htm" label="Basic database file operations in programs">
<topic href="rbafodbfpo.htm" label="Set a position in the file"/>
<topic href="rbaforddbf.htm" label="Read database records">
<topic href="rbafordbra.htm" label="Read database records using an arrival sequence access path"/>
<topic href="rbafordbrk.htm" label="Read database records using a keyed sequence access path"/>
<topic href="rbafoefdel.htm" label="Wait for more records when end of file is reached"/>
<topic href="rbafoefrelr.htm" label="Release locked records"/>
<topic href="rbafoupdbr.htm" label="Update database records"/>
<topic href="rbafoandbr.htm" label="Add database records">
<topic href="rbafoformt.htm" label="Identify which record format to add in a file with multiple formats"/>
<topic href="rbafofeodop.htm" label="Use the force-end-of-data operation"/>
<topic href="rbafodldbr.htm" label="Delete database records"/>
<topic href="rbafotermpr.htm" label="Close a database file"/>
<topic href="rbafohedfp.htm" label="Monitor database file errors in a program">
<topic href="rbafosyshnderr.htm" label="System handling of error messages"/>
<topic href="rbafoefferrmsg.htm" label="Effect of error messages on file positioning"/>
<topic href="rbafodtrmsgmon.htm" label="Determine which messages you want to monitor"/>
<topic href="rbafomanage.htm" label="Manage database files">
<topic href="rbafofileop.htm" label="Basic operations for managing database files">
<topic href="rbafocopytable.htm" label="Copy a file"/>
<topic href="rbafomovetable.htm" label="Move a file"/>
<topic href="rbafomngmbr.htm" label="Manage database members">
<topic href="rbafomngcom.htm" label="Member operations common to all database files">
<topic href="rbafomngadd.htm" label="Add members to files"/>
<topic href="rbafomngchg.htm" label="Change member attributes"/>
<topic href="rbafomngrnm.htm" label="Rename members"/>
<topic href="rbafomngrmv.htm" label="Remove members from files"/>
<topic href="rbafomngpfm.htm" label="Physical file member operations">
<topic href="rbafomngpinz.htm" label="Initialize data in a physical file member"/>
<topic href="rbafomngpclr.htm" label="Clear data from physical file members"/>
<topic href="rbafomngprgz.htm" label="Reorganize a physical file"/>
<topic href="rbafoddbrc.htm" label="Display records in a physical file member"/>
<topic href="rbafoxreff.htm" label="Use database attribute and cross-reference information">
<topic href="rbafofilexr.htm" label="Display information about database files">
<topic href="rbafodtdeson.htm" label="Display attributes for a file using display table description in iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbafodfdes.htm" label="Display attributes for a file using the Display File Description (DSPFD) command"/>
<topic href="rbafodffds.htm" label="Display the descriptions of the fields in a file"/>
<topic href="rbafoddbrl.htm" label="Display the relationships between files on the system"/>
<topic href="rbafodpref.htm" label="Display the files used by programs"/>
<topic href="rbafoxrefsyf.htm" label="Display the system cross-reference files"/>
<topic href="rbafofrfof.htm" label="Write the output from a command directly to a database file">
<topic href="rbafourfof.htm" label="Example: A command output file"/>
<topic href="rbafooutpr.htm" label="Output files for the Display File Description (DSPFD) command"/>
<topic href="rbafomdljrn.htm" label="Output files for the Display Journal (DSPJRN) command"/>
<topic href="rbafodspprb.htm" label="Output files for the Display Problem (DSPPRB) command"/>
<topic href="rbafochgfile.htm" label="Change database file descriptions and attributes">
<topic href="rbafoecffd.htm" label="Effects of changing fields in a file description"/>
<topic href="rbafochgpfda.htm" label="Change a physical file description and attributes">
<topic href="rbafochgpfdaex1.htm" label="Example 1: Change a physical file description and attributes"/>
<topic href="rbafochgpfdaex2.htm" label="Example 2: Change a physical file description and attributes"/>
<topic href="rbafochglfda.htm" label="Change a logical file description and attributes"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfpra.htm" label="Recover and restore your database">
<topic href="rbaforzahfprd.htm" label="Recover data in a database file">
<topic href="rbaforzahfpre.htm" label="Manage journals"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprg.htm" label="Ensure data integrity with commitment control"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfpri.htm" label="Reduce time in access path recovery">
<topic href="rbaforzahfprj.htm" label="Save access paths"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprk.htm" label="Restore access paths"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprl.htm" label="Journal access paths"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprn.htm" label="System-managed access-path protection"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfpro.htm" label="Rebuild access paths"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprs.htm" label="The database recovery process after an abnormal system end">
<topic href="rbaforzahfprt.htm" label="Database file recovery during the IPL"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfpru.htm" label="Database file recovery after the IPL"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprw.htm" label="Effects of the storage pool paging option on database recovery"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprv.htm" label="Database file recovery options table"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprb.htm" label="Database save and restore"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfprc.htm" label="Database considerations for save and restore"/>
<topic href="rbafochsrc.htm" label="Use source files">
<topic href="rbafosrcwrk.htm" label="Work with source files">
<topic href="rbafosrcseu.htm" label="Use the source entry utility (SEU)"/>
<topic href="rbafosrcdev.htm" label="Use device source files"/>
<topic href="rbafosrccpy.htm" label="Copy source file data"/>
<topic href="rbafosrcimex.htm" label="Load and unload data from non-iSeries systems"/>
<topic href="rbafosrcpgm.htm" label="Use source files in a program"/>
<topic href="rbafocousf.htm" label="Create an object using a source file">
<topic href="rbafosrccb.htm" label="Create an object from source statements in a batch job"/>
<topic href="rbaforlsao.htm" label="Determine which source file member was used to create an object"/>
<topic href="rbafosrcmng.htm" label="Manage a source file">
<topic href="rbafochgsf.htm" label="Change source file attributes"/>
<topic href="rbaforphfm.htm" label="Reorganize source file member data"/>
<topic href="rbafosdtch.htm" label="Determine when a source statement was changed"/>
<topic href="rbafodocfi.htm" label="Use source files for documentation"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfcoa.htm" label="Control the integrity of your database with constraints">
