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<meta name="abstract" content="Use the Work with Commitment Definitions (WRKCMTDFN) command if you want to work with the commitment definitions on the server." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Work with commitment definitions in a distributed relational database</h1>
<div><p>Use the <span class="cmdname">Work with Commitment Definitions (WRKCMTDFN)</span> command
if you want to work with the commitment definitions on the server.</p>
<div class="section"> <p>A <em>commitment definition</em> is used to store information about
commitment control when commitment control is started by the <span class="cmdname">Start
Commitment Control (STRCMTCTL)</span> command. These commitment definitions
might or might not be associated with an active job. Those not associated
with an active job have been ended, but one or more of its logical units of
work have not yet been completed.</p>
<p>The <span class="cmdname">Work with Commitment
Definitions (WRKCMTDFN)</span> command can be used to work with commitment
definitions based on the job name, status, or logical unit of work identifier
of the commitment definition.</p>
<p>On the STATUS parameter, you can specify
all jobs or only those that have a status value of *RESYNC or *UNDECIDED.
*RESYNC shows only the jobs that are involved with resynchronizing their resources
in an effort to reestablish a synchronization point; a <em>synchronization
point</em> is the point where all resources are in consistent state.</p>
shows only those jobs for which the decision to commit or roll back resources
is unknown.</p>
<p>On the LUWID parameter, you can display commitment definitions
that are working with a commitment definition on another server. Jobs containing
these commitment definitions are communicating using an APPC-protected
conversation. An LUWID can be found by displaying the commitment definition
on one server and then using it as input to the <span class="cmdname">Work with Commitment
Definitions (WRKCMTDFN)</span> command to find the corresponding commitment
<p>You can use the <span class="cmdname">Work with Commitment
Definitions (WRKCMTDFN)</span> command to free local resources in jobs
that are undecided, but only if the commitment definitions are in a Prepared
(PRP) or Last Agent Pending (LAP) state. You can force the commitment definition
to either commit or roll back, and thus free up held resources; control does
not return to the program that issued the original commitment until the initiator
learns of the action taken on the commitment definition.</p>
<p>You can also
use the <span class="cmdname">Work with Commitment Definitions (WRKCMTDFN)</span> command
to end synchronization in cases where it is determined that resynchronization
will not ever complete with another server.</p>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rbal1rdbactv.htm" title="You can rely on control language (CL) commands, all of which provide similar information, but in different ways, to give you a view of work on an iSeries server.">Monitor relational database activity</a></div>
<div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />
<div><a href="../rzakj/rzakjtrouble.htm">Troubleshoot transactions and commitment control</a></div>
<div class="relref"><strong>Related reference</strong><br />
<div><a href="../cl/strcmtctl.htm">Start Commitment Control (STRCMTCTL) command</a></div>
<div><a href="../cl/wrkcmtdfn.htm">Work with Commitment Definitions (WRKCMTDFN) command</a></div>