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<toc label=" Distributed database programming " link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#ddp/rbal1.xml" topic="rbal1kickoff.htm">
<topic href="rbal1kickoff.htm" label="Distributed database programming">
<topic href="rbal1whatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rbal1printthis.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rbal1intro.htm" label="Introduction to distributed database programming">
<topic href="rbal1drdbp.htm" label="Distributed relational database processing">
<topic href="rbal1ruw.htm" label="Remote unit of work"/>
<topic href="rbal1duw.htm" label="Distributed unit of work"/>
<topic href="rbal1odbconc.htm" label="Other distributed relational database terms and concepts"/>
<topic href="rbal1archsupp.htm" label="Distributed relational database architecture support"/>
<topic href="rbal1drdacdra.htm" label="DRDA and CDRA support"/>
<topic href="rbal1appreq.htm" label="Application requester driver programs"/>
<topic href="rbal1drdh.htm" label="Distributed relational database on i5/OS"/>
<topic href="rbal1mandd.htm" label="Manage an iSeries distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1spifx1.htm" label="Example: Spiffy Corporation distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1spiffyorg.htm" label="Spiffy organization and system profile"/>
<topic href="rbal1spiffybus.htm" label="Business processes of the Spiffy Corporation Automobile Service"/>
<topic href="rbal1spiffyadm.htm" label="Distributed relational database administration for the Spiffy Corporation"/>
<topic href="rbal1plan.htm" label="Planning and design">
<topic href="rbal1idyourneeds.htm" label="Identify your needs and expectations for a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1dataneeds.htm" label="Data needs for distributed relational databases"/>
<topic href="rbal1capabil.htm" label="Distributed relational database capabilities"/>
<topic href="rbal1goalsanddir.htm" label="Goals and directions for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1desappnet.htm" label="Design the application, network, and data for a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1appcons.htm" label="Tips: Design distributed relational database applications"/>
<topic href="rbal1networkconsid.htm" label="Network considerations for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1dataconsid.htm" label="Data considerations for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1managestrat.htm" label="Develop a management strategy for a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1genop.htm" label="General operations for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1secforadist.htm" label="Security considerations for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1accountingfor.htm" label="Account for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1proban.htm" label="Problem analysis for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1backuprec.htm" label="Backup and recovery for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1setup.htm" label="Initial setup">
<topic href="rbal1workmanage.htm" label="Work management on the iSeries server">
<topic href="rbal1setworkenv.htm" label="Set up your work management environment for DRDA"/>
<topic href="rbal1considappc.htm" label="APPC subsystems"/>
<topic href="rbal1tcpipsub.htm" label="TCP/IP subsystems"/>
<topic href="rbal1drdaconsiderations.htm" label="User databases on independent auxiliary storage pools"/>
<topic href="rbal1rdbdir.htm" label="Use the relational database directory">
<topic href="rbal1workwith.htm" label="Work with the relational database directory">
<topic href="rbal1addsna.htm" label="Add an entry for SNA usage"/>
<topic href="rbal1addtcpentry.htm" label="Add an entry for TCP/IP usage"/>
<topic href="rbal1specifyn.htm" label="Specify a relational database alias name"/>
<topic href="rbal1addard.htm" label="Add an entry for an application requester driver"/>
<topic href="rbal1workcomm.htm" label="Use the WRKRDBDIRE command"/>
<topic href="rbal1localentry.htm" label="The *LOCAL directory entry"/>
<topic href="rbal1direntry.htm" label="Directory entries for user databases on independent auxiliary storage pools"/>
<topic href="rbal1rddsetupexample.htm" label="Example: Set up a relational database directory"/>
<topic href="rbal1drdasec.htm" label="Set up DRDA security"/>
<topic href="rbal1tcpipsetup2.htm" label="Set up the TCP/IP server for DRDA"/>
<topic href="rbal1setup4isql.htm" label="Set up SQL packages for Interactive SQL"/>
