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<toc label="Embedded SQL programming" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzajp/rzajp.xml" topic="rzajpkickoff.htm">
<topic href="rzajpkickoff.htm" label="Embedded SQL programming">
<topic href="rzajpwhatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rzajpprintthis.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rzajpsqlcom.htm" label="Common concepts and rules for using embedded SQL">
<topic href="rzajpwritesqlapp.htm" label="Write applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostvar.htm" label="Use host variables in SQL statements">
<topic href="rzajpasnrule.htm" label="Assignment rules for host variables in SQL statements">
<topic href="rzajpstringrule.htm" label="Rules for string assignment of host variables in SQL statements"/>
<topic href="rzajpccsidrule.htm" label="Rules for CCSIDs of host variables in SQL statements"/>
<topic href="rzajpnumrule.htm" label="Rules for numeric assignment of host variables in SQL statements"/>
<topic href="rzajpdaterule.htm" label="Rules for date, time, and timestamp assignment of host variables in SQL statements"/>
<topic href="rzajpindvar.htm" label="Indicator variables in applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajphostindvar.htm" label="Indicator variables used with host structures"/>
<topic href="rzajpnullvar.htm" label="Indicator variables used to set null values"/>
<topic href="rzajperrtncd.htm" label="Handle SQL error return codes using the SQLCA"/>
<topic href="rzajpdiagnostics.htm" label="Use the SQL diagnostics area">
<topic href="rzajpupdiag.htm" label="Update applications to use the SQL diagnostics area"/>
<topic href="rzajpmodeldiag.htm" label="iSeries server programming model"/>
<topic href="rzajpdiagnotes.htm" label="Additional notes on using the SQL diagnostics area"/>
<topic href="rzajpdiagex.htm" label="Example: SQL routine exception"/>
<topic href="rzajpdiaglog.htm" label="Example: Logging items from the SQL diagnostics area"/>
<topic href="rzajpwhen.htm" label="Handle exception conditions with the WHENEVER Statement"/>
<topic href="rzajpc.htm" label="Code SQL statements in C and C++ applications">
<topic href="rzajpsqlcac.htm" label="Define the SQL communications area in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsqldac.htm" label="Define SQL descriptor areas in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpembedsqlc.htm" label="Embed SQL statements in C and C++ applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpcommentsc.htm" label="Comments in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcontinuationc.htm" label="Continuation for SQL statements in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpincludecodec.htm" label="Include code in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpmarginsc.htm" label="Margins in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcnamco.htm" label="Names in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpnullsc.htm" label="NULLs and NULs in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpstmtlabelsc.htm" label="Statement labels in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajppreprocessorc.htm" label="Preprocessor sequence for C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajptrigraphsc.htm" label="Trigraphs in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpwheneverc.htm" label="WHENEVER Statement in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostsqlc.htm" label="Use host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpdeclaringhostc.htm" label="Declare host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpcnumvar.htm" label="Numeric host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpccharhost.htm" label="Character host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcgraphvar.htm" label="Graphic host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcisbinary.htm" label="Binary host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpclobvar.htm" label="LOB host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcrowid.htm" label="ROWID host variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucc.htm" label="Use host structures in C and C++ applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajphoststrucdeclaration.htm" label="Host structure declarations in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucindicator.htm" label="Host structure indicator array in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostarrayc.htm" label="Use arrays of host structures in C and C++ applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajphoststrucarrayc.htm" label="Host structure array in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucindicatorc.htm" label="Host structure array indicator structure in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajppointerdtc.htm" label="Use pointer data types in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajptypedefc.htm" label="Use typedef in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpilecc.htm" label="Use ILE C compiler external file descriptions in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpequivsqlc.htm" label="Determine equivalent SQL and C or C++ data types">
<topic href="rzajpcvariabledecnotes.htm" label="Notes on C and C++ variable declaration and usage"/>
<topic href="rzajpindvard.htm" label="Use indicator variables in C and C++ applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcob.htm" label="Code SQL statements in COBOL applications">
