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<toc label="DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Performance and Query Optimization" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzajq/rzajq.xml" topic="rzajqkickoff.htm">
<topic href="rzajqkickoff.htm" label="Performance and query optimization">
<topic href="whatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rzajqprint.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="queryoptimize.htm" label="Query Engine Overview">
<topic href="rzajqsqecqe.htm" label="SQE and CQE Engines"/>
<topic href="rzajqdispatcher.htm" label="Query Dispatcher"/>
<topic href="rzajqstatsmgr.htm" label="Statistics Manager"/>
<topic href="rzajqcache.htm" label="Plan Cache"/>
<topic href="rzajqdta.htm" label="Data access on DB2 UDB for iSeries: data access paths and methods">
<topic href="rzajqpermobj.htm" label="Permanent objects and access methods">
<topic href="rzajqcrttbl.htm" label="Table">
<topic href="dsscan.htm" label="Table scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqtblprobe.htm" label="Table probe"/>
<topic href="perf21b.htm" label="Radix index">
<topic href="rzajqrindscan.htm" label="Radix index scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqrinprobe.htm" label="Radix index probe"/>
<topic href="perf21c.htm" label="Encoded vector index">
<topic href="rzajqeviscan.htm" label="Encoded vector index symbol table scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqeviprobe.htm" label="Encoded vector index probe"/>
<topic href="rzajqtempobj.htm" label="Temporary objects and access methods">
<topic href="rzajqtemphash.htm" label="Temporary hash table">
<topic href="rzajqhtblscan.htm" label="Hash table scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqhtblprobe.htm" label="Hash table probe"/>
<topic href="rzajqtempslist.htm" label="Temporary sorted list">
<topic href="rzajqslistscan.htm" label="Sorted list scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqslistprobe.htm" label="Sorted list probe"/>
<topic href="rzajqtemplist.htm" label="Temporary list">
<topic href="rzajqlistscan.htm" label="List scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqtemprnl.htm" label="Temporary row number list">
<topic href="rzajqrnumlistscan.htm" label="Row number list scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqrnumlistprobe.htm" label="Row number list probe"/>
<topic href="rzajqtempbit.htm" label="Temporary bitmap">
<topic href="rzajqbitscan.htm" label="Bitmap scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqbitprobe.htm" label="Bitmap probe"/>
<topic href="rzajqtempindex.htm" label="Temporary index">
<topic href="rzajqtempinscan.htm" label="Temporary index scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqtempinprobe.htm" label="Temporary index probe"/>
<topic href="rzajqtempbuff.htm" label="Temporary buffer">
<topic href="rzajqbuffscan.htm" label="Buffer scan"/>
<topic href="rzajqqueue.htm" label="Queue">
<topic href="rzajqenqueue.htm" label="Enqueue"/>
<topic href="rzajqdequeue.htm" label="Dequeue"/>
<topic href="rzajq1parallel.htm" label="Objects processed in parallel"/>
<topic href="spreaddata.htm" label="Spreading data automatically"/>
<topic href="per0001.htm" label="Processing queries: Overview">
<topic href="perf30.htm" label="How the query optimizer makes your queries more efficient"/>
<topic href="gotips.htm" label="General query optimization tips"/>
<topic href="apvalid.htm" label="Access plan validation"/>
<topic href="decmakrules.htm" label="Single table optimization"/>
<topic href="perf24.htm" label="Join optimization">
<topic href="c23nl.htm" label="Nested loop join implementation"/>
<topic href="rzajqjoinoptalg.htm" label="Join optimization algorithm"/>
<topic href="rzajqjoinorder.htm" label="Join order optimization"/>
<topic href="costselect.htm" label="Cost estimation and index selection for join secondary dials"/>
<topic href="rzajqpredtrans.htm" label="Predicates generated through transitive closure"/>
