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<meta name="DC.Title" content="REFSHIFT (Reference Shift) keyword for physical and logical files" />
<meta name="abstract" content="Use this field-level keyword to specify a keyboard shift for a field when the field is referred to in a display file or data file utility (DFU) operation." />
<meta name="description" content="Use this field-level keyword to specify a keyboard shift for a field when the field is referred to in a display file or data file utility (DFU) operation." />
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<title>Physical and Logical Files, REFSHIFT</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">REFSHIFT (Reference Shift) keyword for physical and logical files</h1>
<div><p>Use this field-level keyword to specify a keyboard shift for a
field when the field is referred to in a display file or data file utility
(DFU) operation.</p>
<div class="section"><div class="p">The format of the keyword is: <pre>REFSHIFT(keyboard-shift)</pre>
defining an input-capable field in a display file, refer to the field that
you are defining by specifying the letter R in position 29 and
the REF or REFFLD keyword. At display file creation, the operating system
copies the REFSHIFT keyword and other field attributes from the field in the
logical file into the field in the display file. You can override the editing
specified in the display or printer file by specifying new editing keywords.
Specifying the DLTEDT keyword deletes all editing for the field.</p>
keyboard shift in the display file (position 35) becomes the parameter value
specified on this keyword instead of the data type specified in the database
file. When you refer to a field with the REFSHIFT keyword from a physical
or logical file, the REFSHIFT keyword is copied into the new field. However,
if the field attributes (such as data type) specified for the new field are
not compatible with the keyboard shift specified on the REFSHIFT keyword,
the keyword is ignored.</p>
<div class="p">This keyword is valid for fields with data types
A, S, B, or P. Choose any keyboard shift that is compatible with the data
type as a parameter value. The following parameters apply to the data types:
<ul><li>Character field (A): REFSHIFT(A | X | W | N | I | D | M)</li>
<li>Numeric fields (S, B, P): REFSHIFT(S | Y | N | I | D)</li>
<div class="example"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h4><p>The following example shows how to specify
the REFSHIFT keyword for a physical file.</p>
<p>Fields FIELDA and FIELDN in the file (FILE1) have the
REFSHIFT keyword specified as shown. The REFSHIFT keyword is used when the
fields are referred to from a display file.</p>
<div class="example"> <pre>|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
00010A REF(FILE1)
00030A FIELDA R 1 2
<div class="p">The display file references FILE1 (REF keyword). Fields
FIELDA and FIELDN in this display file reference fields FIELDA and FIELDN
in FILE1. When the REFSHIFT keyword is specified for the fields in FILE1,
the keyboard shift specified with the REFSHIFT keyword is used in the display
file, and the fields have the following attributes: <ul><li>FIELDA has keyboard shift X in position 35.</li>
<li>FIELDN has keyboard shift N in position 35.</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzakbmstlfkeyw.htm" title="This topic lists valid keyword entries for describing physical and logical files. They are typed in positions 45 through 80 (functions).">Keyword entries for physical and logical files (positions 45 through 80)</a></div>
<div class="relinfo"><strong>Related information</strong><br />
<div><a href="../rzakc/rzakcmstpos29.htm">Reference for display files (position 29)</a></div>
<div><a href="../rzakc/rzakcmstdfdt.htm">Data type/keyboard shift for display files (position 35)</a></div>