<topic href="rzajpsqlcacobol.htm" label="Define the SQL communications area in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsqldacobol.htm" label="Define SQL descriptor areas in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpembedsqlcobol.htm" label="Embed SQL statements in COBOL applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpcommentscobol.htm" label="Comments in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcontinuationcobol.htm" label="Continuation for SQL statements in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpincludecodecobol.htm" label="Include code in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpmarginscobol.htm" label="Margins in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsequencecobol.htm" label="Sequence numbers in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpconamco.htm" label="Names in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcompilecobol.htm" label="COBOL compile-time options in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpstmtlabelscobol.htm" label="Statement labels in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpwhenevercobol.htm" label="WHENEVER Statement in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpmultisourcecobol.htm" label="Multiple source COBOL programs and the SQL COBOL precompiler"/>
<topic href="rzajphostvariablescobol.htm" label="Use host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpdeclaringhostcobol.htm" label="Declare host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpcobnum.htm" label="Numeric host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcobfloat.htm" label="Floating point host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcobchar.htm" label="Character host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcobgraphic.htm" label="Graphic host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcobbinary.htm" label="Binary host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcoblob.htm" label="LOB host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcobdate.htm" label="Datetime host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcobolrowid.htm" label="ROWID host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststructurecobol.htm" label="Use host structures in COBOL applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajphoststruccobol.htm" label="Host structure in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostindicatorcobol.htm" label="Host structure indicator array in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucarraycobol.htm" label="Use host structure arrays in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucappcobol.htm" label="Host structure array in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostarrayindiccobol.htm" label="Host array indicator structure in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpexternalcobol.htm" label="Use external file descriptions in COBOL applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpextfiledesccobol.htm" label="Use external file descriptions for host structure arrays in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpequivsqlcobol.htm" label="Determine equivalent SQL and COBOL data types">
<topic href="rzajpnotescobol.htm" label="Notes on COBOL variable declaration and usage"/>
<topic href="rzajpindicatorcobol.htm" label="Use indicator variables in COBOL applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpplone.htm" label="Code SQL statements in PL/I applications">
<topic href="rzajpcodp.htm" label="Define the SQL communications area in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsqldapli.htm" label="Define SQL descriptor areas in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpembedsqlpli.htm" label="Embed SQL statements in PL/I applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpexampsqlpli.htm" label="Example: Embed SQL statements in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcommentspli.htm" label="Comments in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcontinuationpli.htm" label="Continuation for SQL statements in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpincludecodepli.htm" label="Include code in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpmarginspli.htm" label="Margins in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpplnamco.htm" label="Names in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpstmtlabelspli.htm" label="Statement labels in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpwheneverpli.htm" label="WHENEVER Statement in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostvariablespli.htm" label="Use host variables in PL/I applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpdeclarehostpli.htm" label="Declare host variables in PL/I applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpplinum.htm" label="Numeric-host variables in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpplichar.htm" label="Character-host variables in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpplibinary.htm" label="Binary host variables in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpplilob.htm" label="LOB host variables in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpplirowid.htm" label="ROWID host variables in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucpli.htm" label="Use host structures in PL/I applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajphostapppli.htm" label="Host structures in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostindicatorpli.htm" label="Host structure indicator arrays in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostarraypli.htm" label="Use host structure arrays in PL/I applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpplihoststruc.htm" label="Host structure array in PL/I applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajppliarrayindicator.htm" label="Host structure array indicator in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajppcticld.htm" label="Use external file descriptions in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpequivsqlpli.htm" label="Determine equivalent SQL and PL/I data types"/>
