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<h1 class="topictitle1">Interaction with WebSphere Application Server</h1>
<div><p>IBM<sup>®</sup> Welcome
Page V1.1 contains a Web application packaged in an Enterprise Archive (.ear)
file that is deployed into a WebSphere<sup>®</sup> Application Server run time environment
when the IBM Telephone
Directory V5.2 application is deployed.</p>
<p>Once the IBM Welcome
Page V1.1 application is deployed, it handles requests routed to it through
the application server. The application server can provide various access
paths and have various security features enabled for the server as a whole
or specifically for the application. Requests must pass through the server
to be routed to and handled by the IBM Welcome Page V1.1 application. Once
requests reach the application, the application handles the required LDAP
interactions, and, optionally, configured Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM)
or Sametime<sup>®</sup> operations.</p>
<p>The application is written and packaged to Java™ standards. WebSphere Application Server for <span class="keyword">iSeries™</span> provides the runtime environment
for the application, which includes support for Java runtime APIs. The following describes
what the application uses:</p>
<ul><li>In WebSphere Application
Server V5, standard Java runtime environment APIs (J2SE version
1.3) are provided. J2SE 1.3 provides basic Java utility functions, context, and socket
factories used to communicate with LDAP servers, and Java locale
support for internationalization.</li>
<li>In WebSphere Application
Server V5.1 and V6, standard Java runtime environment APIs (J2SE version
1.4) are provided. J2SE 1.4 provides basic Java utility functions, context, and socket
factories used to communicate with LDAP servers, and Java locale
support for internationalization.</li>
<li>Enterprise application runtime environment APIs (J2EE version 1.3), which
provide Web application support for HTTP servlets (HTTP Servlet Specification
Level 2.3) and Java Server Pages (JSP Specification Level 1.2).</li>
<li>Web application deployment utilities (J2EE version 1.3), which provide
deployment of the application using Enterprise Archive (.ear) files, Web Archive
(.war) files, and Java Archive (.jar) files.</li>
<p>See the following Web site for more details on the application
deployment environment and Web application packaging tools and services:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/software/websphere/wsappserver" target="_blank">WebSphere Application Server</a> <img src="www.gif" alt="Link outside Information Center" /> (http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/software/Websphere/wsappserver).</p>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="wpover.htm" title="Provides an overview of the IBM Welcome Page V1.1 application and how it interacts with different iSeries server components and various software components.">Overview of IBM Welcome Page V1.1</a></div>