<topic href="rzajqlpg.htm" label="Look ahead predicate generation (LPG)"/>
<topic href="rzajqtipsdata.htm" label="Tips for improving performance when selecting data from more than two tables"/>
<topic href="rzajqmultijoin.htm" label="Multiple join types for a query"/>
<topic href="rzajqjoinproblems.htm" label="Sources of join query performance problems"/>
<topic href="perf15.htm" label="Tips for improving the performance of join queries"/>
<topic href="rzajqdistinct.htm" label="Distinct optimization"/>
<topic href="groupopt.htm" label="Grouping optimization">
<topic href="grpinghashimp.htm" label="Grouping hash implementation"/>
<topic href="idxgrpingimp.htm" label="Index grouping implementation"/>
<topic href="rzajqgroupcols.htm" label="Optimizing grouping by eliminating grouping columns"/>
<topic href="rzajqgroupaddcols.htm" label="Optimizing grouping by adding additional grouping columns"/>
<topic href="rzajqgroupidx.htm" label="Optimizing grouping by using index skip key processing"/>
<topic href="rzajqgrouptrig.htm" label="Optimizing grouping by removing read triggers"/>
<topic href="orderingopt.htm" label="Ordering optimization"/>
<topic href="viewopt.htm" label="View implementation">
<topic href="viewcomposite.htm" label="View composite implementation"/>
<topic href="viewmaterialize.htm" label="View materialization implementation"/>
<topic href="rzajqmqt.htm" label="Materialized query table optimization">
<topic href="rzajqmqtsupport.htm" label="MQT supported function"/>
<topic href="rzajqmqtusing.htm" label="Using MQTs during Query optimization"/>
<topic href="rzajqmqtexample.htm" label="MQT examples"/>
<topic href="rzajqmqtalgorithm.htm" label="Details on the MQT matching algorithm"/>
<topic href="rzajqmqtunnecessary.htm" label="Determining unnecessary MQTs"/>
<topic href="rzajqmqtsummary.htm" label="Summary of MQT query recommendations"/>
<topic href="rzajqrecursive.htm" label="Recursive query optimization">
<topic href="rzajqrcteexample.htm" label="Recursive query example"/>
<topic href="rzajqrcteinitial.htm" label="Multiple initialization and iterative fullselects"/>
<topic href="rzajqrctepredicate.htm" label="Predicate Pushing"/>
<topic href="rzajqrctesearch.htm" label="Specifying SEARCH consideration"/>
<topic href="rzajqrctecycle.htm" label="Specifying CYCLE considerations"/>
<topic href="rzajqrctesmp.htm" label="SMP and recursive queries"/>
<topic href="queryopt.htm" label="Optimizing query performance using query optimization tools">
<topic href="qoptcmds.htm" label="Verify the performance of SQL applications"/>
<topic href="qodm.htm" label="Examine query optimizer debug messages in the job log"/>
<topic href="psi.htm" label="Gather information about embedded SQL statements with the PRTSQLINF command"/>
<topic href="rzajqdisplayplancache.htm" label="Viewing the plan cache with iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="mbdma.htm" label="Monitoring your queries using memory-resident database monitor">
<topic href="memresapidescription.htm" label="Memory-resident database monitor external API description"/>
<topic href="memrestabledesc.htm" label="Memory-resident database monitor external table description"/>
<topic href="samplesqlqueries.htm" label="Sample SQL queries"/>
<topic href="memresrowid.htm" label="Memory-resident database monitor row identification"/>
<topic href="rzajqnavsummon.htm" label="Using iSeries Navigator with summary monitors">
<topic href="rzajqstartsummon.htm" label="Starting a summary monitor"/>
<topic href="rzajqanalyzesum.htm" label="Analyzing summary monitor information"/>
<topic href="rzajqimportmon.htm" label="Importing a monitor"/>
<topic href="dms.htm" label="Monitoring your queries using Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON)">
<topic href="strdbmon.htm" label="Start Database Monitor (STRDBMON) command"/>
<topic href="endbmon.htm" label="End Database Monitor (ENDDBMON) command"/>
