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<toc label="Database file management" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#dm/rbal3.xml" topic="rbal3kickoff.htm">
<topic href="rbal3kickoff.htm" label="Database file management">
<topic href="rbal3whatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rbal3printthis.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rbal3overview.htm" label="Overview of database file management">
<topic href="rbal3ft.htm" label="File types"/>
<topic href="rbal3workwith.htm" label="Work with database files">
<topic href="rbal3waitf.htm" label="Allocate file resources">
<topic href="rbal3fileresalloc.htm" label="Overview of file resource allocation"/>
<topic href="rbal3fileresource.htm" label="File resources that must be allocated"/>
<topic href="rbal3howalloc.htm" label="How the server allocates resources"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyfile.htm" label="Copy files">
<topic href="rbal3copyfileover.htm" label="Copy files: overview">
<topic href="rbal3cpyfcmds.htm" label="Copy files: commands"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpyffuncs.htm" label="Copy files: supported functions"/>
<topic href="rbal3bcfuc.htm" label="Copy files: basic functions">
<topic href="rbal3fityp.htm" label="File types and copying"/>
<topic href="rbal3recsq.htm" label="Record sequence and copying"/>
<topic href="rbal3rcfcm.htm" label="Resending copy file completion message"/>
<topic href="rbal3mcper.htm" label="Monitoring for copy errors"/>
<topic href="rbal3mzrff.htm" label="Monitoring for zero records in the from-file"/>
<topic href="rbal3tofil.htm" label="Creating a duplicate to-file member"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpyfr.htm" label="CPYFRMQRYF command support for CCSIDs"/>
<topic href="rbal3sup.htm" label="CPYSRCF command support for CCSIDs"/>
<topic href="rbal3nul.htm" label="Copy commands support for null values"/>
<topic href="rbal3copypflf.htm" label="Copy physical or logical files"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyto.htm" label="Create the to-file (CRTFILE parameter)">
<topic href="rbal3eitheror.htm" label="Specify CRTFILE(*YES) on either the CPYF or CPYFRMQRYF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyauth.htm" label="Authorities, user profiles, and file capabilities of the to-file created by Copy File (CPYF)"/>
<topic href="rbal3records.htm" label="Add, replace, and update records (MBROPT parameter)">
<topic href="rbal3replace.htm" label="Specify *REPLACE when copying files"/>
<topic href="rbal3add.htm" label="Specify *ADD when copying files"/>
<topic href="rbal3updadd.htm" label="Specify *UPDADD when copying files"/>
<topic href="rbal3trig.htm" label="Copy records into files that use trigger programs"/>
<topic href="rbal3selrecords.htm" label="Select the records to copy">
<topic href="rbal3copysel.htm" label="Selecting records using a specified record format name (RCDFMT parameter)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyrrn.htm" label="Select records by relative record numbers (FROMRCD and TORCD parameters)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyrrk.htm" label="Select records by record keys (FROMKEY and TOKEY Parameters)">
<topic href="rbal3keystring.htm" label="Key string comparisons made by the copy operation"/>
<topic href="rbal3buildkey.htm" label="Example: build-key function"/>
<topic href="rbal3fromkey.htm" label="Example: using FROMKEY and TOKEY"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyfield.htm" label="Variable-length fields used by record keys (FROMKEY and TOKEY)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copydtt.htm" label="Date, time, and timestamp fields used by record keys (FROMKEY and TOKEY)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copynull.htm" label="Null-capable fields used by record keys (FROMKEY and TOKEY)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copydiff.htm" label="Different CCSIDs used by record keys (FROMKEY and TOKEY)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copydbcs.htm" label="DBCS-graphic fields used by record keys (FROMKEY and TOKEY)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copysele.htm" label="Select a specified number of records (NBRRCDS parameter)"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyrec.htm" label="Select records based on character content (INCCHAR parameter)">