<topic href="rzajpindvp.htm" label="Use indicator variables in PL/I applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajppliparm.htm" label="Differences in PL/I because of structure parameter passing techniques"/>
<topic href="rzajprpg.htm" label="Code SQL statements in RPG/400 applications">
<topic href="rzajpsqlcarpg.htm" label="Define the SQL communications area in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsqldarpg.htm" label="Define SQL descriptor areas in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpembedsqlrpg.htm" label="Embed SQL statements in RPG/400 applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpexampembedsqlrpg.htm" label="Example: Embed SQL statements in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcommentsrpg.htm" label="Comments in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcontinuationrpg.htm" label="Continuation for SQL statements in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpincludecoderpg.htm" label="Include code in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsequencerpg.htm" label="Sequence numbers in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajprpnamco.htm" label="Names in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpstmtlabelsrpg.htm" label="Statement labels in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpwheneverrpg.htm" label="WHENEVER statement in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostvariablesrpg.htm" label="Use host variables in RPG/400 applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpdeclaringrpg.htm" label="Declare host variables in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucrpg.htm" label="Use host structures in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostarrayrpg.htm" label="Use host structure arrays in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpexternalfilerpg.htm" label="Use external file descriptions in RPG/400 applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpexfiledesrpg.htm" label="External file description considerations for host structure arrays in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpequivsqlrpg.htm" label="Determine equivalent SQL and RPG/400 data types">
<topic href="rzajprpgnotes.htm" label="Assignment rules in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpindicatorrpg.htm" label="Use indicator variables in RPG/400 applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpexampindicatorrpg.htm" label="Example: Use indicator variables in RPG/400 applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajprpgparm.htm" label="Differences in RPG/400 because of structure parameter passing techniques"/>
<topic href="rzajpendingrpg.htm" label="Correctly end a called RPG/400 program that uses SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajprpgi.htm" label="Code SQL statements in ILE RPG applications">
<topic href="rzajpsqlcairpg.htm" label="Define the SQL communications area in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsqldairpg.htm" label="Define SQL descriptor areas in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpembedirpg.htm" label="Embed SQL statements in ILE RPG applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpcommentsirpg.htm" label="Comments in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcontinuationirpg.htm" label="Continuation for SQL statements in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpincludecodeirpg.htm" label="Include code in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpdirectivesirpg.htm" label="Use directives in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsequenceirpg.htm" label="Sequence numbers in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajprpiamco.htm" label="Names in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpstmtlabelsirpg.htm" label="Statement labels in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpwheneverirpg.htm" label="WHENEVER statement in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostvariablesirpg.htm" label="Use host variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpdeclaringirpg.htm" label="Declare host variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpirpgbin.htm" label="Declare binary host variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajplobvar.htm" label="Declare LOB host variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpirpglobhost.htm" label="LOB host variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpirpglobloc.htm" label="LOB locators in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpirpglobfileref.htm" label="LOB file reference variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpilerpgrowid.htm" label="Declare ROWID variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphoststrucirpg.htm" label="Use host structures in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostarrayirpg.htm" label="Use host structure arrays in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpexternalirpg.htm" label="Use external file descriptions in ILE RPG applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpirpgexternal.htm" label="External file description considerations for host structure arrays in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpequivsqlirpg.htm" label="Determine equivalent SQL and ILE RPG data types">
<topic href="rzajpirpgnotes.htm" label="Notes on ILE RPG variable declaration and usage"/>
