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<h1 class="topictitle1">Design files to reduce access path rebuilding time</h1>
<div><p>File design can help reduce access path recovery time.</p>
<p>For example, you might divide a large master file into a
history file and a transaction file. The system uses the transaction file
for adding new data. The system uses the history file for inquiry only. On
a daily basis, you might merge the transaction data into the history file,
then clear the transaction file for the next day's data. With this design,
you shorten the time to rebuild access paths. </p>
<p>However, if the system abnormally ended during the day, the access path
to the smaller transaction file might need to be rebuilt. Still, the access
path to the large history file, being read-only for most of the day, would
rarely be unsynchronized with its data. Therefore, you reduce the chance of
rebuilding this access path.</p>
<p>Consider the trade-off between using a file design to reduce access path
rebuilding time and using system-supplied functions like access path journaling.
The above file design might require a more complex application design. After
evaluating your situation, you might decide to use system-supplied functions
like journaling your access paths rather than design applications that are
more complex.</p>
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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rbaforzahfpro.htm" title="Rebuilding a database access path might take as much as one minute for every 10 000 records. But some factors might affect the time estimate for rebuilding access paths.">Rebuild access paths</a></div>