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<toc label="DDS for display files" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzakc/rzakc.xml" topic="kickoff.htm">
<topic href="kickoff.htm" label="DDS for display files">
<topic href="print.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="displ.htm" label="Define a display file for DDS">
<topic href="rzakcconvterm.htm" label="Conventions and terminology used in the DDS information"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstpsnent.htm" label="Positional entries for display files (positions 1 through 44)">
<topic href="dfseq.htm" label="Positional entries for display files (positions 1 through 7)"/>
<topic href="pos716.htm" label="Conditioning for display files (positions 7 through 16)"/>
<topic href="rzakcconditionfield.htm" label="Conditioning a field for more than one keyword">
<topic href="rzakcdisplaysize.htm" label="Display size condition names"/>
<topic href="pos17.htm" label="Type of name or specification for display files (position 17)"/>
<topic href="pos18.htm" label="Reserved for display files (position 18)"/>
<topic href="pos1928.htm" label="Name for display files (positions 19 through 28)"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstpos29.htm" label="Reference for display files (position 29)"/>
<topic href="pos3034.htm" label="Length for display files (positions 30 through 34)"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdt.htm" label="Data type/keyboard shift for display files (position 35)">
<topic href="rzakckeytypes.htm" label="Keyboard types">
<topic href="rzakckeyboardtypes.htm" label="Typewriter-like keyboard"/>
<topic href="rzakcdataentry.htm" label="Data-entry keyboard"/>
<topic href="rzakcvalentries.htm" label="Valid entries for display files">
<topic href="rzakcblank.htm" label="Default (blank)"/>
<topic href="rzakcalphaonlyx.htm" label="Alphabetic only (X)"/>
<topic href="rzakcalphashifta.htm" label="Alphanumeric shift (A)"/>
<topic href="rzakcshiftn.htm" label="Numeric shift (N)"/>
<topic href="rzakcsigns.htm" label="Signed numeric (S)"/>
<topic href="dfnoy.htm" label="Numeric only (Y)"/>
<topic href="rzakckatakanaw.htm" label="Katakana (W)"/>
<topic href="rzakcinhibitkey.htm" label="Inhibit keyboard entry (I)"/>
<topic href="rzakcdigitsonly.htm" label="Digits only (D)"/>
<topic href="rzakcnumericonly.htm" label="Numeric only character (M)"/>
<topic href="rzakcfloatf.htm" label="Floating point (F)"/>
<topic href="rzakcdatel.htm" label="Date (L), Time (T), and Timestamp (Z)"/>
<topic href="pos3637.htm" label="Decimal positions for display files (positions 36 and 37)"/>
<topic href="pos38.htm" label="Usage for display files (position 38)"/>
<topic href="pos3944.htm" label="Location for display files (positions 39 through 44)">
<topic href="rzakcpos39.htm" label="Line (positions 39 through 41)"/>
<topic href="rzakcpos42.htm" label="Position (positions 42 through 44)"/>
<topic href="rzakcbeginatt.htm" label="Beginning attribute character"/>
<topic href="rzakcendattr.htm" label="Ending attribute character"/>
<topic href="rzakcoverlfield.htm" label="Overlapping fields"/>
<topic href="rzakcdisplength.htm" label="Display length"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstkeyent.htm" label="DDS keyword entries for display files (positions 45 through 80)">
<topic href="rzakcmsttdalarm.htm" label="ALARM (Audible Alarm) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfalias.htm" label="ALIAS (Alternative Name) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfalhlp.htm" label="ALTHELP (Alternative Help Key) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfaltnm.htm" label="ALTNAME (Alternative Record Name) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfalpud.htm" label="ALTPAGEDWN/ALTPAGEUP (Alternative Page Down/Alternative Page Up) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfalwg.htm" label="ALWGPH (Allow Graphics) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfalwr.htm" label="ALWROL (Allow Roll) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfassum.htm" label="ASSUME (Assume) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfauto.htm" label="AUTO (Auto) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfblank.htm" label="BLANKS (Blanks) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfblink.htm" label="BLINK (Blink) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfbfold.htm" label="BLKFOLD (Blank Fold) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcann.htm" label="CAnn (Command Attention) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcfnn.htm" label="CFnn (Command Function) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfchng.htm" label="CHANGE (Change) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstchcacc.htm" label="CHCACCEL (Choice Accelerator Text) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstchcava.htm" label="CHCAVAIL (Choice Color/Display Attribute when Available) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstchcctl.htm" label="CHCCTL (Choice Control) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstchcslt.htm" label="CHCSLT (Choice Color/Display Attribute when Selected) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstchcuna.htm" label="CHCUNAVAIL (Choice Color/Display Attribute when Unavailable) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcheck.htm" label="CHECK (Check) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcind.htm" label="CHGINPDFT (Change Input Default) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfchkme.htm" label="CHKMSGID (Check Message Identifier) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstchoice.htm" label="CHOICE (Selection Field Choice) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfchrid.htm" label="CHRID (Character Identifier) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfclear.htm" label="CLEAR (Clear) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfclrl.htm" label="CLRL (Clear Line) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcmp.htm" label="CMP (Comparison) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstcntfld.htm" label="CNTFLD (Continued-Entry Field) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcolor.htm" label="COLOR (Color) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcomp.htm" label="COMP (Comparison) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcsrin.htm" label="CSRINPONLY (Cursor Movement to Input-Capable Positions Only) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfcsrlc.htm" label="CSRLOC (Cursor Location) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdate.htm" label="DATE (Date) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdatfmt.htm" label="DATFMT (Date Format) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdatsep.htm" label="DATSEP (Date Separator) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdft.htm" label="DFT (Default) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdfval.htm" label="DFTVAL (Default Value) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdltch.htm" label="DLTCHK (Delete Check) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdlted.htm" label="DLTEDT (Delete Edit) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdspat.htm" label="DSPATR (Display Attribute) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdspmd.htm" label="DSPMOD (Display Mode) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstzdsprl.htm" label="DSPRL (Display Right to Left) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdspsz.htm" label="DSPSIZ (Display Size) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdup.htm" label="DUP (Duplication) keyword for display files">
<topic href="rzakcmstdfdupprogramming.htm" label="Programming for the Dup key"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfedtcd.htm" label="EDTCDE (Edit Code) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstedtmsk.htm" label="EDTMSK (Edit Mask) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfedwrd.htm" label="EDTWRD (Edit Word) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstentfld.htm" label="ENTFLDATR (Entry Field Attribute) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdferase.htm" label="ERASE (Erase) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdferinp.htm" label="ERASEINP (Erase Input) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfems.htm" label="ERRMSG (Error Message) and ERRMSGID (Error Message Identifier) keywords for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdferrsf.htm" label="ERRSFL (Error Subfile) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstfldcsr.htm" label="FLDCSRPRG (Cursor Progression Field) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfffixd.htm" label="FLTFIXDEC (Floating-Point to Fixed Decimal) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdffpcn.htm" label="FLTPCN (Floating-Point Precision) Keyword for Display Files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdffdta.htm" label="FRCDTA (Force Data) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfgetr.htm" label="GETRETAIN (Get Retain) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhelp.htm" label="HELP (Help) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhpara.htm" label="HLPARA (Help Area) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhbdy.htm" label="HLPBDY (Help Boundary) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhclr.htm" label="HLPCLR (Help Cleared) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhpcmk.htm" label="HLPCMDKEY (Help Command Key) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhlpdc.htm" label="HLPDOC (Help Document) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhlpex.htm" label="HLPEXCLD (Help Excluded) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhlpfl.htm" label="HLPFULL (Help Full) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmsthlpid.htm" label="HLPID (Help Identifier) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhlpgr.htm" label="HLPPNLGRP (Help Panel Group) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfprcd.htm" label="HLPRCD (Help Record) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhprtn.htm" label="HLPRTN (Help Return) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhlpsc.htm" label="HLPSCHIDX (Help Search Index) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhseq.htm" label="HLPSEQ (Help Sequencing) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhlptt.htm" label="HLPTITLE (Help Title) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhome.htm" label="HOME (Home) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfhtml.htm" label="HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfindar.htm" label="INDARA (Indicator Area) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfintxt.htm" label="INDTXT (Indicator Text) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfinv.htm" label="INVITE (Invite) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfinz.htm" label="INZINP (Initialize Input) keyword for display files">