<topic href="rbal1setddm.htm" label="Set up DDM files"/>
<topic href="rbal1dbload.htm" label="Load data into tables in a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1newdatatotables.htm" label="Load new data into the tables of a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1tbldatasql.htm" label="Load data into a table using SQL"/>
<topic href="rbal1manipulating.htm" label="Manipulate data in tables and files using the iSeries query management function"/>
<topic href="rbal1dfu.htm" label="Enter data, update tables, and make inquiries using data file utility"/>
<topic href="rbal1mvdat.htm" label="Move data from one iSeries server to another">
<topic href="rbal1createuwap.htm" label="Create a user-written application program"/>
<topic href="rbal1queryint.htm" label="Query a database using Interactive SQL"/>
<topic href="rbal1queryremote.htm" label="Query remote servers using DB2 Universal Database for iSeries query management function"/>
<topic href="rbal1copydisk.htm" label="Copy files to and from tape"/>
<topic href="rbal1cpfddm.htm" label="Move data between iSeries servers using copy file commands"/>
<topic href="rbal1trnasnfc.htm" label="Transfer data over network using Network File commands"/>
<topic href="rbal1movesave.htm" label="Move a table using server save and restore commands"/>
<topic href="rbal1movedata.htm" label="Move a database to an iSeries server from a non-iSeries server">
<topic href="rbal1moveibm.htm" label="Move data from another IBM server"/>
<topic href="rbal1movenonibm.htm" label="Move data from a non-IBM server"/>
<topic href="rbal1secure.htm" label="Security">
<topic href="rbal1secdb.htm" label="Elements of distributed relational database security">
<topic href="rbal1elements.htm" label="Elements of security in an APPC network">
<topic href="rbal1appnlist.htm" label="APPN configuration lists"/>
<topic href="rbal1convosec.htm" label="Conversation level security"/>
<topic href="rbal1tssec.htm" label="DRDA application server security in an APPC network"/>
<topic href="rbal1elementsusetcp.htm" label="Elements of security in a TCP/IP network">
<topic href="rbal1sourcesecurity.htm" label="Application requester security in a TCP/IP network"/>
<topic href="rbal1targetsecurity.htm" label="Application server security in a TCP/IP network"/>
<topic href="rbal1connsec.htm" label="Connection security protocols for DDM and DRDA"/>
<topic href="rbal1sslddm.htm" label="Secure Sockets Layer for DDM and DRDA">
<topic href="rbal1reqprog.htm" label="Required programs"/>
<topic href="rbal1isreq.htm" label="iSeries server requirements"/>
<topic href="rbal1ipsecddm.htm" label="Internet Protocol Security Architecture for DDM and DRDA"/>
<topic href="rbal1clearpass.htm" label="Considerations for certain passwords being sent as clear text"/>
<topic href="rbal1ports.htm" label="Ports and port restrictions for DDM/DRDA"/>
<topic href="rbal1exitpgms.htm" label="DRDA server access control exit programs">
<topic href="rbal1sacep.htm" label="Example: DRDA server access control exit program"/>
<topic href="rbal1objsec.htm" label="Object-related security for DRDA"/>
<topic href="rbal1sqlaut.htm" label="Authority to distributed relational database objects"/>
<topic href="rbal1adopt.htm" label="Programs that run under adopted authority for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1rdbpro.htm" label="Protection strategies in a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1program.htm" label="Application development">
<topic href="rbal1progdrd.htm" label="Programming considerations for a distributed relational database application">
<topic href="rbal1naming.htm" label="Naming of distributed relational database objects">
<topic href="rbal1systemname.htm" label="System (*SYS) naming convention"/>
<topic href="rbal1sqlname.htm" label="SQL (*SQL) naming convention"/>
<topic href="rbal1defaultc.htm" label="Default collection name"/>
<topic href="rbal1cnct.htm" label="Connect to a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1cmrwj.htm" label="Remote unit of work">
<topic href="rbal1ruwcnst.htm" label="Activation group states">
<topic href="rbal1connectstate.htm" label="Connectable and connected state"/>
<topic href="rbal1unconnectstate.htm" label="Unconnectable and connected state"/>
<topic href="rbal1connun.htm" label="Connectable and unconnected state"/>
<topic href="rbal1adduwmg.htm" label="Distributed unit of work">
<topic href="rbal1jac3.htm" label="Activation group states">
