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<h5 id="dpaymn">Create the APPC device (Payroll to Minneapolis)</h5>
<p>Because this is an APPC/APPN environment, the device is an APPC device
and the CRTDEVAPPC command is used to define the attributes of the device.
The following attributes are defined by the example command: </p>
<dl class="parml">
<dt class="bold">DEVD(MPLS)</dt>
<dd>Specifies that the name assigned to the device description is MPLS.
<dt class="bold">LOCADR(00)</dt>
<dd>The location address should always be specified as hex 00 when the device
is associated with an APPC controller.
<dt class="bold">RMTLOCNAME(MPLS)</dt>
<dd>Specifies that the remote location name associated with this device
description is MPLS.
<p>This value matches the value that is specified for
the LCLLOCNAME parameter at the other system (MPLS).</p>
<dt class="bold">LCLLOCNAME(PAYROLL)</dt>
<dd>Specifies the name that is assigned to the local location, which is
PAYROLL in the example.
<p>This value matches the value that is specified
for the RMTLOCNAME parameter at the other system (MPLS).</p>
<dt class="bold">APPN(*NO)</dt>
<dd>Specifies that the networking support is not used.
<dt class="bold">CTL(MPLS)</dt>
<dd>Specifies that this device description is attached to a controller description
that is named MPLS.
<dt class="bold">MODE(BLANK #BATCH)</dt>
<dd>Specifies that this device will use either of two modes: BLANK, which
is a mode name of all blanks (hex 40), or #BATCH. IBM&reg; supplies both these modes. Note that the
other location must also use one of these modes when communicating with this
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