<topic href="dbmonperfrows.htm" label="Database monitor performance rows"/>
<topic href="dbmonexamples.htm" label="Database monitor examples">
<topic href="rzajqmon1.htm" label="Database monitor performance analysis example 1"/>
<topic href="rzajqmon2.htm" label="Database monitor performance analysis example 2"/>
<topic href="rzajqmon3.htm" label="Database monitor performance analysis example 3"/>
<topic href="rzajqmon4.htm" label="Additional database monitor examples"/>
<topic href="rzajqnavmon.htm" label="Using iSeries Navigator with detailed monitors">
<topic href="rzajqstartdetailmon.htm" label="Starting a detailed monitor"/>
<topic href="rzajqmonanalyze.htm" label="Analyze detailed monitor data"/>
<topic href="rzajqmoncompare.htm" label="Comparing monitor data"/>
<topic href="rzajqmonstatements.htm" label="Viewing statements in a monitor"/>
<topic href="rzajqimportmon1.htm" label="Importing a monitor"/>
<topic href="idxadvisor.htm" label="Query optimizer index advisor">
<topic href="rzajqshowindexes.htm" label="Display index advisor information">
<topic href="rzajqindexadvisor.htm" label="Database manager indexes advised system table"/>
<topic href="rzajqadvise3020.htm" label="Querying database monitor view 3020 - Index advised"/>
<topic href="visexpl.htm" label="View the implementation of your queries with Visual Explain">
<topic href="rzajqstartve.htm" label="Starting Visual Explain"/>
<topic href="rzajqovrve.htm" label="Overview of information available from Visual Explain"/>
<topic href="cqa.htm" label="Change the attributes of your queries with the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command">
<topic href="qryoptf.htm" label="Control queries dynamically with the query options file QAQQINI">
<topic href="specifyqaqqini.htm" label="Specifying the QAQQINI file"/>
<topic href="createqaqqini.htm" label="Creating the QAQQINI query options file"/>
<topic href="rzajqqaqqiniformat.htm" label="QAQQINI query options file format"/>
<topic href="rzajqsetoptions.htm" label="Setting the options within the query options file"/>
<topic href="rzajqiniauth.htm" label="QAQQINI query options file authority requirements"/>
<topic href="rzajqinitriggers.htm" label="QAQQINI file system supplied triggers"/>
<topic href="qryopt.htm" label="QAQQINI query options"/>
<topic href="govrle.htm" label="Set resource limits with the Predictive Query Governor">
<topic href="howqrygovworks.htm" label="Using the Query Governor"/>
<topic href="cancelquery.htm" label="Canceling a query with the Query Governor"/>
<topic href="controldefaultreply.htm" label="Controlling the default reply to the query governor inquiry message"/>
<topic href="testperfwithqrygov.htm" label="Testing performance with the query governor"/>
<topic href="qrygovexamp.htm" label="Examples of setting query time limits"/>
<topic href="rzajqstoragegov.htm" label="Testing temporary storage usage with the query governor"/>
<topic href="rzajqstoregovex.htm" label="Examples of setting query temporary storage limits"/>
<topic href="smp0001.htm" label="Control parallel processing for queries">
<topic href="syswidepar.htm" label="Controlling system wide parallel processing for queries"/>
<topic href="joblevelpar.htm" label="Controlling job level parallel processing for queries"/>
<topic href="statsmanager.htm" label="Collecting statistics with the Statistics Manager">
<topic href="autostats.htm" label="Automatic statistics collection"/>
<topic href="autostatsrefresh.htm" label="Automatic statistics refresh"/>
<topic href="rzajqstatsrequest.htm" label="Viewing statistics requests"/>
<topic href="statsvindex.htm" label="Indexes versus column statistics"/>
<topic href="monitorstats.htm" label="Monitoring background statistics collection"/>
<topic href="replicatestats.htm" label="Replication of column statistics with CRTDUPOBJ versus CPYF"/>
<topic href="statexist.htm" label="Determining what column statistics exist"/>
<topic href="statsmanually.htm" label="Manually collecting and refreshing statistics"/>
