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<h1 class="topictitle1">Remote control panel (RCP)</h1>
<div><p>The following information may help you determine which remote control
panel configuration is best for you.</p>
<div class="section"><ul><li>The local console on a network will select the remote control panel by
default. Use Properties to deselect the function if you do not want to use
the remote control panel.</li>
<li>A remote control panel that is directly connected, using parallel cable,
has all available remote control panel functions.</li>
<li>A virtual control panel requires the console to be directly connected
via serial cable and the console must be connected to use the control panel
functions. The VPC cannot power on the server unless the connection
is to a primary partition and the primary partition is active. The virtual
control panel also requires a service tools device ID on the server. </li>
<li>LAN configurations to the primary will, by default, configure remote control
panels for each logical partition to which the device ID is authorized. <ul><li>The remote control panels for the logical partitions have the same functions
available as those provided by the LPAR menu. This includes power-on, as long
as the primary stays operational.</li>
<li>LAN configurations to logical partitions will initially have a remote
control panel but it has less function than one directly connected to the
primary. For example, it would not be able to power on the logical partition. <ul><li>To obtain the same functions as those associated to the primary, create
a separate configuration for the remote control panel and specify the primary's
service host name (interface name). However, this might require another service
tools device ID.</li>
<li>Any configuration where the device ID is not authorized will be greyed
out or missing. <ul><li>Greyed out after the first connection if it was selected but not authorized.</li>
<li>Missing after the first connection if it was not selected and was not
<p>Once authorized it will reappear in Properties, on the next connect.</p>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzajrcontrolpanel.htm" title="You can plan for using your Operations Console connection to access the iSeries control panel without being in front of the server.">Plan for your control panel</a></div>