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<h1 class="topictitle1">Elements of device parity protection</h1>
<div><p>The following diagrams illustrate the elements of a parity set that contains
four disk units. Each parity set begins with an input/output processor (IOP)
that is attached to an input/output adapter (IOA), which contains the write
cache. The IOA transmits read and write signals to the attached disk units. </p>
<p><em>P</em> indicates the sections of the disk that contain parity
data. </p>
<div class="p"><em>Q</em> indicates the second stripe of parity data.<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> The
second stripe of parity data is only associated with RAID 6 protection.</div>
<div class="fignone"><span class="figcap">Figure 1. Example of how parity data is distributed with RAID
5 pre-V5R2 IOAs</span><br /><img src="rzaix518.gif" alt="RAID 5 parity&#xA;data is spread across four disk units. The parity set has an input/output&#xA;processor (IOP) that is attached to an input/output adapter (IOA), which contains&#xA;the write cache." /><br /></div>
<div class="fignone"><span class="figcap">Figure 2. Example of how parity data is distributed with RAID
5 post-V5R2 IOAs</span><br /><img src="rzaix521.gif" alt="RAID 5 parity&#xA;data is spread across four disk units. The parity set has an input/output&#xA;processor (IOP) that is attached to an input/output adapter (IOA), which contains&#xA;the write cache." /><br /></div>
<p>Performance is improved by spreading the parity data throughout
each of the disk units. The device parity protection that is spread throughout
the disk units equals one disk unit of memory. </p>
<div class="fignone"><span class="figcap">Figure 3. Example of how parity data is distributed with RAID
6</span><br /><img src="rzaix525.gif" alt="RAID 6 parity&#xA;data is spread across four disk units. The parity set has an input/output&#xA;processor (IOP) that is attached to an input/output adapter (IOA), which contains&#xA;the write cache." /><br /></div>
<p>Performance is improved by spreading the parity throughout
each of the disk units. The total amount of protection that is spread throughout
the disk units equals two disk units of memory. </p>
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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzalydpp.htm">Device parity protection</a></div>