<topic href="rbal3copyvar.htm" label="Variable-length fields used by the INCCHAR parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyinc.htm" label="Null-capable fields used by the INCCHAR parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpyin.htm" label="Different CCSIDs used by the INCCHAR parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copygrap.htm" label="DBCS-graphic fields used by the INCCHAR parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyreco.htm" label="Select records based on field value (INCREL parameter)">
<topic href="rbal3copyvlf.htm" label="Variable-length fields used by the INCREL parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copydttf.htm" label="Date, time, and timestamp fields used by the INCREL parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyncf.htm" label="Null-capable fields used by the INCREL parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyccs.htm" label="Different CCSIDs used by the INCREL parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copydgf.htm" label="DBCS-graphic fields used by the INCREL parameter"/>
<topic href="rbal3copydelrec.htm" label="Copy deleted records (COMPRESS parameter)">
<topic href="rbal3requirements.htm" label="Requirements of COMPRESS(*NO) parameter and the CPYF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3restrictions.htm" label="Restrictions of the COMPRESS(*NO) parameter and the CPYF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3details.htm" label="Details of the COMPRESS(*NO) parameter and the CPYF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3prtrecords.htm" label="Print records (PRINT, OUTFMT, and TOFILE(*PRINT) parameters)">
<topic href="rbal3crunfo.htm" label="Create an unformatted print listing"/>
<topic href="rbal3selmem.htm" label="Select members to copy">
<topic href="rbal3cpymbrs.htm" label="Copy file members: overview"/>
<topic href="rbal3mbrtables.htm" label="Allowed copy operations and parameters"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyall.htm" label="Copy all members within a file"/>
<topic href="rbal3copycertain.htm" label="Copy only certain members within a file"/>
<topic href="rbal3naming.htm" label="Specify the member name for the copy operation"/>
<topic href="rbal3special.htm" label="Special considerations for the Override Database File (OVRDBF) and Override Tape File (OVRTAPF) commands"/>
<topic href="rbal3adding.htm" label="How the copy function adds members to the to-file"/>
<topic href="rbal3copydbmbrfmt.htm" label="Copying between different database record formats (FMTOPT parameter)">
<topic href="rbal3specdata.htm" label="Specify data for different field types and attributes">
<topic href="rbal3map.htm" label="Map variable-length fields to fixed-length fields"/>
<topic href="rbal3mapfix.htm" label="Map fixed-length fields to variable-length fields"/>
<topic href="rbal3dt.htm" label="Date, time, and timestamp fields using FMTOPT(*MAP) or FMTOPT(*NOCHK)"/>
<topic href="rbal3nullcap.htm" label="Null-capable fields using FMTOPT(*MAP) or FMTOPT(*NOCHK)"/>
<topic href="rbal3ufmt.htm" label="CCSIDs using FMTOPT(*MAP) or FMTOPT(*NOCHK)"/>
<topic href="rbal3ptr2.htm" label="DBCS-graphic fields using FMTOPT(*MAP) or FMTOPT(*NOCHK)"/>
<topic href="rbal3ucs2.htm" label="Convert universal coded character set (UCS-2) graphic fields">
<topic href="rbal3rest.htm" label="UCS-2 graphic fields restrictions"/>
<topic href="rbal3cucc.htm" label="Convert universal coded character set transformation format (UTF-8 character & UTF-16 graphic)"/>
<topic href="rbal3s370.htm" label="Convert System/370 floating point and null fields">
<topic href="rbal3errin.htm" label="Errors in converting System/370 floating point and null fields"/>
<topic href="rbal3convr.htm" label="Conversion rules for copying files"/>
<topic href="rbal3sequence.htm" label="Add or changing source file sequence number and date fields (SRCOPT and SRCSEQ Parameters)">
<topic href="rbal3copdev.htm" label="Copy device source files to database source files"/>
<topic href="rbal3copdat.htm" label="Copy database source files to device source files"/>
<topic href="rbal3copdsf.htm" label="Copy database source files to database source files"/>
