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<h1 class="topictitle1">Keyed data queues</h1>
<div><p>The BaseDataQueue and KeyedDataQueue classes provide methods for
working with keyed data queues.</p>
<div class="section"><p><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/BaseDataQueue.html#NAVBAR_TOP"> BaseDataQueue</a> </p>
<p><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/KeyedDataQueue.html#NAVBAR_TOP"> KeyedDataQueue</a> </p>
<ul><li><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/KeyedDataQueue.html#CREATE(INT, INT)"> Create</a> a keyed data queue on the server. The Java™ program
must specify key length and maximum size of an entry on the queue. The Java program
can optionally specify authority information, save sender information, force
to disk, and provide a queue description.</li>
<li><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/KeyedDataQueue.html#PEEK(BYTE[])"> Peek</a> at an entry based on the specified key without
removing it from the queue. The Java program can wait or return immediately
if no entry is currently on the queue that matches the key criteria.</li>
<li><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/KeyedDataQueue.html#READ(BYTE[])"> Read</a> an entry off the queue based on the specified key.
The Java program
can wait or return immediately if no entry is available on the queue that
matches the key criteria.</li>
<li><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/KeyedDataQueue.html#WRITE(BYTE[], BYTE[])"> Write</a> a keyed entry to the queue.</li>
<li><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/KeyedDataQueue.html#CLEAR(BYTE[])"> Clear</a> all entries or all entries that match a specified
<li><a href="javadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/BaseDataQueue.html#DELETE()"> Delete</a> the queue.</li>
<p>The BaseDataQueue and KeyedDataQueue classes also provide additional
methods for retrieving the attributes of the data queue.</p>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Examples: Working with keyed data queues</h4><p>The following
keyed data queue examples illustrate how a producer puts items on a data queue,
and how a consumer takes the items off the queue and processes them:</p>
<blockquote><p><a href="dqkeyedproducerexample.htm#dqkeyedproducerexample">Example: Using KeyedDataQueue</a></p>
<p><a href="dqkeyedconsumerexample.htm#dqkeyedconsumerexample">Example: Using KeyedDataQueue classes to read entries off a data queue</a></p>