<topic href="statsapis.htm" label="Statistics Manager APIs"/>
<topic href="rzajqhealthcenter.htm" label="Display information with Database Health Center"/>
<topic href="compare.htm" label="Query optimization tools: Comparison table"/>
<topic href="efindex.htm" label="Creating an index strategy">
<topic href="rzajqbinary.htm" label="Binary radix indexes">
<topic href="rzajqpagesize.htm" label="Specifying PAGESIZE on CRTPF or CRTLF commands"/>
<topic href="genidxmaint.htm" label="General index maintenance"/>
<topic href="whatareevi.htm" label="Encoded vector indexes">
<topic href="howeviworks.htm" label="How the EVI works"/>
<topic href="whentouseevis.htm" label="When to create EVIs"/>
<topic href="evimaintenance.htm" label="EVI maintenance"/>
<topic href="recommendationsforevi.htm" label="Recommendations for EVI use"/>
<topic href="rzajqradixevi.htm" label="Comparing Binary radix indexes and Encoded vector indexes"/>
<topic href="rzajqindexopt.htm" label="Indexes and the optimizer">
<topic href="avoidinstance.htm" label="Instances where an index is not used"/>
<topic href="indexstats.htm" label="Determining unnecessary indexes"/>
<topic href="rzajqmanageindexrebuild.htm" label="Manage index rebuilds"/>
<topic href="rzajqindexstrat.htm" label="Indexing strategy">
<topic href="rzajqreact.htm" label="Reactive approach to tuning"/>
<topic href="rzajqproact.htm" label="Proactive approach to tuning"/>
<topic href="rzajqeffectindex.htm" label="Coding for effective indexes">
<topic href="avoidnumconv.htm" label="Avoid numeric conversions"/>
<topic href="avoidarithexp.htm" label="Avoid arithmetic expressions"/>
<topic href="avoidcharpad.htm" label="Avoid character string padding"/>
<topic href="avoidpatterns.htm" label="Avoid the use of like patterns beginning with % or _"/>
<topic href="usesortseq.htm" label="Using indexes with sort sequence">
<topic href="sortseljoin.htm" label="Using indexes and sort sequence with selection, joins, or grouping"/>
<topic href="sortselorder.htm" label="Using indexes and sort sequence with ordering"/>
<topic href="indexxmp.htm" label="Examples of indexes">
<topic href="nosort.htm" label="Index example: Equals selection with no sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="uniqueweight.htm" label="Index example: Equals selection with a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="sharedweight.htm" label="Index example: Equal selection with a shared-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="greater.htm" label="Index example: Greater than selection with a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="joinsel.htm" label="Index example: Join selection with a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="joinselshared.htm" label="Index example: Join selection with a shared-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="orderingnosort.htm" label="Index example: Ordering with no sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="orderinguniweight.htm" label="Index example: Ordering with a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="orderingshared.htm" label="Index example: Ordering with a shared-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordalwcpydta.htm" label="Index example: Ordering with ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) and a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="groupnosort.htm" label="Index example: Grouping with no sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="groupunique.htm" label="Index example: Grouping with a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="groupshared.htm" label="Index example: Grouping with a shared-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordgrpsame.htm" label="Index example: Ordering and grouping on the same columns with a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordgrpalwcpydta.htm" label="Index example: Ordering and grouping on the same columns with ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) and