<topic href="rzakcmstdfinzeraseinp.htm" label="ERASEINP(*ALL) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfinzr.htm" label="INZRCD (Initialize Record) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfkeep.htm" label="KEEP (Keep) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdflock.htm" label="LOCK (Lock) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdflogin.htm" label="LOGINP (Log Input) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdflogot.htm" label="LOGOUT (Log Output) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdflower.htm" label="LOWER (Lower) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfmapval.htm" label="MAPVAL (Map Values) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfmdtof.htm" label="MDTOFF (Modified Data Tag Off) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstmltchcf.htm" label="MLTCHCFLD (Multiple-Choice Selection Field) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstmnubar.htm" label="MNUBAR (Menu Bar) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstmnubarc.htm" label="MNUBARCHC (Menu-Bar Choice) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstmnubard.htm" label="MNUBARDSP (Menu-Bar Display) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstmnubrs.htm" label="MNUBARSEP (Menu-Bar Separator) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstmnubars.htm" label="MNUBARSW (Menu-Bar Switch Key) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstmnucnl.htm" label="MNUCNL (Menu-Cancel Key) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfmoubt.htm" label="MOUBTN (Mouse Buttons) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfmsgal.htm" label="MSGALARM (Message Alarm) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfmscon.htm" label="MSGCON (Message Constant) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfmsgid.htm" label="MSGID (Message Identifier) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfmsloc.htm" label="MSGLOC (Message Location) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstlpnoccs.htm" label="NOCCSID (No Coded Character Set Identifier) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfopprt.htm" label="OPENPRT (Open Printer File) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstoverla.htm" label="OVERLAY (Overlay) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfovatr.htm" label="OVRATR (Override Attribute) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfovdta.htm" label="OVRDTA (Override Data) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfpages.htm" label="PAGEDOWN/PAGEUP (Page Down/Page Up) keywords for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfpsrcd.htm" label="PASSRCD (Passed Record) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfprint.htm" label="PRINT (Print) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfptect.htm" label="PROTECT (Protect) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfpshch.htm" label="PSHBTNCHC (Push Button Field Choice) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfpshbt.htm" label="PSHBTNFLD (Push Button Field) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstpulld.htm" label="PULLDOWN (Pull-Down Menu) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfputov.htm" label="PUTOVR (Put with Explicit Override) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfptret.htm" label="PUTRETAIN (Put-Retain) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfrange.htm" label="RANGE (Range) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfref.htm" label="REF (Reference) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfrefld.htm" label="REFFLD (Referenced Field) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdf2ret.htm" label="RETKEY (Retain Function Keys) and RETCMDKEY (Retain Command Keys) keywords for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdlcksts.htm" label="RETLCKSTS (Retain Lock Status) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstzrmvwdw.htm" label="RMVWDW (Remove Window) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfrolls.htm" label="ROLLUP/ROLLDOWN (Roll Up/Roll Down) keywords for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfrtncs.htm" label="RTNCSRLOC (Return Cursor Location) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfrtndt.htm" label="RTNDTA (Return Data) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsetof.htm" label="SETOF (Set Off) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsoff.htm" label="SETOFF (Set Off) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfl.htm" label="SFL (Subfile) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfc.htm" label="SFLCHCCTL (Subfile Choice Control) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfclr.htm" label="SFLCLR (Subfile Clear) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstsflcsr.htm" label="SFLCSRPRG (Subfile Cursor Progression) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsflkr.htm" label="SFLCSRRRN (Subfile Cursor Relative Record Number) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfctl.htm" label="SFLCTL (Subfile Control) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfdlt.htm" label="SFLDLT (Subfile Delete) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsdrop.htm" label="SFLDROP (Subfile Drop) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfdsp.htm" label="SFLDSP (Subfile Display) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfspctl.htm" label="SFLDSPCTL (Subfile Display Control) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfslend.htm" label="SFLEND (Subfile End) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfntr.htm" label="SFLENTER (Subfile Enter) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfold.htm" label="SFLFOLD (Subfile Fold) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsflnz.htm" label="SFLINZ (Subfile Initialize) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsflin.htm" label="SFLLIN (Subfile Line) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsflml.htm" label="SFLMLTCHC (Subfile Multiple Choice Selection List) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstsflmod.htm" label="SFLMODE (Subfile Mode) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsflms.htm" label="SFLMSG (Subfile Message) and SFLMSGID (Subfile Message