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<h1 class="topictitle1">DDM commands and objects</h1>
<div><p>These topics describe the DDM command parameters that an <span class="keyword">iSeries™ server</span> supports for each DDM architecture
<div class="section"><p>For more detailed information about these parameters, see the <cite>DDM
Architecture: Reference</cite>, SC21-9526. </p>
<div class="section"><p>The description of the commands might include: </p>
<ul><li>Limitations for the use of each command</li>
<li>Objects that the source server might send to the target server</li>
<li>Objects that the target server might return to the source server</li>
<li>DDM parameters that the <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span> supports
for the command and how the <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span> responds
to each parameter</li>
<div class="section"><p>The commands listed here are supported. Level 1.0, Level 2.0 and
Level 3.0 indicate which level of the DDM architecture is supported by the
<ul class="ullinks">
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5chgcd.htm">CHGCD (Change Current Directory) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command changes the current path. The path is a string of folders. The current path is added to the front of a file or directory name if it does not start with a slash.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5chgeof.htm">CHGEOF (Change End of File) Level 2.0 and Level 3.0</a></strong><br />
This command changes the end-of-file mark of a document. The end may be truncated or expanded.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5chgfat.htm">CHGFAT (Change File Attribute) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command changes the attributes of a file, document, or folder.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5close.htm">CLOSE (Close File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command ends the logical connection between the source server and the data set accessed on the target server. Once the target DDM begins running this command, it must close the data set regardless of the reply message returned.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5clrfil.htm">CLRFIL (Clear File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command clears an existing file and re-initializes it as if it had just been created.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5clsdrc.htm">CLSDRC (Close Directory) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command closes a folder. This command is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5cpyfil.htm">CPYFIL (Copy File) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command copies one document to another document. If the new
document does not exist, it might be created. This command is not sent by
a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5crtaif.htm">CRTAIF (Create Alternate Index File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command creates an alternate index file on the target server.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5crtdirf.htm">CRTDIRF (Create Direct File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command creates a direct file on the target server.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5crtdrc.htm">CRTDRC (Create Directory) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command creates folders or libraries on the target server,
based on the name received. This command is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5crtkeyf.htm">CRTKEYF (Create Keyed File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command creates a keyed file on the target server.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5crtseqf.htm">CRTSEQF (Create Sequential File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command creates a sequential file on the target server.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5crtstrf.htm">CRTSTRF (Create Stream File) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command creates a stream file on the target server. This command
is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5dclfil.htm">DCLFIL (Declare File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command associates a declared name (DCLNAM) with a collection of object-oriented parameters in the target agent. This collection is stored by the receiving agent for later use. At the time it is received, the command does not affect objects currently opened by the agent. The primary access to the DCLFIL collection is the DCLNAM parameter.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5deldcl.htm">DELDCL (Delete Declared Name) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command deletes a declared agent name.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5deldrc.htm">DELDRC (Delete Directory) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command deletes a folder or a library. This command is not
sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5delfil.htm">DELFIL (Delete File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command deletes a file or document.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5delrec.htm">DELREC (Delete Record) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command deletes the record that currently has an update intent placed on it. It does this without affecting the current cursor position.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5excsat.htm">EXCSAT (Exchange Server Attributes) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command exchanges information between servers, such as the server's class name, architectural level of each class of managers it supports, server's product release level, server's external name, and server's name.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5filal.htm">FILAL and FILATTRL (File Attribute List) Level 1.0, Level 2.0, and Level 3.0</a></strong><br />
This is a list of file attributes that DDM might request on an LSTFAT, OPEN, or GETDRCEN. Some parameters are only valid for specific file types.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5frcbff.htm">FRCBFF (Force Buffer) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command forces the data of the referred object to nonvolatile storage.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5getdrcen.htm">GETDRCEN (Get Directory Entries) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command gets a list of folders, documents or both. This command
is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5getrec.htm">GETREC (Get Record at Cursor) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command gets and returns the record indicated by the current cursor position.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5getstr.htm">GETSTR (Get Substream) Level 2.0 and Level 3.0</a></strong><br />
This command gets stream data from a document. This command is
not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5insrecef.htm">INSRECEF (Insert at EOF) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command inserts a record at the end of the file.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5insrecky.htm">INSRECKY (Insert Record by Key Value) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command inserts one or more records according to their key values wherever there is space available in the file.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5insrecnb.htm">INSRECNB (Insert Record at Number) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command inserts one or more records at the position specified by the record number parameter.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5lckfil.htm">LCKFIL (Lock File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command locks the file for subsequent use by the requester.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5lckstr.htm">LCKSTR (Lock Substream) Level 2.0 and Level 3.0</a></strong><br />
This command locks a stream file substream. This command is not
sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5lodrecf.htm">LODRECF (Load Record File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command puts a whole record file on the target server.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5lodstrf.htm">LODSTRF (Load Stream File) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command sends a whole stream file from the source server to
