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<h1 class="topictitle1">Cost estimation</h1>
<div><p>At runtime, the Optimizer chooses an optimal access method for
the query by calculating an implementation cost based on the current state
of the database.</p>
<div class="section"><p>The Optimizer models the access cost of each of the following:
<ul><li>Reading rows directly from the table (dataspace scan processing)</li>
<li>Reading rows through an access path (using either key selection or key
<li>Creating an access path directly from the dataspace</li>
<li>Creating an access path from an existing access path (index-from-index)</li>
<li>Using the query sort routine (if conditions are satisfied)</li>
<div class="section"><p>The cost of a particular method is the sum of:</p>
<ul><li>The start-up cost</li>
<li>The cost associated with the given optimization mode. The OPTIMIZE FOR
n ROWS clause indicates to the query Optimizer the optimization goal to be
achieved. The Optimizer can optimize <span class="keyword">SQL</span> queries
with one of two goals: <ol><li>Minimize the time required to retrieve the first buffer of rows from the
table. This goal biases the optimization towards not creating an index. <div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> This
is the default if you do not use OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS.</div>
<div class="p">Either a data
scan or an existing index is preferred. This mode can be specified by: <ul><li>The OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS allowing the users to specify the number of rows
they expect to retrieve from the query. <p>The Optimizer using this value
to determine the percentage of rows that will be returned and optimizes accordingly.
A small value instructs the Optimizer to minimize the time required to retrieve
the first n rows.</p>
<li>Minimize the time to process the whole query assuming that all selected
rows are returned to the application. This does not bias the Optimizer to
any particular access method. Specify this mode by using OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS,
which allows the users to specify the number of rows they expect to retrieve
from the query. <p>The Optimizer uses this value to determine the percentage
of rows that will be returned and optimizes accordingly. A value greater than
or equal to the expected number of resulting rows instructs the Optimizer
to minimize the time required to run the entire query.</p>
<li>The cost of any access path creations.</li>
<li>The cost of the expected number of page faults to read the rows and the
cost of processing the expected number of rows. <p>Page faults and number
of rows processed may be predicted by statistics the Optimizer obtains from
the database objects, including: </p>
<ul><li>Table size</li>
<li>Row size</li>
<li>Index size</li>
<li>Key size</li>
<p>A weighted measure of the expected number of rows to process. This
is based on what the relational operators in the row selection predicates
(default filter factors) are likely to retrieve:</p>
<ul><li>10% for equal</li>
<li>33% for less-than, greater-than, less-than-equal-to, or greater-than-equal-to</li>
<li>90% for not equal</li>
<li>25% for BETWEEN range</li>
<li>10% for each IN list value</li>
<p><strong>Key range estimate</strong> is a method that the Optimizer uses to gain
more accurate estimates of the number of expected rows that are selected from
one or more selection predicates. The Optimizer estimates by applying the
selection predicates against the left-most keys of an existing index. The <strong>default
filter factors</strong> then can be further refined by the estimate based on the
key range. If the left-most keys in an index match columns that are used in
row-selection predicates, use that index to estimate the number of keys that
match the selection criteria. The estimate of the number of keys is based
on the number of pages and key density of the machine index. It is performed
without actually accessing the keys. Full indexes over columns that are used
in selection predicates can significantly help optimization.</p>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzaikoptimizer.htm" title="Optimizer is an important module of the i5/OS Query component because it makes the key decisions for good database performance. Its main objective is to find the most efficient access path to the data.">Optimizer</a></div>