<topic href="rbal3copycomplex.htm" label="Copy complex objects">
<topic href="rbal3cpyudf.htm" label="Copy files that contain user-defined functions"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpyudt.htm" label="Copy files that contain user-defined types"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpydl.htm" label="Copy files that contain DataLinks"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpylo.htm" label="Copy files that contain large objects"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyicrowid.htm" label="Copy files that contain Identity Columns or ROWID attributes"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyserver.htm" label="Copy between different servers">
<topic href="rbal3usingcpyfrm.htm" label="Use the Copy From Import File (CPYFRMIMPF) command to copy between different servers">
<topic href="rbal3note.htm" label="Notes on the CPYFRMIMPF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3restc.htm" label="Restrictions on the CPYFRMIMPF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3imp.htm" label="Importing data to the iSeries when the from-file is a database file or DDM file"/>
<topic href="rbal3impdat.htm" label="Importing data to iSeries when the import file is a stream file"/>
<topic href="rbal3par.htm" label="Parallel data loader support to use with the CPYFRMIMPF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3hand.htm" label="Handle data from the import file"/>
<topic href="rbal3delimp.htm" label="Notes on the delimited import file (CPYFRMIMPF command)"/>
<topic href="rbal3fixfor.htm" label="Fixed formatted import file"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpyfrmtips.htm" label="Tips to improve the performance of the CPYFRMIMPF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3usingcpyto.htm" label="Use the Copy To Import File (CPYTOIMPF) command to copy between different servers">
<topic href="rbal3notes.htm" label="Notes on the CPYTOIMPF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3restcpy.htm" label="Restrictions for the CPYTOIMPF command"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpy.htm" label="Notes on the delimited import file (CPYTOIMPF command)"/>
<topic href="rbal3datfile.htm" label="Copy data to the import file in a fixed format (CPYTOIMPF command)"/>
<topic href="rbal3open.htm" label="Open files">
<topic href="rbal3openscope.htm" label="Scope of opened files"/>
<topic href="rbal3opentemp.htm" label="Open files using temporary file descriptions"/>
<topic href="rbal3openddm.htm" label="Open considerations when using *LIBL with a DDM file"/>
<topic href="rbal3detectdesc.htm" label="Detect file description changes"/>
<topic href="rbal3dspopen.htm" label="Display information about open files"/>
<topic href="rbal3openiofba.htm" label="Monitor file status with the open and I/O feedback area"/>
<topic href="rbal3share.htm" label="Share files">
<topic href="rbal3openc.htm" label="Open considerations for files shared in a job"/>
<topic href="rbal3ioc.htm" label="I/O considerations for files shared in a job"/>
<topic href="rbal3closec.htm" label="Close considerations for files shared in a job"/>
<topic href="rbal3override.htm" label="Use overrides">
<topic href="rbal3ovrint.htm" label="Overrides: An overview">
<topic href="rbal3ovrben.htm" label="Benefits of using overrides"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrcmds.htm" label="Summary of the override commands"/>
<topic href="rbal3eoscd.htm" label="Effect of overrides on some commands"/>
<topic href="rbal3mtcrest.htm" label="Use overrides in multithreaded jobs"/>
<topic href="rbal3applyovr.htm" label="Apply overrides">
<topic href="rbal3ovrfa.htm" label="Override file attributes"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrfn.htm" label="Override file names"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrnf.htm" label="Override file names and file attributes"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrscp.htm" label="Override the scope of an open file"/>
<topic href="rbal3call.htm" label="How the server processes overrides">
<topic href="rbal3prior.htm" label="Process priority of overrides"/>
<topic href="rbal3ile.htm" label="How the server processes overrides: scenario"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrgp.htm" label="Process overrides: General principles"/>
