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<meta name="DC.Title" content="External file description considerations for host structure arrays in ILE RPG applications that use SQL" />
<meta name="abstract" content="For device files, if INDARA was not specified and the file contains indicators, the declaration is not used as a host structure array. The indicator area is included in the structure that is generated and would cause the storage to be separated." />
<meta name="description" content="For device files, if INDARA was not specified and the file contains indicators, the declaration is not used as a host structure array. The indicator area is included in the structure that is generated and would cause the storage to be separated." />
<meta name="DC.subject" content="external file description, host structure arrays, ILE RPG, file description, host structure arrays, ILE RPG, *NOCVTDT, precompiler parameter, DATFMT, DATSEP, TIMFMT, TIMSEP, ILE RPG" />
<meta name="keywords" content="external file description, host structure arrays, ILE RPG, file description, host structure arrays, ILE RPG, *NOCVTDT, precompiler parameter, DATFMT, DATSEP, TIMFMT, TIMSEP, ILE RPG" />
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<title>External file description considerations for host structure arrays
in ILE RPG applications that use SQL</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">External file description considerations for host structure arrays
in ILE RPG applications that use SQL</h1>
<div><p>For device files, if INDARA was not specified and the file contains
indicators, the declaration is not used as a host structure array. The indicator
area is included in the structure that is generated and would cause the storage
to be separated. </p>
<div class="section"><p>If OPTION(*NOCVTDT) is specified and the date and time format
and separator of date and time field definitions within the file are not the
same as the DATFMT, DATSEP, TIMFMT, and TIMSEP parameters on the CRTSQLRPGI
command, then the host structure array is not usable.</p>
<div class="section"><p>In the following example, the DEPARTMENT table is included in
the ILE RPG program and used to declare a host structure array.
A blocked FETCH statement is then used to retrieve 10 rows into the host structure
C+ <strong>DECLARE</strong> C1 <strong>CURSOR FOR</strong>
C+ <strong>SELECT</strong> *
C+ <strong>FETCH</strong> C1 <strong>FOR</strong> 10 <strong>ROWS
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzajpexternalirpg.htm" title="Field definitions for externally described files, including renaming of fields, are recognized by the SQL precompiler. The external definition form of the data structure can be used to obtain a copy of the column names to be used as host variables.">Use external file descriptions in ILE RPG applications that use SQL</a></div>