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<h4><a name="wsassemprop"></a>Web services assembly properties</h4>
<p><strong>ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi properties</strong></p>
<p>The ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi file is a deployment descriptor for a Web Services-enabled Web module. It contains information for the Web services runtime that is either WebSphere product-specific or was not included in the Web services specification.</p>
<p>You can manually edit these assembly properties or use WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (Version 5.1 or later).</p>
<p>To use the Development Studio client, open the webservices.xml file for your Web service module in the Web Services Editor. The assembly properties are located on the <strong>Bindings</strong> and <strong>Binding Configurations</strong> tabs.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> Although you open the webservices.xml file for editing, the Web Services Editor stores the values in the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi file in your module.</p>
<!-- You can edit these properties using the Assembly Toolkit:
Locate the webservices.xml file in the module.
Double-click the webservices.xml file to open the Web Services editor.
Access the Web Services Bindings editor through the Bindings tab at the bottom of the editor pane.
Access the Web Services Binding Configurations editor through the Binding Configurations tab at the bottom of the editor pane.
After editing the properties, type ctrl-s on your keyboard to save the changes. -->
<p>The following user-definable assembly properties are supported:</p>
<br>Attribute of the wsdescBindings element that specifies the link to the corresponding &lt;webservice-description-name&gt; in webservices.xml.</p>
<!-- To set this property with the Assembly Toolkit, follow these steps:
Open the Web Service Bindings editor.
Expand the Web Service Description Bindings section.
Click Add and choose the Web services description binding properties for which you want to apply the change.
Click OK. --></li>
<br>Attribute of the pcBindings element that specifies the link to the &lt;port-component-name&gt; in the webservices.xml file.</p>
<!-- To set this property with the Assembly Toolkit, follow these steps:
Open the Web Services Bindings editor.
Expand the Port Component Binding section.
Click Add.
Select the port_ component_ name from the drop down list in the PC Name Link field. --></li>
<br>Attribute of the pcBindings element that specifies when new instances of implementation beans are created. Possible values are Request, Session, and Application. The value of scope for a deployed Web service can be changed using the administrative console. Navigate to the Web module of the Web service application and select <strong>Web Services Implementation Scope</strong>.</p>
<!-- To set this property with the Assembly Toolkit, follow these steps:
Open the Web Services Bindings editor.
Expand the Port Component Binding section.
Click Add.
Select the implementation_scope_ name from the drop down list in the Scope field. --></li>
<p><strong>ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi properties</strong></p>
<p>The ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi file contains information for the Web services run time that is WebSphere product-specific. The ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi file is used for Web services clients or Web services that act as clients to another Web service.</p>
<p>You can manually edit these assembly properties or use WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (Version 5.1 or later).</p>
<p>To use the Development Studio client, open the webservicesclient.xml file for your Web service module in the Web Services Client Editor. The assembly properties are located on the <strong>Bindings</strong> and <strong>Port Bindings</strong> tabs.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> Although you open the webservicesclient.xml file for editing, the Web Services Editor stores the values in the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi file in your module.</p>
<!-- You can edit these properties using the Assembly Toolkit:
Locate the webservicesclient.xml file in the module.
Double-click the webservices.xml file to open the Web Services Client editor.
Access the Web Services Client Bindings editor through the Client Binding tab at the bottom of the editor pane.
Access the Web Services Client Port Bindings editor through the Port Bindings tab at the bottom of the editor pane.
After editing the properties, type ctrl-s on your keyboard to save the changes. -->
<p>The following user-definable assembly properties are supported:</p>
<br>Attribute of the componentScopedRefs element that specifies the link to the corresponding &lt;component-scoped-refs&gt; element in webservicesclient.xml file.</p>
<!-- You can edit this property in the Assembly Toolkit:
Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
Expand the Component scoped references section.
Click Add.
Select the component scoped references defined in the webservicesclient.xml file from the list. --></li>
<br>Attribute of the serviceRefs element that specifies the link to the &lt;service-ref-name&gt; in the webservicesclient.xml file.</p>
<!-- You can edit this property in the Assembly Toolkit:
Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
Click the Services References tab.
Click Add.
Select the service references defined in the webservicesclient.xml file from the list. --></li>
<br>Attribute of the serviceRefs element is optional and permits an alternate WSDL file to be used other than that specified in the &lt;wsdl-file&gt; element of webservicesclient.xml file. If this attribute is specified, the alternate WSDL file must be packaged in the same module and must be compatible with the development WSDL file. The deployedWSDLFile property is used to supply a new WSDL file containing a different endpoint URL than the original WSDL file.</p>
<!-- You can edit this property in the Assembly Toolkit:
Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
Select the service references or component scoped reference desired.