a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordgrpshared.htm" label="Index example: Ordering and grouping on the same columns with a shared-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordgrpsharedweight.htm" label="Index example: Ordering and grouping on the same columns with ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) and a shared-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordgrpdiffcols.htm" label="Index example: Ordering and grouping on different columns with a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordgrpdiffalwcpydta.htm" label="Index example: Ordering and grouping on different columns with ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) and a unique-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="ordgrpshweightsort.htm" label="Index example: Ordering and grouping on different columns with ALWCPYDTA(*OPTIMIZE) and a shared-weight sort sequence table"/>
<topic href="opens.htm" label="Application design tips for database performance">
<topic href="livedata.htm" label="Use live data"/>
<topic href="reduceopens.htm" label="Reduce the number of open operations"/>
<topic href="retaincursors.htm" label="Retain cursor positions">
<topic href="retcurs.htm" label="Retaining cursor positions for non-ILE program calls"/>
<topic href="retcrs.htm" label="Retaining cursor positions across ILE program calls"/>
<topic href="retrs.htm" label="General rules for retaining cursor positions for all program calls"/>
<topic href="progtech.htm" label="Programming techniques for database performance">
<topic href="impopt.htm" label="Use the OPTIMIZE clause"/>
<topic href="fetchnrows.htm" label="Use FETCH FOR n ROWS">
<topic href="improvesqlblock.htm" label="Improve SQL blocking performance when using FETCH FOR n ROWS"/>
<topic href="insertnrows.htm" label="Use INSERT n ROWS"/>
<topic href="ipbc.htm" label="Control database manager blocking"/>
<topic href="selectopt.htm" label="Optimize the number of columns that are selected with SELECT statements"/>
<topic href="ipps.htm" label="Eliminate redundant validation with SQL PREPARE statements"/>
<topic href="refreshfwd.htm" label="Page interactively displayed data with REFRESH(*FORWARD)"/>
<topic href="genconsid.htm" label="General DB2 UDB for iSeries performance considerations">
<topic href="longobjnames.htm" label="Effects on database performance when using long object names"/>
<topic href="precompileopts.htm" label="Effects of precompile options on database performance"/>
<topic href="ipuc.htm" label="Effects of the ALWCPYDTA parameter on database performance"/>
<topic href="vardatatypes.htm" label="Tips for using VARCHAR and VARGRAPHIC data types in databases"/>
<topic href="rzajqdmd.htm" label="Database monitor: Formats">
<topic href="phfdds.htm" label="Database monitor SQL table format"/>
<topic href="lofdds.htm" label="Optional database monitor SQL view format">
<topic href="t1000.htm" label="Database monitor view 1000 - SQL Information"/>
<topic href="t3000.htm" label="Database monitor view 3000 - Table Scan"/>
<topic href="t3001.htm" label="Database monitor view 3001 - Index Used"/>
<topic href="t3002.htm" label="Database monitor view 3002 - Index Created"/>
<topic href="t3003.htm" label="Database monitor view 3003 - Query Sort"/>
<topic href="t3004.htm" label="Database monitor view 3004 - Temp Table"/>
<topic href="t3005.htm" label="Database monitor view 3005 - Table Locked"/>
<topic href="t3006.htm" label="Database monitor view 3006 - Access Plan Rebuilt"/>
<topic href="t3007.htm" label="Database monitor view 3007 - Optimizer Timed Out"/>
<topic href="t3008.htm" label="Database monitor view 3008 - Subquery Processing"/>
<topic href="t3010.htm" label="Database monitor view 3010 - HostVar &amp; ODP Implementation"/>
<topic href="t3014.htm" label="Database monitor view 3014 - Generic QQ Information"/>
<topic href="t3015.htm" label="Database monitor view 3015 - Statistics Information"/>