Identifier) keywords for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfmky.htm" label="SFLMSGKEY (Subfile Message Key) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfmrc.htm" label="SFLMSGRCD (Subfile Message Record) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfnch.htm" label="SFLNXTCHG (Subfile Next Changed) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfpag.htm" label="SFLPAG (Subfile Page) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfpmq.htm" label="SFLPGMQ (Subfile Program Message Queue) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfrnm.htm" label="SFLRCDNBR (Subfile Record Number) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfrna.htm" label="SFLRNA (Subfile Records Not Active) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfrol.htm" label="SFLROLVAL (Subfile Roll Value) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfrtn.htm" label="SFLRTNSEL (Subfile Return Selected Choices) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsflsc.htm" label="SFLSCROLL (Subfile Scroll) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsfsiz.htm" label="SFLSIZ (Subfile Size) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsng.htm" label="SFLSNGCHC (Subfile Single Choice Selection List) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfslno.htm" label="SLNO (Starting Line Number) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstsngchc.htm" label="SNGCHCFLD (Single-Choice Selection Field) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfsysn.htm" label="SYSNAME (System Name) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdftext.htm" label="TEXT (Text) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdftime.htm" label="TIME (Time) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdftimfm.htm" label="TIMFMT (Time Format) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdftimse.htm" label="TIMSEP (Time Separator) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfunlok.htm" label="UNLOCK (Unlock) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfuser.htm" label="USER (User) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfudfn.htm" label="USRDFN (User-Defined) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfudmgt.htm" label="USRDSPMGT (User Display Management) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstzusrrstd.htm" label="USRRSTDSP (User Restore Display) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfvaln.htm" label="VALNUM (Validate Numeric) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfval.htm" label="VALUES (Values) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfvckey.htm" label="VLDCMDKEY (Valid Command Key) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstwdwbord.htm" label="WDWBORDER (Window Border) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstwdwtit.htm" label="WDWTITLE (Window Title) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstzwindow.htm" label="WINDOW (Window) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstwrdwra.htm" label="WRDWRAP (Word Wrap) keyword for display files"/>
<topic href="rmtatch.htm" label="DDS for 3270 remote attachment"/>
<topic href="s36env.htm" label="System/36 environment considerations for display files">
<topic href="keycons.htm" label="Keyword considerations for display files used in the System/36 environment">
<topic href="s36altname.htm" label="ALTNAME (Alternative Record Name) keyword"/>
<topic href="s36change.htm" label="CHANGE record-level keyword"/>
<topic href="s36helprtn.htm" label="HELP and HLPRTN keyword"/>
<topic href="msfidf.htm" label="MSGID keyword"/>
<topic href="s36print.htm" label="PRINT(*PGM) keyword"/>
<topic href="s36retkeyretcmd.htm" label="RETKEY (Retain Function Keys) and RETCMDKEY (Retain Command Keys) keywords">
<topic href="dfretky.htm" label="RETKEY keyword"/>
<topic href="dfrtcky.htm" label="RETCMDKEY keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcretkey.htm" label="Considerations for specifying RETKEY and RETCMDKEY keyword"/>
<topic href="s36usrdspmgt.htm" label="USRDSPMGT (User Display Management) keyword"/>
<topic href="dspfil.htm" label="Unicode considerations for display files">
<topic href="ucs2pos.htm" label="Positional entry considerations for display files that use Unicode data"/>
<topic href="ucs2kwd.htm" label="Keyword considerations for display files that use Unicode data (positions 45 through 80)">
<topic href="rzakcmstdfusc2.htm" label="CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstzdbcs.htm" label="Double-byte character set considerations for DDS">
<topic href="dsppos.htm" label="Positional entry considerations for display files that use DBCS">
<topic href="dbclen.htm" label="Length (positions 30 through 34)"/>
<topic href="dbcdtype.htm" label="Data type (position 35)"/>
<topic href="dbcdec.htm" label="Decimal positions (positions 36 and 37)"/>
<topic href="dspkwd.htm" label="Keyword considerations for display files that use DBCS">
<topic href="dbcscn.htm" label="CNTFLD (Continued-Entry Field) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfgrda.htm" label="GRDATR (Grid Attribute) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfgrdb.htm" label="GRDBOX (Grid Box) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfgrdc.htm" label="GRDCLR (Grid Clear) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfgrdl.htm" label="GRDLIN (Grid Line) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstdfgrdr.htm" label="GRDRCD (Grid Record) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstzigcalt.htm" label="IGCALTTYP (Alternative Data Type) keyword"/>
<topic href="rzakcmstigccnv.htm" label="IGCCNV (DBCS Conversion) keyword"/>
<topic href="dspgen.htm" label="Additional considerations for describing display files that contain DBCS data"/>