<topic href="rbal1initialstate.htm" label="Initial state of an activation group"/>
<topic href="rbal1states.htm" label="Connection states"/>
<topic href="rbal1actstates.htm" label="Activation group connection states"/>
<topic href="rbal1endcon.htm" label="When a connection is ended"/>
<topic href="rbal1running.htm" label="Run with both RUW and DUW connection management"/>
<topic href="rbal1implicit.htm" label="Implicit connection management for the default activation group"/>
<topic href="rbal1nondefault.htm" label="Implicit connection management for nondefault activation groups"/>
<topic href="rbal1excon.htm" label="Explicit connection management"/>
<topic href="rbal1sdd.htm" label="SQL specific to distributed relational database and SQL CALL">
<topic href="rbal1drdastatement.htm" label="Distributed relational database statements"/>
<topic href="rbal1stored.htm" label="SQL CALL statement (stored procedures)">
<topic href="rbal1sqlcalludb.htm" label="DB2 Universal Database for iSeries CALL considerations"/>
<topic href="rbal1coexist.htm" label="DB2 Universal Database for iSeries coexistence"/>
<topic href="rbal1enddrda.htm" label="End DRDA units of work"/>
<topic href="rbal1spucc.htm" label="Stored procedures, user-defined functions, and commitment control"/>
<topic href="rbal1ccsid.htm" label="Coded character set identifier">
<topic href="rbal1serversupport.htm" label="iSeries server support"/>
<topic href="rbal1dtrans.htm" label="Other DRDA data conversion"/>
<topic href="rbal1ddmsql.htm" label="DDM files and SQL"/>
<topic href="rbal1pdrdp.htm" label="Prepare distributed relational database programs">
<topic href="rbal1precsql.htm" label="Precompile programs with SQL statements">
<topic href="rbal1listing.htm" label="Listing"/>
<topic href="rbal1tempmem.htm" label="Temporary source file member"/>
<topic href="rbal1packcreation.htm" label="SQL package creation"/>
<topic href="rbal1prcpcmd.htm" label="Precompiler commands"/>
<topic href="rbal1compil.htm" label="Compile an application program"/>
<topic href="rbal1bind.htm" label="Bind an application"/>
<topic href="rbal1tdebug.htm" label="Testing and debugging">
<topic href="rbal1progref.htm" label="Program references"/>
<topic href="rbal1wrkpkg.htm" label="Work with SQL packages">
<topic href="rbal1sqlpkg.htm" label="Use the Create SQL Package (CRTSQLPKG) command"/>
<topic href="rbal1sqlpack.htm" label="Manage an SQL package">
<topic href="rbal1dlt.htm" label="Delete an SQL package using the Delete SQL Package (DLTSQLPKG) command"/>
<topic href="rbal1modpack.htm" label="Modify package authorizations"/>
<topic href="rbal1droppack.htm" label="Use the SQL DROP PACKAGE statement"/>
<topic href="rbal1admin.htm" label="Administration">
<topic href="rbal1rdbactv.htm" label="Monitor relational database activity">
<topic href="rbal1workjb.htm" label="Work with jobs in a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1wrkusrj.htm" label="Work with user jobs in a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1act.htm" label="Work with active jobs in a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1cmt.htm" label="Work with commitment definitions in a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1usejl.htm" label="Track request information with the job log of a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1locatej.htm" label="Locate distributed relational database jobs"/>
<topic href="rbal1opremote.htm" label="Operate remote iSeries servers"/>
<topic href="rbal1ddmcnv.htm" label="Control DDM conversations">
<topic href="rbal1reclaim.htm" label="Reclaim DDM resources"/>
<topic href="rbal1dpref.htm" label="Display objects used by programs">
<topic href="rbal1exdpr.htm" label="Example: Display program reference"/>
<topic href="rbal1dcoll.htm" label="Drop a collection from a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1jobact.htm" label="Job accounting in a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1mtserv.htm" label="Manage the TCP/IP server">
<topic href="rbal1term.htm" label="DRDA TCP/IP server terminology"/>
<topic href="rbal1sockcon.htm" label="TCP/IP communication support concepts for DDM">
<topic href="rbal1estcom.htm" label="Establish a DRDA or DDM connection over TCP/IP"/>
<topic href="rbal1srvlstn.htm" label="DRDA and DDM listener program"/>
<topic href="rbal1shscmd.htm" label="Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) CL command">
<topic href="rbal1listener.htm" label="DDM listener restriction"/>
<topic href="rbal1strtcpsvrex.htm" label="Examples: Start TCP/IP Server"/>
