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<meta name="abstract" content="Today, as part of the automatic installation process, all nonconfigured disk units are added to the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP). If you are using automatic installation to upgrade from V5R2 and do not want nonconfigured disk units added, PTFs are available." />
<meta name="description" content="Today, as part of the automatic installation process, all nonconfigured disk units are added to the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP). If you are using automatic installation to upgrade from V5R2 and do not want nonconfigured disk units added, PTFs are available." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Installing optional PTF to choose disk configuration</h1>
<div><p>Today, as part of the automatic installation process, all nonconfigured
disk units are added to the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP). If you are
using automatic installation to upgrade <span>from V5R2</span> and
do not want nonconfigured disk units added, PTFs are available.</p>
<div class="section"> <p> These PTFs allow you to set your disk configuration option.
If you are upgrading from V5R2, an additional IPL is
required for this to occur. </p>
<p>If you want to change your current
disk configuration and you are upgrading from V5R2, follow the instructions
to download and apply PTF SI08897. Prerequisite PTFs for Licensed Internal
Code are included. The instructions also include how to change the disk configuration. <span>You
must be signed on as security officer (QSECOFR user profile) to use these
PTFs to change the disk configuration option.</span> </p>
<p>If you are currently
on a V5R3 <span>or V5R4</span> system, have already installed either
of the disk configuration PTFs before you upgraded to V5R3, and are replacing
the operating system, follow the instructions in <a href="choosediskconfig.htm#choosediskconfig">Choosing disk configuration</a>.</p>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="requiredfixesupgrade.htm" title="Before you begin the installation process, make sure that your server is ready by reviewing your requirements for program temporary fixes (PTFs).">Reviewing software PTF (fix) requirements</a></div>