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<meta name="abstract" content="Routing with network address translation (NAT) lets you access remote networks, such as the Internet, while protecting your private network by masking IP addresses that are used on the private network. This topic discusses the kinds of NAT that iSeries server supports and why you might want to use them." />
<meta name="description" content="Routing with network address translation (NAT) lets you access remote networks, such as the Internet, while protecting your private network by masking IP addresses that are used on the private network. This topic discusses the kinds of NAT that iSeries server supports and why you might want to use them." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Routing with network address translation</h1>
<div><p>Routing with network address translation (NAT) lets you access
remote networks, such as the Internet, while protecting your private network
by masking IP addresses that are used on the private network. This topic discusses
the kinds of NAT that iSeries™ server supports and why you might want to
use them.</p>
<div class="section"><p>NAT provides access to a remote network, usually the Internet,
while protecting the private network by masking the IP addresses that are
used inside your firewall. You can use these types of NAT for routing your iSeries server:</p>
<ul class="ullinks">
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rzajwaddmasq.htm">Masquerade NAT</a></strong><br />
This topic describes how masquerade NAT works in a network.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rzajwdynamic.htm">Dynamic NAT</a></strong><br />
Learn about dynamic NAT in this topic.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rzajwstatic.htm">Static NAT</a></strong><br />
Static NAT can use inbound connections from a public network into a private network.</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzajwrcb.htm" title="Routing deals with what path the network traffic follows from its source to its destination and how that path is connected.">Routing connectivity methods</a></div>