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<meta name="DC.Title" content="Program modification requirements for DDM" />
<meta name="abstract" content="Remote files can be accessed by iSeries application programs written in the HLL and control language." />
<meta name="description" content="Remote files can be accessed by iSeries application programs written in the HLL and control language." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Program modification requirements for DDM</h1>
<div><p>Remote files can be accessed by <span class="keyword">iSeries™</span> application
programs written in the HLL and control language.</p>
<div class="section"><p>In most cases, these applications can access both local or remote
files without the programs being changed. However, some considerations and
restrictions might require the programs to be changed and recompiled. These
are grouped in three categories:</p>
<ul><li><span class="keyword">iSeries</span> functions that
are not supported by the DDM architecture, but for which a <span class="keyword">System/38™</span> extension
to the architecture might exist. These functions can be used only when the
source and target servers are <span class="keyword">System/38</span>s
or <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>s.</li>
<li>Restrictions and considerations that apply when the <em>source</em> or <em>target</em> server
is an <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>.</li>
<li>Restrictions and considerations that apply to all target servers (<span class="keyword">iSeries</span> servers and non-<span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>s).
User programs accessing local files should program for abnormal conditions
such as <em>No record found</em>, <em>End of file</em>, and <em>Record lock time-out
on read for update</em>. These conditions can also occur when a remote file
is being accessed using DDM. In addition, the use of DDM exposes the program
to communication line failures while sending disk I/O operations. <p>When
a communications failure occurs, the server sends an appropriate message to
the job, which is returned to the application program as a generic file error.
Each high-level language provides unique user syntax capabilities for user-controlled
handling or default processing of exceptional results of a disk operation.
Some languages might permit the user to retrieve the job message
identification (ID) that would specifically indicate a DDM communications
failure. Refer to the appropriate language manual for specific capabilities.</p>
secondary SDLC lines, it is recommended that the INACTTMR parameter of the <span class="cmdname">Create
Line Description (SDLC) (CRTLINSDLC)</span> command be set on the source
and target servers to detect the stopping of polling by the primary server.
This prevents the possibility of a DDM read-for-update record lock lasting
indefinitely due to a communications failure on the primary server.</p>
<ul class="ullinks">
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5archres.htm">DDM architecture-related restrictions</a></strong><br />
The items listed in this topic are DDM architecture-related restrictions. Therefore, application programs that use these items might have to be changed and recompiled before they can access remote files.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5targetres.htm">iSeries source and target restrictions and considerations for DDM</a></strong><br />
When the <em>source</em> server is an <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>, <span class="keyword">iSeries</span> database functions can be used
on remote files. There are some restrictions, however.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="rbae5nonres.htm">Non-iSeries target restrictions and considerations for DDM</a></strong><br />
In addition to the restrictions that apply when the target server
is an <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span>, the restrictions
in this topic also might apply when the target server is not an <span class="keyword">iSeries server</span> or
a <span class="keyword">System/38</span>.</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rbae5prepddm.htm" title="There are several requirements that must be met for DDM to be used properly.">Prepare to use DDM</a></div>