<topic href="t3018.htm" label="Database monitor view 3018 - STRDBMON/ENDDBMON"/>
<topic href="qqq3019.htm" label="Database monitor view 3019 - Rows retrieved"/>
<topic href="t3020.htm" label="Database monitor view 3020 - Index advised (SQE)"/>
<topic href="t3021.htm" label="Database monitor view 3021 - Bitmap Created"/>
<topic href="t3022.htm" label="Database monitor view 3022 - Bitmap Merge"/>
<topic href="t3023.htm" label="Database monitor view 3023 - Temp Hash Table Created"/>
<topic href="t3025.htm" label="Database monitor view 3025 - Distinct Processing"/>
<topic href="t3026.htm" label="Database monitor view 3026 - Set operation"/>
<topic href="t3027.htm" label="Database monitor view 3027 - Subquery Merge"/>
<topic href="t3028.htm" label="Database monitor view 3028 - Grouping"/>
<topic href="t3030.htm" label="Database monitor view 3030 - Materialized query tables"/>
<topic href="t3031.htm" label="Database monitor view 3031 - Recursive common table expressions"/>
<topic href="rzajqmrdm.htm" label="Memory Resident Database Monitor: DDS">
<topic href="qaqqqryi.htm" label="External table description (QAQQQRYI) - Summary Row for SQL Information"/>
<topic href="qaqqtext.htm" label="External table description (QAQQTEXT) - Summary Row for SQL Statement"/>
<topic href="qaqq3000.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3000) - Arrival sequence"/>
<topic href="qaqq3001.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3001) - Using existing index"/>
<topic href="qaqq3002.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3002) - Index created"/>
<topic href="qaqq3003.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3003) - Query sort"/>
<topic href="qaqq3004.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3004) - Temporary table"/>
<topic href="qaqq3007.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3007) - Optimizer information"/>
<topic href="qaqq3008.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3008) - Subquery processing"/>
<topic href="qaqq3010.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3010) - Host variable and ODP implementation"/>
<topic href="qaqq3030.htm" label="External table description (QAQQ3030) - Materialized query table implementation"/>
<topic href="rzajqmsgref.htm" label="Query optimizer messages reference">
<topic href="pimes.htm" label="Query optimization performance information messages">
<topic href="cpi4321.htm" label="CPI4321 - Access path built for &amp;18 &amp;19"/>
<topic href="cpi4322.htm" label="CPI4322 - Access path built from keyed file &amp;1"/>
<topic href="cpi4323.htm" label="CPI4323 - The query access plan has been rebuilt"/>
<topic href="cpi4324.htm" label="CPI4324 - Temporary file built for file &amp;1"/>
<topic href="cpi4325.htm" label="CPI4325 - Temporary result file built for query"/>
<topic href="cpi4326.htm" label="CPI4326 - &amp;12 &amp;13 processed in join position &amp;10"/>
<topic href="cpi4327.htm" label="CPI4327 - File &amp;12 &amp;13 processed in join position &amp;10"/>
<topic href="cpi4328.htm" label="CPI4328 - Access path of file &amp;3 was used by query"/>
<topic href="cpi4329.htm" label="CPI4329 - Arrival sequence access was used for &amp;12 &amp;13"/>
<topic href="cpi432a.htm" label="CPI432A - Query optimizer timed out for file &amp;1"/>
<topic href="cpi432b.htm" label="CPI432B - Subselects processed as join query"/>
<topic href="cpi432c.htm" label="CPI432C - All access paths were considered for file &amp;1"/>
<topic href="cpi432d.htm" label="CPI432D - Additional access path reason codes were used"/>
<topic href="cpi432f.htm" label="CPI432F - Access path suggestion for file &amp;1"/>
<topic href="cpi4330.htm" label="CPI4330 - &amp;6 tasks used for parallel &amp;10 scan of file &amp;1"/>
<topic href="cpi4331.htm" label="CPI4331 - &amp;6 tasks used for parallel index created over file"/>
<topic href="cpi4332.htm" label="CPI4332 - &amp;1 host variables used in query"/>
