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<meta name="DC.Title" content="Work with DBCS conversion dictionary display" />
<meta name="abstract" content="You can use the figure in this topic to work with alphanumeric entries, such as choosing an entry to edit or deleting an entry. The server displays the Work with DBCS Conversion Dictionary display if you enter *ALL or a generic string for the ENTRY parameter of the EDTIGCDCT command." />
<meta name="description" content="You can use the figure in this topic to work with alphanumeric entries, such as choosing an entry to edit or deleting an entry. The server displays the Work with DBCS Conversion Dictionary display if you enter *ALL or a generic string for the ENTRY parameter of the EDTIGCDCT command." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Work with DBCS conversion dictionary display</h1>
<div><p>You can use the figure in this topic to work with alphanumeric
entries, such as choosing an entry to edit or deleting an entry. The server
displays the Work with DBCS Conversion Dictionary display if you enter *ALL
or a generic string for the ENTRY parameter of the EDTIGCDCT command.</p>
<div class="example"> <div class="fignone" id="rbal3workdb__hrsl332"><a name="rbal3workdb__hrsl332"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1. Display for Work with DBCS
Conversion Dictionary</span><br /><img src="hrsls332.gif" alt="Graphic showing the display&#xA;for Work with DBCS Conversion Dictionary" /><br /></div>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rbal3disp.htm" title="After you enter the EDTIGCDCT command, the server presents either the Work With DBCS Conversion Dictionary display or the Edit Related Words display, depending on the value entered for the ENTRY parameter on the command.">Displays used for editing a DBCS conversion dictionary</a></div>
<div class="relinfo"><strong>Related information</strong><br />
<div><a href="../cl/edtigcdct.htm">EDTIGCDCT command</a></div>
<div><a href="../rbam6/rbam6clconcepts.htm">CL concepts and reference</a></div>