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<h1 class="topictitle1">Use authorized program analysis reports</h1>
<div><p>An <dfn class="term">authorized program analysis report</dfn> (APAR) is an
IBM-supplied program that allows you to create a diskette file or a tape file
that contains information from your system to help software service representatives
to correct programming problems.</p>
<p>This topic also includes details on using the APAR command.</p>
<div class="p">The APAR procedure creates one or more diskette files or tape files that
contain information about the following areas: <ul><li>Control storage dump area. This area is control-block storage that is
used by the Licensed Internal Code.</li>
<li>Input/output controller storage dump area.</li>
<li>The system work area (if you are not running the APAR procedure
during IPL after a system dump), including the following information: <ul><li>The system configuration</li>
<li>The disk Volume Table of Contents (VTOC)</li>
<li>The #SYSWORK index</li>
<li>The trace work area</li>
<li>The security work area</li>
<li>The program temporary fix (PTF) work area</li>
<li>The diskette VTOC</li>
<li>The volume label</li>
<li>The IPL bootstrap</li>
<li>PTF logs for the IBM<sup>®</sup> licensed program library and system library.</li>
<li>The system service log.</li>
<li>The disk trace files. If you do not run the APAR procedure during startup,
and you do not copy a task dump, then the system displays a trace file prompt
and you can select up to 16 trace files to copy.</li>
<li>Microcode tables</li>
<li>Task dump file (optional)</li>
<li>The history file</li>
<li>The spooled file (optional)</li>
<li>The job queue (optional)</li>
<li>The message file (optional)</li>
<li>The product-level data file</li>
<p>The APAR procedure can copy a specified load member to a file named APARLOAD,
a specified source member to a file named APARSRCE, or a specified procedure
member to a file named APARPROC which can be saved to diskette or tape. When
the APAR procedure begins running, you can select the spooled file, job queue,
message file, and user file index that the system will copy. Most of the data
areas that are copied can be displayed using the DUMP procedure.</p>
<div class="section" id="rzahbapr__rzahb-aparpo"><a name="rzahbapr__rzahb-aparpo"><!-- --></a><h4 class="sectiontitle">Use APARs to collect diagnostic information</h4><p>Run
the authorized program analysis report (APAR) procedure during an IPL after
you have performed a system dump. The procedure requires an attended IPL.</p>
<div class="p">To
perform the APAR procedure, enter the following command:<pre>APAR volid,[object],[source],[proc],[dumpfile],[S1],[AUTO/NOAUTO],[I1/TC/T1/T2]</pre>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzahbpa0.htm" title="Use this information to further analyze and handle problems, including a start problem analysis procedure that guides you through resolving the problem.">Analyze and handle problems</a></div>
<div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />
<div><a href="rzahbbmn.htm" title="Use the problem-handling menus to help analyze problems.">Problem-handling menus</a></div>
<div><a href="rzahbapr.htm" title="An authorized program analysis report (APAR) is an IBM-supplied program that allows you to create a diskette file or a tape file that contains information from your system to help software service representatives to correct programming problems.">Use authorized program analysis reports</a></div>
<div class="relref"><strong>Related reference</strong><br />
<div><a href="rzahb-aparpd.htm" title="You can use these parameters for the APAR command.">Details: Authorized program analysis reports</a></div>
<div><a href="../cl/savapardta.htm">Save APAR Data (SAVADATA)</a></div>
<div><a href="../cl/rstapardta.htm">Restore APAR Data (RSTAPARDTA)</a></div>