the target server. This command is sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span> when
using the copy stream file HPS API.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5lstfat.htm">LSTFAT (List File Attributes) Level 1.0, Level 2.0, and Level 3.0</a></strong><br />
This command retrieves selected attributes of a file, document, or folder.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5modrec.htm">MODREC (Modify Record with Update Intent) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command changes the record that currently has update intent placed on it without affecting the current cursor position.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5open_ddm.htm">OPEN (Open File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command establishes a logical connection between the using program on the source server and the object on the target server.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5opndrc.htm">OPNDRC (Open Directory) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command opens a folder on the target server. This command
is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5putstr.htm">PUTSTR (Put Substream) Level 2.0 and Level 3.0</a></strong><br />
This command puts stream data into a document. This command is
not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5qrycd.htm">QRYCD (Query Current Directory) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command returns the current directory. This command is not
sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5qryspc.htm">QRYSPC (Query Space) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command returns the amount of space available to a user. This
command is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5rnmdrc.htm">RNMDRC (Rename Directory) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command renames a folder or database library. The command
does not support moving folders, and is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5rnmfil.htm">RNMFIL (Rename File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command changes the name of an existing database file or document and can also be used for moving documents.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5sbmsyscmd.htm">SBMSYSCMD (Submit server Command) Level 4.0</a></strong><br />
This command submits a server command, in the target control language syntax, to the target server.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setbof.htm">SETBOF (Set Cursor to Beginning of File) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the beginning-of-file position of the file.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5seteof.htm">SETEOF (Set Cursor to End of File) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the end-of-file position of the file.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setfrs.htm">SETFRS (Set Cursor to First Record) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the first record of the file.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setkey.htm">SETKEY (Set Cursor by Key) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command positions the cursor based on the key value supplied and the relational operator specified for RELOPR.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setkeyfr.htm">SETKEYFR (Set Cursor to First Record in Key Sequence) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the first record in the key sequence.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setkeylm.htm">SETKEYLM (Set Key Limits) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the limits of the key values for subsequent <span class="cmdname">SETKEYNX</span> and <span class="cmdname">SETNXTKE</span> commands.
This command is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setkeyls.htm">SETKEYLS (Set Cursor to Last Record in Key Sequence) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the last record of the file in key sequence order.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setkeynx.htm">SETKEYNX (Set Cursor to Next Record in Key Sequence) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the next record of the file in the key sequence order following the record currently indicated by the cursor.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setkeypr.htm">SETKEYPR (Set Cursor to Previous Record in Key Sequence) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the previous record of the file in the key sequence order preceding the record currently indicated by the cursor.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setlst.htm">SETLST (Set Cursor to Last Record) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the last record of the file.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setmns.htm">SETMNS (Set Cursor Minus) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the record number of the file indicated by the cursor minus the number of record positions specified by CSRDSP.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setnbr.htm">SETNBR (Set Cursor to Record Number) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the record of the file indicated
by the record number specified by <span class="cmdname">RECNBR</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setnxt.htm">SETNXT (Set Cursor to Next Number) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the next record of the file with a record number one greater than the current cursor position.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setnxtke.htm">SETNXTKE (Set Cursor to Next Record in Key Sequence with a Key Equal to Value Specified) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command positions the cursor to the next record in the key
sequence if the key field of that record has a value equal to the value specified
in the KEYVAL parameter. This command is not sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setpls.htm">SETPLS (Set Cursor Plus) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the record number of the file indicated
by the cursor plus the integer number of records specified by <span class="cmdname">CSRDSP</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setprv.htm">SETPRV (Set Cursor to Previous Record) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sets the cursor to the record of the file with a record number one less than the current cursor position.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setupdky.htm">SETUPDKY (Set Update Intent by Key Value) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command places an update intent on the record that has a key value equal to the key value specified by KEYVAL.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5setupdnb.htm">SETUPDNB (Set Update Intent by Record Number) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command places an update intent on the record of the file
indicated by the record number specified by <span class="cmdname">RECNBR</span>.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5uldrecf.htm">ULDRECF (Unload Record File) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command sends records from a target record file to the source.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5uldstrf.htm">ULDSTRF (Unload Stream File) Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command sends a document from the target to the source. This
command is sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span> when
using the Copy Stream File (QHFCPYSF) HFS API.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5unlfil.htm">UNLFIL (Unlock File) Level 1.0 and Level 2.0</a></strong><br />
This command releases explicit file locks held by the requester on the file.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5unlimplk.htm">UNLIMPLK (Unlock Implicit Record Lock) Level 1.0</a></strong><br />
This command releases all implicit record locks currently held by the cursor.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5unlstr.htm">UNLSTR (Unlock Substreams) Level 2.0 and Level 3.0</a></strong><br />
This command unlocks a stream file substream. This command is not
sent by a source <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rbae5ddmcom.htm" title="This topic classifies DDM commands and parameters.">DDM commands and parameters</a></div>