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<meta name="DC.Title" content="Index recovery" />
<meta name="abstract" content="An index describes the order in which rows are read from a table. When indexes are recorded in the journal, the server can recover the index to avoid spending a significant amount of time rebuilding indexes during the IPL that follows an abnormal server end or during the vary on of an independent ASP after an abnormal vary off." />
<meta name="description" content="An index describes the order in which rows are read from a table. When indexes are recorded in the journal, the server can recover the index to avoid spending a significant amount of time rebuilding indexes during the IPL that follows an abnormal server end or during the vary on of an independent ASP after an abnormal vary off." />
<meta name="DC.subject" content="journal management, indexes, index, journaling, database recovery, rebuilding indexes, rebuilding, recovering, view, starting journaling, journal management, starting index journaling, command, STRJRNAP (Start Journal Access Path), Start Journal Access Path (STRJRNAP), command, CL, STRJRNAP (Start Journal Access Path), journal access path, starting, SAVLIB (Save Library), Save Library (SAVLIB), Save Library (SAVLIB), library, saving, SAVOBJ (Save Object), Save Object (SAVOBJ), command, CL, Save Object (SAVOBJ), object, journaling restrictions" />
<meta name="keywords" content="journal management, indexes, index, journaling, database recovery, rebuilding indexes, rebuilding, recovering, view, starting journaling, journal management, starting index journaling, command, STRJRNAP (Start Journal Access Path), Start Journal Access Path (STRJRNAP), command, CL, STRJRNAP (Start Journal Access Path), journal access path, starting, SAVLIB (Save Library), Save Library (SAVLIB), Save Library (SAVLIB), library, saving, SAVOBJ (Save Object), Save Object (SAVOBJ), command, CL, Save Object (SAVOBJ), object, journaling restrictions" />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Index recovery</h1>
<div><p>An index describes the order in which rows are read from a table.
When indexes are recorded in the journal, the server can recover the index
to avoid spending a significant amount of time rebuilding indexes during the
IPL that follows an abnormal server end or during the vary on of an independent
ASP after an abnormal vary off.</p>
<div class="section"><p>When you journal tables, images of changes to the rows in the
table are written to the journal. These row images are used to recover the
table if the server, or independent ASP, ends abnormally. However, after an
abnormal end, the server might find that indexes built over the table are
not synchronized with the data in the table. If an access path and its data
are not synchronized, the server must rebuild the index to ensure that the
two are synchronized and usable.</p>
<div class="section"><p>When indexes are journaled, the server records images of the index
in the journal to provide known synchronization points between the index and
its data. By having that information in the journal, the server can recover
both the data and the index, and ensure that the two are synchronized. In
such cases, the lengthy time to rebuild the indexes can be avoided. </p>
<div class="section"><p>The <span class="keyword">iSeries™ server</span> provides
several functions to assist with index recovery. All indexes on the server
have a maintenance option that specifies when the index is maintained. SQL
indexes are created with an attribute of *IMMED maintenance.</p>
<div class="section"><p>In the event of a power failure or abnormal server failure, indexes
that are in the process of change might need to be rebuilt to make sure they
agree with the data. All indexes on the server have a recovery option that
specifies when the index should be rebuilt if necessary. All SQL indexes with
an attribute of UNIQUE are created with a recovery attribute of *IPL, which
means these indexes are rebuilt before the <span class="keyword">i5/OS™</span> licensed
program has been started. All other SQL indexes are created with the *AFTIPL
recovery attribute, which means they are rebuilt after the operating system
has been started or after the independent ASP has varied on. During an IPL
or vary on of an independent ASP, you can see a display showing indexes that
need to be rebuilt and their recovery options, and you can override these
recovery options.</p>
<div class="section"><p>SQL indexes are not journaled automatically. You can use the <span class="cmdname">Start
Journal Access Path (STRJRNAP)</span> command to journal any index created
by SQL operations. The server save and restore functions allow you to save
indexes when a table is saved by using ACCPTH(*YES) on the <span class="cmdname">Save Object
(SAVOBJ)</span> or <span class="cmdname">Save Library (SAVLIB)</span> command.
If you must restore a table, there is no need to rebuild the indexes. Any
indexes not previously saved and restored are automatically and asynchronously
rebuilt by the database.</p>
<div class="section"><p>Before journaling indexes, you must start journaling for the tables
associated with the index. In addition, you must use the same journal for
the index and its associated table.</p>
<div class="section"><p>Index journaling is designed to minimize additional output operations.
For example, the server writes the journal data for the changed row and the
changed index in the same output operation. However, you should seriously
consider isolating your journal receivers in user ASPs when you start journaling
your indexes. Placing journal receivers in their own user ASP provides the
best journal management performance, while helping to protect them from a
disk failure.</p>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rbal1rcvjrn.htm" title="Journal management can be used as a part of the backup and recovery strategy for relational databases and indexes.">Journal management for distributed relational databases</a></div>
<div class="relinfo"><strong>Related information</strong><br />
<div><a href="../cl/strjrnap.htm">Start Journal Access Path (STRJRNAP) command</a></div>
<div><a href="../cl/savobj.htm">Save Object (SAVOBJ) command</a></div>
<div><a href="../cl/savlib.htm">Save Library (SAVLIB) command</a></div>