<topic href="rbal3exits.htm" label="Effect of exits on overrides: scenario"/>
<topic href="rbal3aosin.htm" label="Effect of TFRCTL on overrides: Scenario"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrsf2.htm" label="Overrides to the same file at the same call level: scenario"/>
<topic href="rbal3clovr.htm" label="CL program overrides"/>
<topic href="rbal3secrf.htm" label="Secure files against overrides"/>
<topic href="rbal3aofmcl.htm" label="Use a generic override for printer files">
<topic href="rbal3aop.htm" label="Example: Apply OVRPRTF with *PRTF"/>
<topic href="rbal3aopmcl.htm" label="Example: Applying OVRPRTF with *PRTF from multiple call levels"/>
<topic href="rbal3aowcp.htm" label="Apply overrides when compiling a program"/>
<topic href="rbal3deover.htm" label="Delete overrides"/>
<topic href="rbal3diover.htm" label="Display overrides">
<topic href="rbal3ovrds.htm" label="Example: Display all overrides for a specific activation group: scenario"/>
<topic href="rbal3partfil.htm" label="Example: Displaying merged file overrides for one file"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrds3.htm" label="Example: Display all file overrides for one file"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrds4.htm" label="Example: Displaying merged file overrides for all files"/>
<topic href="rbal3dispovr.htm" label="Example: Display overrides with WRKJOB"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrds5.htm" label="Comprehensive example: Display overrides"/>
<topic href="rbal3ovrdst.htm" label="Display overrides: tips"/>
<topic href="rbal3redirect.htm" label="Redirect files">
<topic href="rbal3frplan.htm" label="Plan for redirecting files"/>
<topic href="rbal3frtips.htm" label="Redirect files: tips"/>
<topic href="rbal3frdef.htm" label="Default actions for redirected files"/>
<topic href="rbal3performance.htm" label="Performance">
<topic href="rbal3ksap.htm" label="Avoid keyed sequence access paths"/>
<topic href="rbal3fewparm.htm" label="Specify fewer parameters"/>
<topic href="rbal3identifier.htm" label="Check record format level identifiers"/>
<topic href="rbal3preerr.htm" label="Prevent errors when copying files">
<topic href="rbal3limrec.htm" label="Limit recoverable errors during copy"/>
<topic href="rbal3predt.htm" label="Prevent date, time, and timestamp errors when copying files">
<topic href="rbal3mapping.htm" label="Map considerations using Copy"/>
<topic href="rbal3prepos.htm" label="Prevent position errors when copying files"/>
<topic href="rbal3preall.htm" label="Prevent allocation errors when copying files">
<topic href="rbal3reasons.htm" label="Reasons for allocation errors when copying files"/>
<topic href="rbal3precop.htm" label="Prevent copy errors that result from constraint relationships"/>
<topic href="rbal3precfil.htm" label="Copy files not in check-pending status"/>
<topic href="rbal3coppen.htm" label="Copy files in check pending status"/>
<topic href="rbal3precope.htm" label="Prevent copy errors related to your authority to files"/>
<topic href="rbal3scurty.htm" label="Security">
<topic href="rbal3secfs.htm" label="Object authority">
<topic href="rbal3operr.htm" label="Object operational authority"/>
<topic href="rbal3objer.htm" label="Object existence authority"/>
<topic href="rbal3objmr.htm" label="Object management authority"/>
<topic href="rbal3refath.htm" label="Object reference authority"/>
<topic href="rbal3altath.htm" label="Object alter authority"/>
<topic href="rbal3authd.htm" label="Data authorities"/>
<topic href="rbal3authreq.htm" label="Authorities required for file operations"/>
<topic href="rbal3secpub.htm" label="Limit access to files and data when creating files"/>
<topic href="rbal3ts.htm" label="Troubleshoot database file management">
<topic href="rbal3eh.htm" label="File error detection and handling by the server"/>
<topic href="rbal3mmm.htm" label="Messages and message monitors in files by the server"/>
<topic href="rbal3majminrcs.htm" label="Major and minor return codes in files by the server"/>
<topic href="rbal3recoveryerr.htm" label="Recover from file server errors">
<topic href="rbal3norcom.htm" label="Normal completion of errors by the server"/>
<topic href="rbal3comex.htm" label="Completion with exceptions of errors by the server"/>
<topic href="rbal3perm.htm" label="Permanent server or file error"/>
