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<title>Example: ILE C program for reinitializing the Cryptographic Coprocessor</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Example: ILE C program for reinitializing the Cryptographic Coprocessor</h1>
<div><p>Change this program example to suit your needs for reinitializing
your Cryptographic Coprocessor. </p>
<div class="section"><div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> Read the <a href="codedisclaimer.htm#codedisclaimer">Code license and disclaimer information</a> for
important legal information. <p>If you choose to use the program example that
is provided, change it to suit your specific needs. For security reasons, IBM<sup>®</sup> recommends
that you individualize these program examples rather than using the default
values provided.</p>
<div class="example"> <pre>/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Clear the card (reset to manufactured state). */
/* */
/* */
/* COPYRIGHT 5769-SS1 (C) IBM CORP. 1999 */
/* */
/* This material contains programming source code for your */
/* consideration. These examples have not been thoroughly */
/* tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot */
/* guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function */
/* of these program. All programs contained herein are */
/* provided to you "AS IS". THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF */
/* ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. IBM provides no program services for */
/* these programs and files. */
/* */
/* */
/* Note: This verb is more fully described in Chapter 2 of */
/* IBM CCA Basic Services Reference and Guide */
/* (SC31-8609) publication. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* none. */
/* */
/* Example: */
/* */
/* */
/* Note: This program assumes the device to use is */
/* already identified either by defaulting to the CRP01 */
/* device or by being explicitly named using the */
/* Cryptographic_Resource_Allocate verb. Also this */
/* device must be varied on and you must be authorized */
/* to use this device description. */
/* */
/* Use these commands to compile this program on the system: */
/* */
/* Note: Authority to the CSUACFC service program in the */
/* QCCA library is assumed. */
/* */
/* The Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA) verb used is */
/* Cryptographic_Facilitiess_Control (CSUACFC). */
/* */
#include "csucincl.h" /* header file for CCA Cryptographic */
/* Service Provider */
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;string.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
/* standard return codes */
#define ERROR -1
#define OK 0
#define WARNING 4
#define TOKENSIZE 8 /* number of bytes in random token */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* standard CCA parameters */
long return_code = 0;
long reason_code = 0;
long exit_data_length = 2;
char exit_data[4];
char rule_array[2][8];
long rule_array_count = 2;
/* fields unique to this sample program */
long verb_data_length = TOKENSIZE;
char verb_data[TOKENSIZE];
char verb_data2[TOKENSIZE];
int i;
/* set keywords in the rule array */
/* get a random token from the card - returned in verb_data */
CSUACFC( &amp;return_code,
(char *)rule_array,
(char *)verb_data);
if ( (return_code == OK) | (return_code == WARNING) )
printf("Random token was successfully returned.\n");
printf("Return/reason codes ");
printf("%ld/%ld\n\n", return_code, reason_code);
/* get the one's complement of token and store in verb_data2. */
/* operate on one byte at a time */
for(i = 0; i &lt; TOKENSIZE; i++)
verb_data2[i] = ~verb_data[i];
/* change keyword in rule array */
/* invoke the verb to reset the card */
CSUACFC( &amp;return_code,
(char *)rule_array,
if ( (return_code == OK) | (return_code == WARNING) )
printf("card successfully cleared/reset.\n");
printf("Return/reason codes ");
printf("%ld/%ld\n\n", return_code, reason_code);
printf("An error occurred while clearing the card");
printf("card.\n Return/");
printf("reason codes %ld/%ld\n\n", return_code, reason_code);
printf("An error occurred while getting the random token.\n");
printf("Return/reason codes ");
printf("%ld/%ld\n\n", return_code, reason_code);
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzajcreinitializing.htm" title="If you set up your Cryptographic Coprocessor incorrectly, you can end up with an unusable configuration with which you cannot perform any cryptographic functions and cannot use any of the APIs to recover. For example, you can configure it such that you have no role authorized to set the master key and no role authorized to change or create new roles or profiles. You can call the hardware command for reinitializing the card by using the Cryptographic_Facility_Control (CSUACFC) SAPI.">Reinitialize the Cryptographic Coprocessor</a></div>