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<h2>Software Product APIs</h2>
<p>Software product APIs let you work with software products and program
temporary fixes (PTFs) on your system. With these APIs, you can:</p>
<li>Work with the software license management for a product</li>
<li>Create and delete product definition and product load objects</li>
<li>Package one or more product loads for a specified product option</li>
<li>Retrieve product information about a specific product load</li>
<li>Create PTFs, retrieve PTF information, and log PTF information</li>
<li>Retrieve a list of products</li>
<p>You may write exit programs that are called by programs and by program
temporary fixes (PTFs).</p>
<p>For information about packaging and managing software products, see the
<a href="../books/sc415321.pdf" target="_blank">System Manager
Use</a><img src="wbpdf.gif" alt="Link to PDF"> book. The steps for packaging
a product are the same whether you use the System Manager licensed program
commands or the APIs in this section.</p>
<p>The software product APIs are:</p>
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<li><A HREF="qlpacagr.htm">Accept Software Agreement</A> (QLPACAGR) records the acceptance of the software agreement for a product.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlzaaddk.htm">Add License Key Information</A> (QLZAADDK) allows you to add license key information to the license repository.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszsptpr.htm">Add or Remove Product Support</A> (QSZSPTPR) adds or removes support to a product.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlzaddli.htm">Add Product License Information</A> (QLZADDLI) adds license information to a product or feature.</li>
<li><img src="delta.gif" alt="Start of change" border="0"><A HREF="qlpalcsp.htm">Allocate Licensed Internal Code (LIC) Space</A> (QLPALCSP) is used prior to upgrading to the next release of the operating system to have licensed internal code (LIC) allocate any additional LIC space required for that release.&nbsp;<img src="deltaend.gif" ALT="End of change" border="0"></li>
<li><A HREF="qszchktg.htm">Check Target Release</A> (QSZCHKTG) verifies that a valid target release value is specified on a CL command that supports the TGTRLS parameter.</li>
<li><img src="delta.gif" alt="Start of change" border="0"><A HREF="qescptfo.htm">Control PTF Order</A> (QESCPTFO) allows you to prepare an order for PTFs.&nbsp;<img src="deltaend.gif" ALT="End of change" border="0"></li>
<li><A HREF="qpzcpysv.htm">Copy Program Temporary Fix to Save File</A> (QPZCPYSV) allows you to copy PTFs for the selected product from the media and store them in *SERVICE.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszcrtpd.htm">Create Product Definition</A> (QSZCRTPD) creates a product definition object.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszcrtpl.htm">Create Product Load</A> (QSZCRTPL) creates a product load object.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzcrtfx.htm">Create Program Temporary Fix</A> (QPZCRTFX) creates a PTF save file and optionally creates a PTF cover letter.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzcrtptfgrp.htm">Create PTF Group</A> (QpzCreatePtfGroup) creates a PTF group.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszdltpd.htm">Delete Product Definition</A> (QSZDLTPD) deletes a product definition object.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszdltpl.htm">Delete Product Load</A> (QSZDLTPL) deletes a single product load object.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzdltptfgrp.htm">Delete PTF Group</A> (QpzDeletePtfGroup) deletes a PTF group from the system.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszdltaf.htm">Delete Registered Application Files</A> (QSZDLTAF, QszDltRegAppFiles) deletes the files listed in the files tag for the given component.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlpcdinf.htm">Generate CD-ROM Premastering Information</A> (QLPCDINF, QlpGenCdPremasteringInfo) generates the distribution set map file. This API also retrieves information about the files that were saved when the job was enabled for CD-ROM premastering using the Handle CD-ROM Premastering State (QLPCDRST, QlpHandleCdState) API.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlzagenk.htm">Generate License Key</A> (QLZAGENK) generates a license key to enable users to access a product or a feature of a product.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzgennm.htm">Generate Program Temporary Fix Name</A> (QPZGENNM) generates a unique name for PTF save files and cover letters.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlpcdrst.htm">Handle CD-ROM Premastering State</A> (QLPCDRST, QlpHandleCdState) enables and disables the job for CD-ROM premastering. This API also queries the current CD-ROM premastering job state.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlpislng.htm">Install Secondary Language</A> (QLPISLNG) installs the secondary language that is specified during interactive mode or batch mode of installation.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlplprds.htm">List Product in a Save File</A> (QLPLPRDS) generates a list containing product ID, release level, option, load type, and language ID for all product loads found in a save file.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzlstfx.htm">List Program Temporary Fixes</A> (QpzListPTF) returns a list of PTFs for the specified product, option, load, and release.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzlstgrpdtls.htm">List PTF Group Details</A> (QpzListPtfGroupDetails) lists information for a specific PTF group on the system.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzlstptfgrp.htm">List PTF Groups</A> (QpzListPtfGroups) returns a list of all PTF groups that are known to the system.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszlstra.htm">List Registered Application Information</A> (QSZLSTRA, QszListRegAppInfo) retrieves the results of a query of the iSeries Registered Application Information Repository.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzlogfx.htm">Log Program Temporary Fix Information</A> (QPZLOGFX) logs that a PTF has been received on the system and can be displayed or loaded from device *SERVICE.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszpkgpo.htm">Package Product Option</A> (QSZPKGPO) packages one or more product loads for a specified product option.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlzarls.htm">Release License</A> (QLZARLS) releases a use of the license for the product.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlzareq.htm">Request License</A> (QLZAREQ) requests a use of the license for the product.</li>
<li><A HREF="qmarqsoa.htm">Request Order Assistance</A> (QMARQSOA) sends a request for order assistance to a service provider using an ECS connection, and creates a corresponding entry in the user's order log.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlzartv.htm">Retrieve License Information</A> (QLZARTV) retrieves the license information for a software product.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlzartvk.htm">Retrieve License Key Information</A> (QLZARTVK) retrieves the license key information for the specified product, license terms, and features for the specified systems from the license repository.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszrtvpr.htm">Retrieve Product Information</A> (QSZRTVPR) retrieves information about a specific product load for a software product.</li>
<li><A HREF="qpzrtvfx.htm">Retrieve Program Temporary Fix Information</A> (QPZRTVFX) returns information about a specific program temporary fix (PTF).</li>
<li><img src="delta.gif" alt="Start of change" border="0"><A HREF="qlpragr.htm">Retrieve Software Agreement</A> (QLPRAGR) retrieves the software agreement acceptance status of a licensed program.&nbsp;<img src="deltaend.gif" ALT="End of change" border="0"></li>
<li><A HREF="qszsltpr.htm">Select Product</A> (QSZSLTPR) displays or retrieves a list of products.</li>
<li><A HREF="qszupdra.htm">Update i5/OS Registered Application Information Repository</A> (QSZUPDRA, QszUpdRegAppInfoRepository) updates information about one or many separately installable pieces of an application-called component.</li>
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<p>The software product exit programs are:</p>
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<li><A HREF="ptfxprg.htm">Program Temporary Fix</A> is called when a PTF is temporarily or permanently applied or removed with the Apply PTF (APYPTF) or Remove PTF (RMVPTF) commands.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlpusprg.htm">QLPUSER</A> is called during the automatic installation process and can be used by central sites when they are distributing products to remote locations.</li>
<li><A HREF="softxprg.htm">Software Product Functions</A> are specified when creating products that will be restored, deleted, saved, and checked with CL commands.</li>
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