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<h1 class="topictitle1">Configure HTTP server (powered by Apache)</h1>
<div><p>Configure an HTTP server (powered by Apache) so you can use the
Xsockets tool in a Web browser.</p>
<div class="p"><p>Before configuring a Web browser to work with the
Xsockets tool, you must first <a href="cxsockets.htm#cxsockets">configure
Xsockets </a>. </p>
<ol><li class="stepexpand"><span>Verify the HTTP admin instance is running under the QHTTPSVR subsystem</span> You can start it with CL command it not running: <pre>STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN)</pre>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>In a Web browser, enter:</span> <pre>http://&lt;system_name&gt;:2001/.</pre>
where &lt;system_name&gt;is
the machine name of the iSeries™. For example: http://myiSeries:2001/.</li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>On the i5/OS™ Tasks page, select <span class="uicontrol">IBM
Web Administration for i5/OS</span>.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>From the top menu, select the <span class="uicontrol">Setup</span> tab.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Create New HTTP Server</span>.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Enter the name for the server instance. For example,
this instance serves the Xsockets tool in a browser, then you can use the
name <samp class="codeph">xsocket</samp>. Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span>. </span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span> to accept the default for the
server root directory. </span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span> to accept the default for the
document root directory.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Select the IP address and an available port that
you want to use. </span> Use a port number greater than 1024. Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span>.
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> Do not select the default port number 80.</div>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Choose either <span class="uicontrol">yes</span> or <span class="uicontrol">no</span> to
indicate whether you want an access log created for this server.
Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span>.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Choose the default age of the logs. Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span>.</span></li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>The next page displays the HTTP server (powered by Apache) configuration
settings. If these settings are correct, click <span class="uicontrol">Finish</span>.</span></li>
<div class="section"></div>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="xsockhttp.htm" title="The instructions here allow you to enable the Xsockets tool to be accessed through a Web browser. You can implement these instructions multiple times on the same system to create different server instances. This allows multiple versions to run at the same time on different listening ports.">Configure Xsockets to use a Web browser</a></div>
<div class="nextlink"><strong>Next topic:</strong> <a href="configtomcat.htm" title="After you have configured HTTP server (powered by Apache) server instance, you must configure Tomcat to use the Xsockets tool in a Web browser.">Configure Tomcat</a></div>