<topic href="cpi4333.htm" label="CPI4333 - Hashing algorithm used to process join"/>
<topic href="cpi4334.htm" label="CPI4334 - Query implemented as reusable ODP"/>
<topic href="cpi4335.htm" label="CPI4335 - Optimizer debug messages for hash join step &amp;1 follow"/>
<topic href="cpi4336.htm" label="CPI4336 - Group processing generated"/>
<topic href="cpi4337.htm" label="CPI4337 - Temporary hash table build for hash join step &amp;1"/>
<topic href="cpi4338.htm" label="CPI4338 - &amp;1 Access path(s) used for bitmap processing of file &amp;2"/>
<topic href="cpi433d.htm" label="CPI433D - Query options used to build the i5/OS query access plan"/>
<topic href="cpi433f.htm" label="CPI433F - Multiple join classes used to process join"/>
<topic href="cpi4340.htm" label="CPI4340 - Optimizer debug messages for join class step &amp;1 follow"/>
<topic href="cpi4341.htm" label="CPI4341 - Performing distributed query"/>
<topic href="cpi4342.htm" label="CPI4342 - Performing distributed join for query"/>
<topic href="cpi4343.htm" label="CPI4343 - Optimizer debug messages for distributed query step &amp;1 of &amp;2 follow:"/>
<topic href="cpi4345.htm" label="CPI4345 - Temporary distributed result file &amp;3 built for query"/>
<topic href="cpi4346.htm" label="CPI4346 - Optimizer debug messages for query join step &amp;1 of &amp;2 follow:"/>
<topic href="cpi4347.htm" label="CPI4347 - Query being processed in multiple steps"/>
<topic href="cpi4348.htm" label="CPI4348 - The ODP associated with the cursor was hard closed"/>
<topic href="cpi4349.htm" label="CPI4349 - Fast past refresh of the host variables values is not possible"/>
<topic href="cpi434c.htm" label="CPI434C - The query access plan was not rebuilt"/>
<topic href="cpi4350.htm" label="CPI4350 - Materialized query tables were considered for optimization"/>
<topic href="cpi4351.htm" label="CPI4351 - Additional reason codes for query access plan has been rebuilt."/>
<topic href="pimesodp.htm" label="Query optimization performance information messages and open data paths">
<topic href="sql7910.htm" label="SQL7910 - All SQL cursors closed"/>
<topic href="sql7911.htm" label="SQL7911 - ODP reused"/>
<topic href="sql7912.htm" label="SQL7912 - ODP created"/>
<topic href="sql7913.htm" label="SQL7913 - ODP deleted"/>
<topic href="sql7914.htm" label="SQL7914 - ODP not deleted"/>
<topic href="sql7915.htm" label="SQL7915 - Access plan for SQL statement has been built"/>
<topic href="sql7916.htm" label="SQL7916 - Blocking used for query"/>
<topic href="sql7917.htm" label="SQL7917 - Access plan not updated"/>
<topic href="sql7918.htm" label="SQL7918 - Reusable ODP deleted"/>
<topic href="sql7919.htm" label="SQL7919 - Data conversion required on FETCH or embedded SELECT"/>
<topic href="sql7939.htm" label="SQL7939 - Data conversion required on INSERT or UPDATE"/>
<topic href="prtsqlinfmsg.htm" label="PRTSQLINF message reference">
<topic href="sql400a.htm" label="SQL400A - Temporary distributed result file &amp;1 was created to contain join result"/>
<topic href="sql400b.htm" label="SQL400B - Temporary distributed result file &amp;1 was created to contain join result"/>
<topic href="sql400c.htm" label="SQL400C - Optimizer debug messages for distributed query step &amp;1 and &amp;2 follow"/>
<topic href="sql400d.htm" label="SQL400D - GROUP BY processing generated"/>
<topic href="sql400e.htm" label="SQL400E - Temporary distributed result file &amp;1 was created while processing distributed subquery"/>
<topic href="sql4001.htm" label="SQL4001 - Temporary result created"/>
<topic href="sql4002.htm" label="SQL4002 - Reusable ODP sort used"/>
<topic href="sql4003.htm" label="SQL4003 - UNION"/>
<topic href="sql4004.htm" label="SQL4004 - SUBQUERY"/>
<topic href="sql4005.htm" label="SQL4005 - Query optimizer timed out for table &amp;1"/>
<topic href="sql4006.htm" label="SQL4006 - All indexes considered for table &amp;1"/>