<topic href="rzajpindicatorirpg.htm" label="Use indicator variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpexampindicatorirpg.htm" label="Example: Use indicator variables in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpexampsqldairpg.htm" label="Example of the SQLDA for a multiple row-area fetch in ILE RPG applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpexampsqlirpg.htm" label="Example of dynamic SQL in an ILE RPG application that uses SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajprexx.htm" label="Code SQL statements in REXX applications">
<topic href="rzajpcodpl.htm" label="Use the SQL communications area in REXX applications"/>
<topic href="rzajprsqlda.htm" label="Use SQL descriptor areas in REXX applications"/>
<topic href="rzajpembedsqlrexx.htm" label="Embed SQL statements in REXX applications">
<topic href="rzajpcommentsrexx.htm" label="Comments in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpcontinuationrexx.htm" label="Continuation of SQL statements in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpincludecoderexx.htm" label="Include code in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpmarginsrexx.htm" label="Margins in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpnamesrexx.htm" label="Names in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpnullsrexx.htm" label="Nulls in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpstmtlabelsrexx.htm" label="Statement labels in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajprxerr.htm" label="Handle errors and warnings in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajphostvariablesrexx.htm" label="Use host variables in REXX applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajpdeterminerexx.htm" label="Determine data types of input host variables in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpoutputrexx.htm" label="The format of output host variables in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpavoidingrexx.htm" label="Avoid REXX conversion in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpinvar.htm" label="Use indicator variables in REXX applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajppreprog.htm" label="Prepare and run a program with SQL statements">
<topic href="rzajpprecomp.htm" label="Basic processes of the SQL precompiler">
<topic href="rzajpinputcompile.htm" label="Input to the SQL precompiler"/>
<topic href="rzajpsourceccsid.htm" label="Source file CCSIDs in the SQL precompiler"/>
<topic href="rzajpoutputcompile.htm" label="Output from the SQL precompiler">
<topic href="rzajplisting.htm" label="Listing"/>
<topic href="rzajptempmem.htm" label="Temporary source file members created by the SQL precompiler"/>
<topic href="rzajpsysprt.htm" label="Sample SQL precompiler output"/>
<topic href="rzajpprcpcmd.htm" label="Non-ILE SQL precompiler commands">
<topic href="rzajpcompilenonile.htm" label="Compile a non-ILE application program that uses SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpilesqlprecompile.htm" label="ILE SQL precompiler commands">
<topic href="rzajpcompileile.htm" label="Compile an ILE application program that uses SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpifsprecomp.htm" label="Set compiler options using the precompiler commands"/>
<topic href="rzajpinterpreterrors.htm" label="Interpret compile errors in applications that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajperrorandwarning.htm" label="Error and warning messages during a compile of application programs that use SQL">
<topic href="rzajperrorplic.htm" label="Error and warning messages during a PL/I, C, or C++ Compile"/>
<topic href="rzajperrorcobol.htm" label="Error and warning messages during a COBOL compile"/>
<topic href="rzajperrorrpg.htm" label="Error and warning messages during a RPG compile"/>
<topic href="rzajpbind.htm" label="Bind an application that uses SQL">
<topic href="rzajppgmref.htm" label="Program references in applications that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpdisplayoptions.htm" label="Display SQL precompiler options"/>
<topic href="rzajprunningpgm.htm" label="Run a program with embedded SQL">
<topic href="rzajprunningddm.htm" label="Run a program with embedded SQL: i5/OS DDM considerations"/>
<topic href="rzajprunningoverride.htm" label="Run a program with embedded SQL: Override considerations"/>
<topic href="rzajprunningretcode.htm" label="Run a program with embedded SQL: SQL return codes"/>
<topic href="rzajpsamprog.htm" label="Sample programs using DB2 UDB for iSeries statements">
<topic href="rzajpssilec.htm" label="Example: SQL statements in ILE C and C++ programs"/>
<topic href="rzajpcobile.htm" label="Example: SQL statements in COBOL and ILE COBOL programs"/>
<topic href="rzajpstpli.htm" label="Example: SQL statements in PL/I programs"/>
<topic href="rzajpssrpg.htm" label="Example: SQL statements in RPG/400 programs"/>
<topic href="rzajpssile.htm" label="Example: SQL statements in ILE RPG programs"/>
<topic href="rzajpssrexx.htm" label="Example: SQL statements in REXX programs"/>
<topic href="rzajprpsp.htm" label="Report produced by sample programs that use SQL"/>
<topic href="rzajpsyntax.htm" label="DB2 UDB for iSeries CL command descriptions for host language precompilers">
<topic href="rzajpcobolpre.htm" label="CRTSQLCBL (Create Structured Query Language COBOL) command"/>
<topic href="rzajpicobolpre.htm" label="CRTSQLCBLI (Create SQL ILE COBOL Object) command"/>
<topic href="rzajpicpre.htm" label="CRTSQLCI (Create Structured Query Language ILE C Object) command"/>
<topic href="rzajpcpppre.htm" label="CRTSQLCPPI (Create Structured Query Language C++ Object) command"/>
<topic href="rzajpplipre.htm" label="CRTSQLPLI (Create Structured Query Language PL/I) command"/>
<topic href="rzajprpgpre.htm" label="CRTSQLRPG (Create Structured Query Language RPG) command"/>
<topic href="rzajpirpgpre.htm" label="CRTSQLRPGI (Create SQL ILE RPG Object) command"/>
<topic href="rzajprelated.htm" label="Related information for Embedded SQL programming"/>