<topic href="rbaforzahfcod.htm" label="Set up constraints for your database"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfcof.htm" label="Remove unique, primary key, or check constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfcoh.htm" label="Work with a group of constraints">
<topic href="rbaforzahfcoi.htm" label="Details: Work with a group of constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfcoj.htm" label="Work with constraints that are in check pending status"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfcob.htm" label="Unique constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfcoc.htm" label="Primary key constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfcon.htm" label="Check constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrca.htm" label="Ensure data integrity with referential constraints">
<topic href="rbaforzahfrce.htm" label="Add referential constraints">
<topic href="rbaforzahfrch.htm" label="Before you add referential constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrci.htm" label="Define the parent file in a referential constraint"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcj.htm" label="Define the dependent file in a referential constraint"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrck.htm" label="Specify referential constraint rules">
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcl.htm" label="Details: Specify referential constraint delete rules"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcm.htm" label="Details: Specify referential constraint update rules"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcn.htm" label="Details: Specify referential constraint rules—journaling requirements"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcf.htm" label="Details: Add referential constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcg.htm" label="Details: Avoid constraint cycles"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrco.htm" label="Verify referential constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcy.htm" label="Enable or disable referential constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrc0.htm" label="Remove referential constraints">
<topic href="rbaforzahfrc1.htm" label="Details: Remove a constraint with the CST parameter"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrc2.htm" label="Details: Remove a constraint with the TYPE parameter"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcb.htm" label="Details: Ensure data integrity with referential constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcd.htm" label="Example: Ensure data integrity with referential constraints"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcc.htm" label="Referential integrity terms"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcp.htm" label="Referential integrity enforcement">
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcq.htm" label="Foreign key enforcement"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcr.htm" label="Parent key enforcement"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcu.htm" label="Constraint states"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcv.htm" label="Check pending status in referential constraints">
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcw.htm" label="Dependent file restrictions in check pending"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrcx.htm" label="Parent file restrictions in check pending"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahfrc3.htm" label="Referential integrity and CL commands"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftra.htm" label="Trigger automatic events in your database">
<topic href="rbafotrguse.htm" label="Uses for triggers"/>
<topic href="rbafotrgben.htm" label="Benefits of using triggers in your business"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrb.htm" label="Create trigger programs">
<topic href="rbaforzahftrbopnaddtrig.htm" label="Add triggers using iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrb1.htm" label="How trigger programs work"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrb2.htm" label="Other important information about working with triggers">
<topic href="rbaforzahftrm.htm" label="Recommendations for trigger programs"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftre.htm" label="Precautions to take when coding trigger programs"/>
<topic href="rbafotgrpgm.htm" label="Monitor the use of trigger programs"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrf.htm" label="Trigger and application programs that are under commitment control"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrg.htm" label="Trigger and application programs that are not under commitment control"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrh.htm" label="Trigger program error messages"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftri.htm" label="Examples: Trigger programs"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrc.htm" label="Trigger buffer sections">
<topic href="rbaforzahftrd.htm" label="Trigger buffer field descriptions"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrn.htm" label="Add triggers"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftro.htm" label="Display triggers"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrp.htm" label="Remove triggers"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrv.htm" label="Enable or disable physical file triggers"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrq.htm" label="Triggers and their relationship to CL commands"/>
<topic href="rbaforzahftrr.htm" label="Triggers and their relationship to referential integrity"/>
<topic href="rbafomulsys.htm" label="Database distribution"/>
<topic href="rbafoappdbcs.htm" label="Double-byte character set considerations">
<topic href="rbafodbcsdt.htm" label="DBCS field data types"/>
<topic href="rbafodbcsmap.htm" label="DBCS field mapping considerations"/>
<topic href="rbafodbcscon.htm" label="DBCS field concatenation"/>
<topic href="rbafodbcssub.htm" label="DBCS field substring operations"/>
<topic href="rbafodbcscomp.htm" label="Compare DBCS fields in a logical file"/>
<topic href="rbafodbcsqry.htm" label="Use DBCS fields in the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command">
<topic href="rbafodbcsqryw.htm" label="Use the wildcard function with DBCS fields"/>
<topic href="rbafodbcsqryo.htm" label="Compare DBCS fields through the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafoqryoc.htm" label="Use concatenation with DBCS fields through the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command"/>
<topic href="rbafodbcsqryss.htm" label="Use sort sequence with DBCS"/>
<topic href="rbaforelated.htm" label="Related information for database programming"/>