<topic href="sql4007.htm" label="SQL4007 - Query implementation for join position &amp;1 table &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql4008.htm" label="SQL4008 - Index &amp;1 used for table &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql4009.htm" label="SQL4009 - Index created for table &amp;1"/>
<topic href="sql401a.htm" label="SQL401A - Processing grouping criteria for query containing a distributed table"/>
<topic href="sql401b.htm" label="SQL401B - Temporary distributed result table &amp;1 was created while processing grouping criteria"/>
<topic href="sql401c.htm" label="SQL401C - Performing distributed join for query"/>
<topic href="sql401d.htm" label="SQL401D - Temporary distributed result table &amp;1 was created because table &amp;2 was directed"/>
<topic href="sql401e.htm" label="SQL401E - Temporary distributed result table &amp;1 was created because table &amp;2 was broadcast"/>
<topic href="sql401f.htm" label="SQL401F - Table &amp;1 used in distributed join"/>
<topic href="sql4010.htm" label="SQL4010 - Table scan access for table &amp;1"/>
<topic href="sql4011.htm" label="SQL4011 - Index scan-key row positioning used on table &amp;1"/>
<topic href="sql4012.htm" label="SQL4012 - Index created from index &amp;1 for table &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql4013.htm" label="SQL4013 - Access plan has not been built"/>
<topic href="sql4014.htm" label="SQL4014 - &amp;1 join column pair(s) are used for this join position"/>
<topic href="sql4015.htm" label="SQL4015 - From-column &amp;1.&amp;2, to-column &amp;3.&amp;4, join operator &amp;5, join predicate &amp;6"/>
<topic href="sql4016.htm" label="SQL4016 - Subselects processed as join query"/>
<topic href="sql4017.htm" label="SQL4017 - Host variables implemented as reusable ODP"/>
<topic href="sql4018.htm" label="SQL4018 - Host variables implemented as non-reusable ODP"/>
<topic href="sql4019.htm" label="SQL4019 - Host variables implemented as file management row positioning reusable ODP"/>
<topic href="sql402a.htm" label="SQL402A - Hashing algorithm used to process join"/>
<topic href="sql402b.htm" label="SQL402B - Table &amp;1 used in hash join step &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql402c.htm" label="SQL402C - Temporary table created for hash join results"/>
<topic href="sql402d.htm" label="SQL402D - Query attributes overridden from query options file &amp;2 in library &amp;1"/>
<topic href="sql4020.htm" label="SQL4020 - Estimated query run time is &amp;1 seconds"/>
<topic href="sql4021.htm" label="SQL4021 - Access plan last saved on &amp;1 at &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql4022.htm" label="SQL4022 - Access plan was saved with SRVQRY attributes active"/>
<topic href="sql4023.htm" label="SQL4023 - Parallel table prefetch used"/>
<topic href="sql4024.htm" label="SQL4024 - Parallel index preload access method used"/>
<topic href="sql4025.htm" label="SQL4025 - Parallel table preload access method used"/>
<topic href="sql4026.htm" label="SQL4026 - Index only access used on table number &amp;1"/>
<topic href="sql4027.htm" label="SQL4027 - Access plan was saved with DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing installed on the system"/>
<topic href="sql4028.htm" label="SQL4028 - The query contains a distributed table"/>
<topic href="sql4029.htm" label="SQL4029 - Hashing algorithm used to process the grouping"/>
<topic href="sql4030.htm" label="SQL4030 - &amp;1 tasks specified for parallel scan on table &amp;2."/>
<topic href="sql4031.htm" label="SQL4031 - &amp;1 tasks specified for parallel index create over table &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql4032.htm" label="SQL4032 - Index &amp;1 used for bitmap processing of table &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql4033.htm" label="SQL4033 - &amp;1 tasks specified for parallel bitmap create using &amp;2"/>
<topic href="sql4034.htm" label="SQL4034 - Multiple join classes used to process join"/>
<topic href="sql4035.htm" label="SQL4035 - Table &amp;1 used in join class &amp;2"/>