<topic href="rbal1ehscmd.htm" label="End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR) CL command">
<topic href="rbal1endtcpip.htm" label="End TCP/IP server restrictions"/>
<topic href="rbal1endtcpipex.htm" label="Example: End TCP/IP server"/>
<topic href="rbal1listeninav.htm" label="Start DDM listener in iSeries Navigator"/>
<topic href="rbal1subsyss.htm" label="DRDA/DDM server jobs">
<topic href="rbal1prestart.htm" label="Subsystem descriptions and prestart job entries with DDM"/>
<topic href="rbal1usepsj.htm" label="DRDA and DDM prestart jobs">
<topic href="rbal1monitorprestart.htm" label="Monitor prestart jobs"/>
<topic href="rbal1manageprestart.htm" label="Manage prestart jobs"/>
<topic href="rbal1removeprestart.htm" label="Remove prestart job entries"/>
<topic href="rbal1routing.htm" label="Routing entries"/>
<topic href="rbal1confddmsubs.htm" label="Configure the DDM server job subsystem"/>
<topic href="rbal1idsjobs.htm" label="Identify server jobs">
<topic href="rbal1x400jbns.htm" label="iSeries job names"/>
<topic href="rbal1dpcjbss.htm" label="Display server jobs">
<topic href="rbal1wrkajbs.htm" label="Display active jobs using the WRKACTJOB command"/>
<topic href="rbal1wrkaujs.htm" label="Display active user jobs using the WRKUSRJOB command"/>
<topic href="rbal1dhislog.htm" label="Display the history log"/>
<topic href="rbal1audit.htm" label="Audit the relational database directory"/>
<topic href="rbal1recover.htm" label="Data availability and protection">
<topic href="rbal1recovsupp.htm" label="Recovery support for a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1datarecov.htm" label="Data recovery after disk failures for distributed relational databases">
<topic href="rbal1auxstore.htm" label="Auxiliary storage pools"/>
<topic href="rbal1checksum.htm" label="Checksum protection in a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1mirrored.htm" label="Mirrored protection for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1rcvjrn.htm" label="Journal management for distributed relational databases">
<topic href="rbal1indexrec.htm" label="Index recovery"/>
<topic href="rbal1tblindex.htm" label="Design tables to reduce index rebuilding time"/>
<topic href="rbal1smapp2.htm" label="System-managed access-path protection"/>
<topic href="rbal1rcvtrn.htm" label="Transaction recovery through commitment control"/>
<topic href="rbal1saverestore.htm" label="Save and restore processing for a distributed relational database">
<topic href="rbal1saveindex.htm" label="Save and restore indexes in the distributed relational database environment"/>
<topic href="rbal1savesecurity.htm" label="Save and restore security information in the distributed relational database environment"/>
<topic href="rbal1savesqlpackages.htm" label="Save and restore SQL packages in the distributed relational database environment"/>
<topic href="rbal1savrdbd.htm" label="Save and restore relational database directories"/>
<topic href="rbal1netredund.htm" label="Network redundancy considerations for a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1dataredund.htm" label="Data redundancy in your distributed relational database network"/>
<topic href="rbal1perform.htm" label="Performance">
<topic href="rbal1improve.htm" label="Improve distributed relational database performance through the network"/>
<topic href="rbal1improvesystem.htm" label="Improve distributed relational database performance through the server"/>
<topic href="rbal1improveviadata.htm" label="Improve distributed relational database performance through the database">
<topic href="rbal1decdrda.htm" label="Decide DRDA data location"/>
<topic href="rbal1facblk.htm" label="Factors that affect blocking for DRDA">
<topic href="rbal1block1.htm" label="DB2 Universal Database for iSeries to DB2 Universal Database for iSeries blocking"/>
<topic href="rbal1block2.htm" label="DB2 Universal Database for iSeries to non-DB2 Universal Database for iSeries blocking"/>
<topic href="rbal1block3.htm" label="Non-DB2 Universal Database for iSeries to DB2 Universal Database for iSeries blocking"/>
<topic href="rbal1blocksummary.htm" label="Summarization of DRDA blocking rules"/>
<topic href="rbal1factor.htm" label="Factors that affect the size of DRDA query blocks"/>
<topic href="rbal1problem.htm" label="Troubleshooting">
<topic href="rbal1probover.htm" label="iSeries problem handling overview"/>
<topic href="rbal1prbiso.htm" label="Isolate distributed relational database problems">
<topic href="rbal1incorroutput.htm" label="DRDA incorrect output problems"/>
