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<meta name="DC.Title" content="Backup and recovery for a distributed relational database" />
<meta name="abstract" content="In a single-server environment, backup and recovery take place locally. But in a distributed database, backup and recovery also affect remote locations." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Backup and recovery for a distributed relational database</h1>
<div><p>In a single-server environment, backup and recovery take place
locally. But in a distributed database, backup and recovery also affect remote
<div class="section"><p>The <span class="keyword">iSeries™ server</span> allows
individual tables, collections, or groups of collections to be backed up and
recovered. Although backup and recovery can only be done locally, you might
want to plan to have less critical data on a server that does not have adequate
backup support. Backup and recovery procedures must be consistent
with data that might exist on more than one application server. Because you
have more than one server in the network, you might want to save such data
to a second server so that it is always available to the network in some form.
Strategies such as these need to be planned and laid out specifically before
a database is distributed across the network.</p>
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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rbal1managestrat.htm" title="When you are managing a distributed relational database, keep these strategies in mind.">Develop a management strategy for a distributed relational database</a></div>