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<h1 class="topictitle1">Application definitions</h1>
<div><p>Use this information to learn what DCM application
definitions are and how to work with them for SSL configuration and object
<div class="p">There are two types of application definitions that you can manage in Digital
Certificate Manager (DCM): <ul><li>Client or server application definitions that use Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) communication sessions. </li>
<li>Object signing application definitions that sign objects to ensure object
integrity. </li>
<p>To use DCM to work with SSL application definitions and their certificates,
the application must first be registered with DCM as an application definition
so that it has a unique application ID. Application developers register SSL-enabled
applications by using an API (QSYRGAP, QsyRegisterAppForCertUse) to create
the application ID in DCM automatically. All IBM<sup>®</sup> <span class="keyword">iSeries™</span> SSL-enabled
applications are registered with DCM so that you can easily use DCM to assign
a certificate to them so that they can establish an SSL session. Also, for
applications that you write or purchase, you can define an application definition
and create the application ID for it within DCM itself. You must be working
in the *SYSTEM certificate store to create an SSL application definition for
either a client application or a server application. </p>
<p>To use a certificate to sign objects, you first must define an application
for the certificate to use. Unlike an SSL application definition, an object
signing application does not describe an actual application. Instead, the
application definition that you create might describe the type or group of
objects that you intend to sign. You must be working in the *OBJECTSIGNING
certificate store to create an object signing application definition. </p>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzahurzahu4abunderstanddc.htm" title="View this information to better understand what digital certificates are and how they work. Learn about the different types of certificates and how you can use them as part of your security policy.">DCM concepts</a></div>
<div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />
<div><a href="rzahurzahu444worksecureapps.htm" title="This topic provides information about creating application definitions and how to manage an application's certificate assignment. You can learn about defining CA trust lists that applications use as the basis of accepting certificates for client authentication.">Manage applications in DCM</a></div>
<div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
<div><a href="rzahudefineapp.htm" title="Review this topic to learn how about the two different types of applications that you can define and work with.">Create an application definition</a></div>