<topic href="rbal1appnotcomp.htm" label="Application does not complete in the expected time"/>
<topic href="rbal1wwu.htm" label="Work with distributed relational database users">
<topic href="rbal1sci.htm" label="Copy screen"/>
<topic href="rbal1aspmsg1.htm" label="Messages">
<topic href="rbal1msgtyp.htm" label="Message types"/>
<topic href="rbal1drdmessage.htm" label="Distributed relational database messages"/>
<topic href="rbal1psrf.htm" label="Handle program start request failures for APPC"/>
<topic href="rbal1reqfail.htm" label="Handle connection request failures for TCP/IP">
<topic href="rbal1notstart.htm" label="Server is not started or the port ID is not valid"/>
<topic href="rbal1drdaconauth.htm" label="DRDA connect authorization failure"/>
<topic href="rbal1noserver.htm" label="Server not available"/>
<topic href="rbal1connfailure.htm" label="Connection failures specific to Interactive SQL"/>
<topic href="rbal1noprestart.htm" label="Not enough prestart jobs at server"/>
<topic href="rbal1appprob.htm" label="Application problems">
<topic href="rbal1list.htm" label="Listings">
<topic href="rbal1precompilerlist.htm" label="Precompiler listing"/>
<topic href="rbal1crtsqlpkglist.htm" label="CRTSQLPKG listing"/>
<topic href="rbal1sqlc.htm" label="SQLCODEs and SQLSTATEs">
<topic href="rbal1aspcoda.htm" label="Distributed relational database SQLCODEs and SQLSTATEs"/>
<topic href="rbal1scprob.htm" label="System and communications problems"/>
<topic href="rbal1gdrf.htm" label="Get data to report a failure">
<topic href="rbal1pjl.htm" label="Print a job log"/>
<topic href="rbal1findjl.htm" label="Find job logs from TCP/IP server prestart jobs"/>
<topic href="rbal1pel.htm" label="Print the product activity log"/>
<topic href="rbal1jobt.htm" label="Job tracing">
<topic href="rbal1tracejob.htm" label="Trace job"/>
<topic href="rbal1starttrc.htm" label="Start trace"/>
<topic href="rbal1commt.htm" label="Communications trace">
<topic href="rbal1standardtrace.htm" label="Standard communications trace">
<topic href="rbal1fndlcdd.htm" label="Find your line, controller, and device descriptions"/>
<topic href="rbal1papptrace.htm" label="TCP/IP communications trace">
<topic href="rbal1trcformatting.htm" label="TCP/IP communication trace formatting"/>
<topic href="rbal1firstfail.htm" label="Find first-failure data capture data"/>
<topic href="rbal1stsrvjb.htm" label="Start a service job to diagnose application server problems">
<topic href="rbal1starta.htm" label="Service jobs for APPC servers"/>
<topic href="rbal1createtpnsetqcntsrvc.htm" label="Create your own TPN and set QCNTSRVC">
<topic href="rbal1tpn1.htm" label="Set QCNTSRVC as a TPN on a DB2 Universal Database for iSeries application requester"/>
<topic href="rbal1createtpn.htm" label="Create your own TPN for debugging a DB2 Universal Database for iSeries application server job"/>
<topic href="rbal1tpn2.htm" label="Set QCNTSRVC as a TPN on a DB2 Universal Database for VM application requester"/>
<topic href="rbal1tpn3.htm" label="Set QCNTSRVC as a TPN on a DB2 Universal Database for z/OS application requester"/>
<topic href="rbal1tpn4.htm" label="Set QCNTSRVC as a TPN on a DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX and Windows application requester"/>
<topic href="rbal1starttcp.htm" label="Service jobs for TCP/IP servers"/>
<topic href="rbal1qrwoptions.htm" label="QRWOPTIONS data area">
<topic href="rbal1exclcommandtocreate.htm" label="Example: CL command to create the data area"/>
<topic href="rbal1progxmp.htm" label="Examples: Application programming">
<topic href="rbal1excreatecollection.htm" label="Example: Program definitions"/>
<topic href="rbal1exrpgprogram.htm" label="Example: RPG program"/>
<topic href="rbal1excobolprogram.htm" label="Example: COBOL program"/>
<topic href="rbal1excprogram.htm" label="Example: C program using embedded SQL"/>
<topic href="rbal1exjavaprogram.htm" label="Example: Java program"/>
<topic href="rbal1exprogramoutput.htm" label="Example: Program output"/>
<topic href="rbal1xplat.htm" label="User FAQs">
<topic href="rbal1apennonconversion.htm" label="Connect to a distributed relational database"/>
<topic href="rbal1apendixqccsid.htm" label="iSeries system value QCCSID"/>
<topic href="rbal1apenccsidconversion.htm" label="CCSID conversion considerations for DB2 Universal Database for z/OS and DB2 Universal Database server for VM database managers"/>
<topic href="rbal1sql5048n.htm" label="Why am I getting a SQL5048N message when I attempt to connect from DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX and Windows?"/>
