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<h1 class="topictitle1"><span class="apiname">cwbCO_GetUserID</span></h1>
<div><div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Purpose</h4><p>Get signon or default user ID of the input
system as it is configured and possibly connected in the currently active
environment. This API is obsolete, and has been replaced.</p>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Syntax</h4><pre>
unsigned int CWB_ENTRY cwbCO_GetUserID(
LPCSTR systemName,
char *userID,
unsigned int userID_Type,
unsigned long *bufferSize);</pre>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Parameters</h4><dl><dt class="dlterm">LPCSTR systemName - input</dt>
<dd>Pointer to a buffer that contains the system name.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">char *userID - output</dt>
<dd>Pointer to a buffer where the desired userID of the system is returned.
This buffer should be large enough to hold at least CWBCO_MAX_USER_ID + 1
characters, including the terminating NULL character.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">unsigned int userID_Type - input</dt>
<dd>Specify whether current user ID of connected system (CWBCO_CURRENT_USER_ID)
or default user ID of configured system (CWBCO_DEFAULT_USER_ID) is to be returned.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">unsigned long * bufferSize - input/output</dt>
<dd>Pointer to a value that indicates the size of the userID buffer. If the
buffer is not big enough, the value needed is returned.</dd>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Return Codes</h4><p>The following list shows common return
<dl><dt class="dlterm">CWB_OK</dt>
<dd>Successful Completion.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWB_INVALID_POINTER</dt>
<dd>One or more input pointers are invalid.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWB_INVALID_PARAMETER</dt>
<dd>The value for userID_Type is invalid.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWB_BUFFER_OVERFLOW</dt>
<dd>Not enough room in userID buffer to store the user ID. Use *bufferSize
to determine the correct size. No error message is logged to the History Log
since the caller is expected to recover from this error and continue.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWBCO_SYSTEM_NOT_CONNECTED</dt>
<dd>The system of the "current user ID" is not connected.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWBCO_SYSTEM_NOT_CONFIGURED</dt>
<dd>The system of the "default user ID" is not configured in the currently
active environment.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWBCO_INTERNAL_ERROR</dt>
<dd>Internal error.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWB_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY</dt>
<dd>Insufficient memory; may have failed to allocate temporary buffer.</dd>
<dd>One or more input Unicode characters have no representation in the codepage
being used.</dd>
<dt class="dlterm">CWB_API_ERROR</dt>
<dd>General API failure.</dd>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Usage</h4><p>If the default user ID is specified, and none
was entered when the connection was configured, CWB_OK will be returned and
the user ID sent back to the caller will be the empty string, "\0". The user
ID retrieved will be that of the specified system from the currently active
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzaiksyslistcommapis2.htm" title="Use these APIs to obtain information about individual systems that are configured or connected in the current process. Unless the environment name is passed as a parameter, these APIs work only with the currently active environment.">Communications: System information APIs</a></div>