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<a name="rzahqclusterintro"></a>
<h3 id="rzahqclusterintro">Windows Cluster Service</h3>
<p>Windows cluster service links individual servers so they can perform common
tasks. Should any one server stop functioning, a process called failover automatically
shifts its workload to another server to provide continuous service. In addition
to failover, some forms of clustering also employ load balancing, which enables
the computational workload to be distributed across a network of linked computers.</p>
<p>Windows 2000 Advanced Server supports a two-node cluster while Windows
Server 2003 Enterprise Edition supports eight-node clusters. Datacenter versions
of Windows are not supported.</p>
<p>Windows Cluster Service support is supported for integrated Windows servers
running either Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
<dt class="bold"><span class="bold">Notes</span>:</dt>
<ol type="1">
<li>Windows clustered network server nodes must reside within a single iSeries&trade; partition in order to be clustered.</li>
<li><img src="delta.gif" alt="Start of change" />iSCSI attached xSeries&reg; cannot be clustered with IXS/IXA attached
servers.<img src="deltaend.gif" alt="End of change" /></li></ol>
<p>Although the traditional Windows clustered server solution requires a shared
physical SCSI or Fibre Channel device, the integrated Windows server solution
uses a virtual Fibre Channel bus to share the virtual disk devices between
the nodes of a cluster.</p>
<p>In addition, the new support for virtual Ethernet enables high-performance,
secure communication for the internal node-to-node communication between clustered
<p>Detailed checklists for planning and creating a server cluster are available
in the online Microsoft&reg; help for Server clusters and should be referred
to prior to installing and configuring a Windows Cluster server. Additional
information, including step-by-step guides to installing Cluster service,
is available on the <a href="">Microsoft Web site</a>
<img src="www.gif" alt="Link outside the Information Center" />.</p>
<p>For more information about support for Windows Cluster service, see the
following topics:</p>
<p><span class="bold"><a href="rzahqclusterinstall.htm#rzahqclusterinstall">Install Windows Cluster service</a></span>
<br />Find
out how to install and configure Windows Cluster service on an integrated
Windows server.</p>
<p><span class="bold"><a href="rzahqclusterexistinstall.htm#rzahqclusterexistinstall">Install Windows Cluster service on an existing server</a></span>
<br />Find
out how to create clusters on an existing integrated Windows server.</p></blockquote>
<p><img src="delta.gif" alt="Start of change" /><span class="bold">Cluster support on an iSCSI attached server</span><img src="deltaend.gif" alt="End of change" /></p>
<p><img src="delta.gif" alt="Start of change" />For information about iSeries support for Microsoft Cluster
Service (MSCS) on an iSCSI attached server see <a href="">MSCS on an iSCSI attached server</a>
<img src="www.gif" alt="Link outside the Information Center" /> on the Integrated xSeries solutions web site (<img src="deltaend.gif" alt="End of change" /></p>
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