<topic href="rbal3permdev.htm" label="Permanent device or session error on I/O operation"/>
<topic href="rbal3devses.htm" label="Device or session error on open or acquire operation"/>
<topic href="rbal3recdev.htm" label="Recoverable device or session errors on I/O operation"/>
<topic href="rbal3ref.htm" label="Reference">
<topic href="rbal3dbcs.htm" label="Double-byte character set support">
<topic href="rbal3dbcsf.htm" label="Double-byte character set fundamentals">
<topic href="rbal3dbcscs.htm" label="DBCS code scheme"/>
<topic href="rbal3scdbc.htm" label="Shift-control double-byte characters"/>
<topic href="rbal3idbc.htm" label="Invalid double-byte code and undefined double-byte code"/>
<topic href="rbal3usingdbd.htm" label="Use double-byte data">
<topic href="rbal3usedbdat.htm" label="Where you can use double-byte data"/>
<topic href="rbal3usedbdata.htm" label="Where you cannot use double-byte data"/>
<topic href="rbal3dbcsize.htm" label="Double-byte character size"/>
<topic href="rbal3pdbc.htm" label="Process double-byte characters">
<topic href="rbal3bc.htm" label="Basic double-byte characters"/>
<topic href="rbal3ec.htm" label="Extended double-byte characters"/>
<topic href="rbal3notproc.htm" label="What happens when extended double-byte characters are not processed"/>
<topic href="rbal3fsup.htm" label="DBCS device file support">
<topic href="rbal3db.htm" label="What a DBCS file is"/>
<topic href="rbal3whenindicate.htm" label="When to indicate a DBCS file"/>
<topic href="rbal3howindicate.htm" label="How to indicate a DBCS file"/>
<topic href="rbal3iidf.htm" label="Improperly indicated DBCS files">
<topic href="rbal3makpfilecap.htm" label="Make printer files capable of DBCS"/>
<topic href="rbal3displaysupport.htm" label="DBCS display support">
<topic href="rbal3inshcr.htm" label="Insert shift-control double-byte characters"/>
<topic href="rbal3numdedbc.htm" label="Number of displayed extended double-byte characters"/>
<topic href="rbal3ndbcsinput.htm" label="Number of DBCS input fields on a display"/>
<topic href="rbal3effectsdbcswork.htm" label="Effects of displaying double-byte data at alphanumeric workstations"/>
<topic href="rbal3ptr6.htm" label="Copy DBCS files">
<topic href="rbal3cpysdbcsf.htm" label="Copy spooled DBCS files"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpynsdbcsf.htm" label="Copy nonspooled DBCS files"/>
<topic href="rbal3apcon.htm" label="Application program considerations for DBCS">
<topic href="rbal3desappdbd.htm" label="Design application programs that process double-byte data"/>
<topic href="rbal3chgappdbcs.htm" label="Change alphanumeric application programs to DBCS application programs"/>
<topic href="rbal3igctbl.htm" label="DBCS font tables">
<topic href="rbal3cmdftable.htm" label="Commands for DBCS font tables"/>
<topic href="rbal3existftable.htm" label="Find out if a DBCS font table exists"/>
<topic href="rbal3copidtb.htm" label="Copy a DBCS font table onto tape or diskette">
<topic href="rbal3copyontord.htm" label="When to copy a DBCS table onto tape or diskette"/>
<topic href="rbal3copytbalontd.htm" label="How to copy a DBCS table onto tape or diskette"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyfrom.htm" label="Copy a DBCS font table from tape or diskette">
<topic href="rbal3cpyfromtord.htm" label="How to copy a DBCS table from a tape or diskette"/>
<topic href="rbal3delftable.htm" label="Delete a DBCS font table">
<topic href="rbal3del.htm" label="When to delete a DBCS font table"/>
<topic href="rbal3deltab.htm" label="How to delete a DBCS font table"/>
<topic href="rbal3startcgu.htm" label="Start the character generator utility for DBCS font tables"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyuddbc.htm" label="Copy user-defined double-byte characters"/>
<topic href="rbal3fontfiles.htm" label="DBCS font files"/>
<topic href="rbal3igcsrt.htm" label="DBCS sort tables">
<topic href="rbal3cmdstable.htm" label="Commands for DBCS sort tables"/>
<topic href="rbal3usestable.htm" label="Use DBCS sort tables on the server"/>
<topic href="rbal3existstable.htm" label="Find out if a DBCS sort table exists"/>
<topic href="rbal3copsrtb.htm" label="Save a DBCS sort table onto tape or diskette"/>
<topic href="rbal3rststable.htm" label="Restore a DBCS sort table from tape or diskette"/>