Expand the Service reference details section.
Click Browse on the Deployed WSDL file field.
Select the new WSDL file.
Click OK. --></li>
<li><p><strong>defaultMappings element</strong>
<br>Identifies which port should be used for a given portType when none is explicitly selected by the client. This element has the following attributes: portTypeNamespace, portTypeLocalName, portNamespace, portLocalName. These attributes identify which wsdl:port should be used for a wsdl:portType.</p>
<!-- You can edit this property in the Assembly Toolkit:
Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
Click Default Mappings.
Click Add.
Edit the entries in the newly added row to establish a mapping between a portType and port in the WSDL file. There can only be one entry for each portType.
Click OK. --></li>
<br>Attribute of the portQnameBindings element that specifies how long, in seconds, to wait for a response from a synchronous call.</p>
<!-- You can edit this property in the Assembly Toolkit:
Create a Port Qualified Name Bindings for the port.
Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
Confirm that a service reference is selected in either the Component scoped references or Service references section.
Expand the Port qualified name bindings section.
Click Add. A new entry is now added to the Port qualified name bindings list.
Click the new Port qualified name bindings entry. The Web Services Client Port Bindings editor opens.
Expand the Port qualified name bindings details section.
Type the namespace of the WSDL file port you want to configure, in the Port Namespace Link field.
Type the local_name of the WSDL file port you want to configure in the Port Local Name Linkfield. The name displayed in the Port qualified name bindings list is the local name of the WSDL file port.
Click OK.
To configure the syncTimeout property, locate the Synchronization timeout field and enter the desired value. --></li>
<br>Element of the portQnameBindings element that can be used to authenticate a service client to the service endpoint, independent of the underlying transport that includes HTTP and HTTPS. Set the user ID and password attributes as needed.</p>
<!-- You can edit this property in the Assembly Toolkit:
Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
Expand the Basic authentication section.
Type the desired value in the User ID and Password fields.
Click OK. --></li>
<br>Element of the portQnameBindings element that specifies the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration of an HTTPS outbound request. The name attribute is the name of a SSL configuration entry or alias defined in the SSL Configuration Repertoire.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> This attribute is only used when the client is running in a WebSphere application server.</p>
<!-- You can edit this property in the Assembly Toolkit:
Open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
Expand the SSL Configuration section.
Type the desired value in the Name field.
Click OK. --></li>
<p>The values of deployedWSDLFile and the defaultMappings of a deployed Web service can also be changed using the administrative console. Using application management, navigate to the Web module and select <strong>Web Services Client Bindings</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Example bindings files</strong></p>
<p>The following examples demonstrate the spelling and position of the various attributes. You cannot cut and paste these examples because they do not contain the required ID attributes. If you add elements to a binding file template generated by the WSDL2Java command, you must confirm that each element has an ID attribute whose value is a unique string. Review the template xmi files generated by the WSDL2Java command for examples of ID strings.</p>
<p><strong>Example ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi file</strong></p>
<pre>&lt;com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd:WSBinding xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot;
xmlns:xmi=&quot;http://www.omg.org/XMI&quot; xmlns:com.ibm.etools.webservice.wsbnd=
&lt;wsdescBindings wsDescNameLink=&quot;AddressBookService&quot;&gt;
&lt;pcBindings pcNameLink=&quot;AddressBook&quot; scope=&quot;Application&quot;/&gt;
<p><strong>Example ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi file</strong></p>
<pre>&lt;com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd:ClientBinding xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot;
xmlns:xmi=&quot;http://www.omg.org/XMI&quot; xmlns:com.ibm.etools.webservice.wscbnd=
&lt;componentScopedRefs componentNameLink=&quot;myComponent ref&quot;/&gt;
&lt;serviceRefs serviceRefLink=&quot;myService ref&quot; deployedWSDLFile=&quot;META-INF/wsdl/alternate.wsdl&quot;&gt;
&lt;defaultMappings portTypeLocalName=&quot;AddressBook&quot;
portTypeNamespace=&quot;http://www.com.ibm&quot; portLocalName=&quot;AddressBookPort&quot;
&lt;portQnameBindings portQnameNamespaceLink=&quot;http://www.com.ibm&quot;
portQnameLocalNameLink=&quot;AddressBookPort&quot; syncTimeout=&quot;99&quot;&gt;
&lt;basicAuth userid=&quot;myId&quot; password=&quot;myPassword&quot;/&gt;
&lt;sslConfig name=&quot;mynode/DefaultSSLSettings&quot;/&gt;