<topic href="rbal1faqjournal.htm" label="Do iSeries files have to be journaled?"/>
<topic href="rbal1ques2.htm" label="When will query data be blocked for better performance?"/>
<topic href="rbal1faqinterpsqlcode.htm" label="How do you interpret an SQLCODE and the associated tokens reported in a DBM SQL0969N error message?"/>
<topic href="rbal1faqwhere.htm" label="How can the host variable type in WHERE clauses affect performance?"/>
<topic href="rbal1faquselibrarylist.htm" label="Can I use a library list for resolving unqualified table and view names?"/>
<topic href="rbal1faquserofdb2connspecify.htm" label="Can a user of DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX and Windows specify that the NLSS sort sequence table of the DRDA job on the iSeries server be used instead of the usual EBCDIC sequence?"/>
<topic href="rbal1norows.htm" label="Why are no rows returned when I perform a query?"/>
<topic href="db2connect.htm" label="What level of DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, Windows is required to interact with DB2 Universal Database for iSeries?"/>
<topic href="conscroll.htm" label="How can I get scrollable cursor support enabled from DB2 Universal Database for Linux, Unix and Windows Version 8 to the iSeries?"/>
<topic href="rbal1othertips.htm" label="Other tips for interoperating in unlike environments"/>
<topic href="rbal1ffdcap.htm" label="Interpret trace job and FFDC data">
<topic href="rbal1interpretdata.htm" label="Interpret data entries for the RW component of trace job">
<topic href="rbal1anrwtr.htm" label="Example: Analyze the RW trace data"/>
<topic href="rbal1trcpts.htm" label="Description of RW trace points">
<topic href="rbal1rwffrc.htm" label="RWff RC—Receive Data Stream Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwff.htm" label="RWff SN—Send Data Stream Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqys1.htm" label="RWQY S1—Partial Send Data Stream Trace Point 1"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqys2.htm" label="RWQY S2—Partial Send Data Stream Trace Point 2"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqybp.htm" label="RWQY BP—Successful Fetch Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqynb.htm" label="RWQY NB—Unsuccessful Fetch Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqyp0.htm" label="RWQY P0—Result Set Pseudo-Open"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqyar.htm" label="RWQY AR—Array Result Set Processed"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqyda.htm" label="RWQY DA—Array Result Set SQLDA"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqyd0.htm" label="RWQY DO—Debug Options"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqyl1.htm" label="RWQY L1 and RWEX L1—Saved in Outbound LOB Table Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqyl2.htm" label="RWQY L2 and RWEX L2—Built in Datastream from LOB Table Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwqyl0.htm" label="RWQY L0 and RWEX L0—Saved in Inbound LOB Table Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwacrq.htm" label="RWAC RQ—Access RDB Request Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwaccb.htm" label="RWAC cb—Access RDB Control Block Trace Points"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwsyfn.htm" label="RWSY FN: SYNCxxx [TYPE:x] -- Source TCP SYNC/RESYNC Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwsyxx.htm" label="RWSY xx: yyyyyyy... -- Target TCP SYNC/RESYNC Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1rwffm.htm" label="RW_ff_m—Application Requester Driver Control Block Trace Point"/>
<topic href="rbal1firstf.htm" label="First-failure data capture">
<topic href="rbal1appxffdcdump.htm" label="A first-failure data capture dump"/>
<topic href="rbal1fdodes.htm" label="FFDC dump output description"/>
<topic href="rbal1ddmec.htm" label="DDM error codes">
<topic href="rbal1checkcode.htm" label="Command check codes"/>
<topic href="rbal1convoerror.htm" label="Conversational protocol error code descriptions"/>
<topic href="rbal1syntaxerror.htm" label="DDM syntax error code descriptions"/>
<topic href="rbal1relatedinfo.htm" label="Related information">
<topic href="rbal1axserverinfo.htm" label="iSeries server information"/>
<topic href="rbal1xprod.htm" label="Distributed relational database library"/>
<topic href="rbal1other.htm" label="Other IBM distributed relational database platform libraries"/>
<topic href="rbal1archbooks.htm" label="Architecture books"/>
<topic href="rbal1axredbooks.htm" label="IBM Redbooks"/>