<topic href="rbal3cojsrtb.htm" label="Copy a Japanese DBCS master sort table to a data file">
<topic href="rbal3copja.htm" label="When to copy the Japanese DBCS master sort table to a data file"/>
<topic href="rbal3copyjadb.htm" label="How to copy the Japanese DBCS master sort table to a data file"/>
<topic href="rbal3cijsrtb.htm" label="Copy a Japanese DBCS master sort table from a data file">
<topic href="rbal3cpymas.htm" label="When to copy the Japanese DBCS master sort table from a data file"/>
<topic href="rbal3cpystab.htm" label="How to copy the Japanese DBCS master sort table from a data file"/>
<topic href="rbal3delstable.htm" label="Delete a DBCS sort table">
<topic href="rbal3delstab.htm" label="When to delete a DBCS sort table"/>
<topic href="rbal3deldb.htm" label="How to delete a DBCS sort table"/>
<topic href="rbal3ideodit.htm" label="DBCS conversion dictionaries">
<topic href="rbal3ssd.htm" label="Server-supplied dictionary (for Japanese use only) for DBCS"/>
<topic href="rbal3ucd.htm" label="User-created dictionary for DBCS"/>
<topic href="rbal3convd.htm" label="Commands for DBCS conversion dictionaries">
<topic href="rbal3crtiddt.htm" label="Create a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3eddict.htm" label="Edit a DBCS conversion dictionary">
<topic href="rbal3reqdic.htm" label="Requirements for a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3dbc.htm" label="DBCS conversion dictionary operations"/>
<topic href="rbal3disp.htm" label="Displays used for editing a DBCS conversion dictionary">
<topic href="rbal3workdb.htm" label="Work with DBCS conversion dictionary display"/>
<topic href="rbal3edrel.htm" label="Edit related words display for a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3exed.htm" label="Examples of editing operations for a DBCS conversion dictionary">
<topic href="rbal3beged.htm" label="Begin to edit a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3addeconvd.htm" label="Add the first entries in a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3mov.htm" label="Move a related word in a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3delent.htm" label="Delete an entry in a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3ended.htm" label="End the editing process in a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3sugged.htm" label="Suggestions for editing a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3disprt.htm" label="Display and print the DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3delcd.htm" label="Delete a DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3idconv.htm" label="DBCS conversion (for Japanese use only)">
<topic href="rbal3whereconv.htm" label="Where you can use DBCS conversion"/>
<topic href="rbal3idconwk.htm" label="How DBCS conversion works"/>
<topic href="rbal3useconv.htm" label="Use DBCS Conversion"/>
<topic href="rbal3pic.htm" label="Perform DBCS conversion">
<topic href="rbal3exdbcscon.htm" label="Examples of DBCS Conversion">
<topic href="rbal3conalpha.htm" label="Convert one alphanumeric entry to a double-byte entry"/>
<topic href="rbal3conalent.htm" label="Convert many alphanumeric entries at one time to DBCS"/>
<topic href="rbal3conalblank.htm" label="Convert alphanumeric blanks to DBCS blanks"/>
<topic href="rbal3chaentcon.htm" label="Change alphanumeric entries or conversion code to DBCS"/>
<topic href="rbal3usdbcsconv.htm" label="Use DBCS conversion to enter words in the DBCS conversion dictionary"/>
<topic href="rbal3conusconv.htm" label="Considerations for using DBCS conversion"/>
<topic href="rbal3fba.htm" label="Feedback area layouts">
<topic href="rbal3feedb.htm" label="Open feedback area">
<topic href="rbal3pdttr.htm" label="Device definition list"/>
<topic href="rbal3volum.htm" label="Volume label fields"/>
<topic href="rbal3fedbk.htm" label="I/O feedback area">
<topic href="rbal3ciofa.htm" label="Common I/O feedback area"/>
<topic href="rbal3ddiof.htm" label="I/O feedback area for ICF and display files"/>
<topic href="rbal3pddio.htm" label="I/O feedback area for printer files"/>
<topic href="rbal3dbiof.htm" label="I/O feedback area for database files"/>
<topic href="rbal3getat.htm" label="Get attributes feedback area"/>
<topic href="rbal3relinfo.htm" label="Related information for database file management"/>