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<h1 class="topictitle1">IXA Installation Overview</h1>
<div><p>This topic discusses an overview of the IXA installation.</p>
<p>Unlike the Integrated xSeries<sup>®</sup> Server, the Integrated xSeries Adapter
appears to the iSeries™ as
a separate expansion tower. Most models of xSeries have their own diskette drive
and optical drive, and can attach a tape drive. There are bays for disk drives
but the server should be ordered without disk drives or disk controllers because
these must be removed before connecting an xSeries to an iSeries using the Integrated xSeries Adapter.
Integrated servers use virtual disk drives as well as virtual optical and
tape drives. Most xSeries servers come with a diskette drive so there
should be no need to connect a USB diskette drive to the server in order to
install the Linux<sup>®</sup> drivers.</p>
<p>Once an Integrated xSeries Adapter-attached xSeries is cabled into the iSeries HSL
(high-speed link) loop and SPCN (system power control network) network, the xSeries should
not be turned on or off using the power button on its front panel. In this
case, power is controlled by iSeries, and the server can be turned on or off from iSeries Navigator
or a green screen session. </p>
<p>In comparison with the Integrated xSeries Server, there is a larger degree
of complexity in preparing an Integrated xSeries Adapter-attached xSeries server
for installation of the Linux or Windows<sup>®</sup> operating system because there
are several components involved:</p>
<ul><li>xSeries BIOS</li>
<li>RSA I or RSA II adapter and firmware (on certain models of the xSeries only)</li>
<li>Advanced System Management software</li>
<li>Firmware for the video adapter on the planar board or, in the case of
the RSA II card, firmware for the video adapter on the RSA II card itself</li>
<li>Integrated Ethernet port</li>
<li>Integrated xSeries Adapter</li>
<li>HSL loop and SPCN network</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzau9ixa.htm" title="This topic introduces the installation of the IXA hardware.">Integrated xSeries Adapter</a></div>